Copper Hill Elementary School
November 2024 Family Newsletter
100 Everitts Road
Ringoes, NJ 08551
908-284-7671 (fax)
908-284-7665 (attendance line)
Mr. Jesse Lockett, Principal
Mrs. Tania Kelly, Vice Principal
Mrs. Rebecca Moeri, School Counselor - ext. 57669
Mrs. Lisa Fuchs, School Counselor -ext. 50007
Mrs. Lisa Maslankowski, School Nurse - ext. 57670
Mrs. Jinky Yuzon, School Nurse ext. 5767
Dear Copper Hill Families
Dear Parents,
October has been a busy and fun month for everyone at Copper Hill! We began with a district-wide spirit week to celebrate the “Week of Respect,” with a different theme each day that week. Our PTO also held our annual book fair, with a great Family Book Fair Night this year, as well as our annual Heritage Night. Thank you to our families who shared their heritage with our school community. Thank you Mrs. Morales for organizing this beautiful event. We look forward to growing this event each year. Our first annual "Fall Fest" at Everitts farm was a great event for our students and families.
We had an exciting, fun, and "spooctacular" Halloween Parade! Thank you to our staff, PTO, and homeroom parents for supporting our great parade and classroom celebrations. We finished the week with a fun schoolwide blow up costume race. Enjoy the video here.
At our recent staff meeting, our Copper Hill staff completed a "data dive." A "data dive" is an opportunity to review NJSLA data, NWEA data, and other classroom data to target instruction and identify students' needs. This data review will be the catalyst for our instruction this school year. We are working diligently as a school community to target our instruction and to continue to accelerate student learning. We will continue to work together utilizing all resources and data at our disposal to target our students' academic growth; specially addressing literacy. A special thank you to our teachers who worked tirelessly to go above and beyond to meet our students' academic, social, and emotional needs.
As we enter the Thanksgiving season, and reflect upon our blessings, we are very thankful to serve with amazing professionals, and to serve our amazing school community! #CHPROUD
Our Cougars continue to be Brave, Smart, Kind, & Confident!
Thank you,
Jesse Lockett & Tania Kelly
Cody the Cougar took some time to enjoy the Fall Fest!
Thank you to all our families who joined us at Fall Fest!
Copper Hill staff enjoyed Halloween as the movie "Inside Out."
Comprehension Resource for Parents
As we continue to focus on developing your child’s reading skills, I wanted to share an excellent resource that can greatly support their reading comprehension and overall literacy growth.
Check out this brief video from Reading Rockets that provides parents with strategies for strengthening students’ comprehension at home.
COPPER HILL GIVES BACK-Donation Opportunities!
As we celebrate Veterans and service, we will support Operation Jersey Cares. Operation Jersey Cares aims to honor those men and women who provide us the blanket of freedom we all sleep so soundly under. OJC will continue to support those who are currently deployed, proud veterans, as well as our loyal military families. Please see the attached flyer for specific items needed.
Kindergarten (Schoolwide) Thanksgiving Food Drive
Please consider donating the items noted below for the Flemington Food Pantry! Thank you to our kindergarten students and teachers for organizing and leading this drive!
Veteran's Day Bulletin Board
If you know a Veteran connected to a Copper Hill student or staff member, please consider adding their picture to our Veteran Bulletin board.
We will be celebrating Veterans and service at our Townhall meeting on Monday, 11/11/24.
Holiday Traveling (Attendance Policy)
Family Trips/Travel and Extended Absences
a. Family Trips/Travel and such extended absences are unexcused.
b. All absences due to family trips or travel must be reported to the school in writing at least 10 days prior to the absence.
c. Should a student be absent for more than 15 days due to family trip/travel, the parent or guardian must withdraw the student from school, notify the school of how the student's education will be continued during the absence, and re-enroll the student upon his/her return.
d. Teachers are not required to provide the exact work to be covered during such absences (see Policy 5200).
WEATHER IS CHANGING.......(well, sometimes 😀)
Parent Teacher Conferences
Please note:
- Conferences will be 20 minutes each.
- 11/21,11/22,11/25, & 11/26 are early dismissal days (11/27 is also an early dismissal)
- Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Safety and Security
- Please do not hold any doors for visitors.
- Please use the crosswalks in the parking lot.
- Please obey the 15 mph speed limit in our parking lot.
- Student drop off begins at 8:45 am. Please wait at the stop sign, until being waved on by one of our staff members wearing bright green vests.
- When exiting the drop off area please be aware of buses that may still be entering the back parking lot or leaving the school.
- If you are dropping your child off after 8:55 am please park your car in the main parking lot and walk your child into the building and check in with the main office.
- Please DO NOT park your vehicle in the front driveway of the building.
- For the safety and security of our staff and students, monthly fire and security drills are conducted.
- Staff wear bright green safety vests during drills as well as during bus duty.
Absences and Changes in Your Child's Routines
- If your child is ABSENT or TARDY for any reason, please call the Copper Hill ATTENDANCE LINE by dialing 908-284-7665 or report an absence online here. Leave a message detailing the nature of the absence, your child’s name and his/her teacher’s name. Messages may be left at any time of night or morning and are retrieved on a daily basis.
- If your child needs to be DISMISSED EARLY, please send a note to school with your child in the morning, listing the time for pick-up and the reason. Children leaving school prior to 3:25 pm will be marked as an early dismissal. Please note, three tardies or early dismissals count as one absence.
- If your child normally rides the bus but will need to be PICKED UP at dismissal time, please send a note with your child that morning.
- Please DO NOT leave information regarding your child’s change in dismissal on a teacher’s e-mail or voicemail. They often do not have an opportunity to check their e-mail during the day and your message may not be communicated.
Lost and Found continues to grow!!!!!
Please label all of your child’s belongings (lunchboxes, jackets, glasses, etc.) Any items that are found with a name on them will be returned. The lost and found is located right outside the office. Valuables (such as money, jewelry, eyeglasses, etc.) will be kept in the office. Items that have not been claimed will be donated.
Lost and found has been relocated to the cafeteria!
Breakfast and lunch options are available for all students. Please visit Maschio's website for updated menus and other important information. Breakfast is a grab and go in the cafeteria from 0850-0855 as students enter the building. If your child will be getting breakfast, please let their teacher know.
Lunch Information:
For safety purposes, please refrain from sending in glass bottles or glass tupperware.
PTO Updates
Please visit our PTO's website to stay up to date on all the great events and activities!
Thank you to our incredible PTO for all their work behind the scenes to provide clubs and activities for our students and treats for our faculty.
Tuesday, November 5th - School Closed (Election Day)
Thursday, November 7th & Friday, November 8th - School Closed
Monday, November 11th - Veterans Day Townhall & Red White and Blue Day
Tuesday, November 12th - Picture Retakes; Donut Sale Ends
Friday, November 15th - Crazy Cougar Superhero Day
Wednesday, November 20th - Donut Sale Pick-Up
Thursday, Nov. 21st - Wednesday, Nov. 27th- Early Dismissal
Saturday, November 23rd- Holiday Hands Dropoff at United Way
Thursday, November 28th-Friday, November 29th- School Closed