Welcome Back Educators 👋
Your Students Are Excited to 👀 You!
Kicking Off the 2024-2025 School Year 📚📓💻
Educators, your role in shaping the future by investing in your students and classrooms is vital. As summer winds down, we hope you have taken some well-deserved time to relax and recharge for the upcoming school year. We want to support you in creating an engaging, dynamic, and inclusive learning environment that inspires curiosity, fosters a love for learning, and equips students with the skills they need to succeed inside and outside the classroom.
We're excited to share the launch of new resources to support you, your colleagues, and your students throughout this school year! With our latest resources at your disposal, we hope to make your invaluable task more accessible and more rewarding. Be sure to explore our FREE courses and FREE SCECHs!
MAISA Highlights
New to MiRead or in need of a refresher?
This 30 minute course will provide an introduction to MiRead, Michigan's Literacy Portal. Intended for teachers, this course will show users how to navigate the MiRead system to identify students who may need literacy support, create Individualized Reading Improvement Plans, meet the legal requirements for Michigan's 3rd-grade reading law, provide access to literacy data for students who change districts, and promote best practices and Literacy Essentials.
MAISA/GELN Disciplinary Literacy Series
The GELN Disciplinary Literacy team has worked to design professional learning options for all Michigan educators. Supporting the Disciplinary Literacy Essential Practices, this series walks you through the research, and introduces strategies and resources to support implementation in all disciplines.
Check out this publication that contains course titles and descriptions of this series.
Essential Instructional Practices for Early Mathematics
The updated Essential Instructional Practices for Early Mathematics pre-K to Grade 5 have just been released to include grades 4 and 5. The Early Math Task Force has been busy planning for training and support around these practices. Check out this page for upcoming professional learning options.
In addition, they have developed online professional learning options you can engage in from your classroom or from home. Share them with colleagues and discuss them in your PLCs!
New EduPaths courses are scheduled to be published Fall 2024!
Read, Write, ROAR! and Practices in Early Literacy
The Read, Write, ROAR! series, a collaboration between MAISA and the Michigan Learning Channel (PBS in Detroit) was very popular and demonstrated sound instructional practices to support the essentials in early literacy. EduPaths and MAISA are now partnering to provide additional options to access these creative resources. We are excited to announce that course 2 is now available!
For quick reference, click to access to the Essential Instructional Practices in Early Literacy. Many resources and professional learning options have been developed to support these practices. We invite you to access all options available to you.
Partner Highlights
Alt+Shift Education
Alt+Shift Education has developed 39 courses to address accessibility in our classrooms and outreaches to our communities. Each of these series is listed below.
- Accessible Materials Made Right
- Building Blocks to Autonomous Communication
- Foundations of Math
- AT Journey
Michigan eLibrary (MeL)
MeL has many courses that highlight the eResources in support of all disciplines. As with all web-based content, our sites change, and the resources we use update to improve user experiences. This principle holds for the Michigan eLibrary. Check out these updates:
- Michigan eLibrary: Intro to Michigan's Best Kept FREE Secret Version 3
- Michigan eLibrary: What Every Educator Should Know Version 3
- Michigan eLibrary: Supporting Early Literacy Version 2
MiMTSS continues to publish new content as schools continue to serve the many needs our students bring to us regularly.
- MiMTSS pathway
- Family Partnership Foundations 1.0
- 🆕 Early Childhood PBIS: Data-Based Decision-Making for Continuous Improvement
- 🆕 Family Partnership Foundations 2.0 (coming soon)
REMC Professional Learning
If you want to enhance your technology integration skills, explore new instructional delivery methods, or learn tips and tricks from Michigan educational practitioners - the REMC Association has something for you!
Take a look at all course offerings and register today! Earn 10 FREE SCECHs upon completion.
New Course Versions & Updated Course Page
EduPaths has been diligently updating its courses, a process that involves retiring older versions and revising and publishing new ones. These updates, driven by factors such as ADA Accessibility, Broken Links, Research Updates, Unpublished Videos, and User Feedback, are all aimed at enhancing your learning experience and ensuring the highest quality of education.
In addition to updating the courses, we are improving the user experience within the courses. As we publish new courses in the coming months, you will notice a more user-friendly and streamlined Course page interface. The front page will address accessibility, course navigation (beneficial for new users), technical recommendations, and user HELP resources. This improvement will enhance user engagement and navigation within the Lesson Modules. One such example of these updates is the series with the Michigan Assessment Consortium around MAEIA, for Arts Educators, courses 1 thru 4.
Your feedback is invaluable to us. We greatly appreciate all the input from EduPaths users and our partners. It is crucial for us to know when links, videos, and interactives are not working. Please continue to bring these issues to our attention. Furthermore, we encourage you to share any ideas that could help us continually improve. Your voice matters to us.
Merging Multiple Accounts
Educators - did you recently change districts OR do you have more than one account with EduPaths?
The EduPaths team would be happy to help you merge accounts so all of your previous courses, enrollment, and learning is in one place. Please email edupaths@gomaisa.org and let us know which email addresses/accounts you would like combined. To learn more, visit our resource article here.
Helping educators navigate their professional growth!