Delaney School Monthly Newsletter
March 2025 Issue
Dear Delaney Families,
I hope that you and your families enjoyed the February vacation break, and I hope that the students enjoyed our Fun with Literacy and Math Spirit Week. It was great to see so many of you at Literacy Night. The book fair was a tremendous success, and I'd like thank the PTO for all of their hard work.
While winter is still hanging on, spring should arrive soon enough! Thank you for taking the time to read through this month's newsletter. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Miss Kathleen Maloney
Mark Your Calendar
Tuesday, March 4
No School
Professional Development Day
Thursday, March 6
WEST Spelling Bee
5:30-8:30 PM
Gibbons Gym
Thursday, March 13
Art Show
Grades K-2, Gibbons Gym from 5:00-6:30
Grades 3-6, Roderick Cafeteria from 5:30-7:00
Tuesday, March 25
SEPAC Meeting
7:00 PM via Google Meet
Thursday, March 27
Kindergarten Parent Information Night
Gibbons Gym @ 6:00 PM
MCAS Testing for Grade 3
ELA: April 7 & 8
Math: May 13 & 14
WPS School Needs Survey
The Wrentham School Council invites you to share your valuable feedback on our strengths and areas for growth to help enhance the Wrentham Public Schools experience for all students. The survey is anonymous unless you choose to provide your name and phone number for follow-up.
We recommend completing one survey per child, which takes about 10 minutes. Families with students in both Delaney and Roderick Schools are welcome to complete a separate survey for each school or use the comments section to note differences in experiences.
Please complete the WPS School Needs Survey by Tuesday, March 11th.
Health Office Updates
When your child is going to be out sick, please contact the school nurse and not the main office. You can email cashmanj@wrenthamschools.org or loreauxk@wrenthamschools.org to let them know your child is sick. You will still receive the automated absence call from the school as we cannot stop those calls from going out when students are absent.
Many students go to the health office for snacks and/or disposable water bottles. It would be helpful if students came to school with a daily snack and a refillable water bottle. We can help if you need assistance. Please contact the school nurses or me for a confidential conversation about providing your child with a daily snack and a refillable water bottle.
Counselors' Corner
Kindergarten & Grade 1
The Kindergarten and first grade students are learning how “the size of our reaction” should match the “size of our problem!” When we learn to categorize and understand the “size” of problems, we can more readily use strategies and coping skills when we have a small problem!
Grade 2 & Grade 3
Our second and third grade students are going to learn about Piper.
The focus of this lesson is facing challenges and developing resiliency. This happens when we experience uncomfortable feelings because something “feels hard!” We are also going to discuss how valuable this process is in creating healthy neuron connections! Challenges help our brain grow stronger!
All Students
Above is the universal visual that will be reinforced and reviewed with all K-3 students this month. Each classroom has access to a copy for students to utilize as needed!
Our preschool students have also had lessons on the zones of regulation, expected behavior, unexpected behavior and will be learning about whole body listening as they prepare for kindergarten!
Kindergarten Information for 2025-2026
Kindergarten Parent Information Night
Thursday, March 27, 2025 6:00 PM~ Gibbons Gym
Kindergarten Registration
Registration opens on Friday, March 28 (online registration)
Kindergarten Screening
Screening will be held in June. Dates are TBD.
Screening times will be set up by appointment.
Kindergarten Kickoff
Our Kindergarten Kickoff program to all incoming kindergarten students.
Thanks to the generosity of WEST and the Wrentham PTO, this will be offered at no cost to families.
Sessions will be held during the weeks of July 14, July 21, and July 28.
Sessions will be held Monday-Thursday from 8:15-11:15 AM.
PTO Updates & Information
We are excited to share with you the upcoming events organized by the PTO! We have planned a variety of activities for our students and families throughout the school year to support their learning, growth, and well-being.
Upcoming Events
3/3 - Cut Ups - 6:00pm Delaney Teacher’s Lounge. Help our staff by taking on some of their busy work laminating, copying and cutting! Bring your own scissors, snacks will be provided! (See flyer)
3/5 - Red Sox tickets due! This is our BIGGEST outside social event of the year! It truly is amazing to look into the crowd and see almost 200 students and families together at Fenway. Grab your dirty water and your favorite Red Sox shirt! See flyer here.
3/10 - March PTO Meeting 7:00 pm Roderick Library
3/23 - Bowling Night for Grades 4-6. Join us for an evening of bowling, delicious food & drinks and great company. See flyer here.
3/25 - Hot Table Fundraiser. Stop by for dinner and they will donate 35% back to the PTO! If you have not tried this amazing restaurant in Franklin yet, it is delicious. Pressed sourdough sandwiches all freshly made to order.
Upcoming April/May Events
● 4/11 - 4-6th Grade Dance
● 5/6 - Wrentham PTO Night @ Fenway Park
● 5/30 - Kindergarten & First Grade Event
Ongoing Fundraisers
Box Tops
Help us earn money for our schools each month by downloading the Box Tops app, select Wrentham Public Schools as your school and scan your digital or paper receipts after shopping. It’s that easy! Please see the link below for more on this and to scan the QR code and download the app to start using today!
Baystate Textile Bin
Do you have any old clothing, towels, linens or other textiles laying around your house that you are looking to donate? Drop them at our 2 bins located in the Delaney parking lot. Wrentham PTO receives a rebate each month from Bay State Textiles based on the amount of textiles donated. So far this year the PTO has raised over $800 to help our schools! See link below for more information and what items are accepted. No books should be placed in the bins. https://www.baystatetextiles.com/what-we-do-dont-accept/
Purchase your holiday cards at minted and use the promo code FUNDRAISEWRENTHAM and receive 20% off your minted items (excluding fine art prints). Minted will then donate 15% of net sales associated with the promo code back to the Wrentham PTO!!!
Committee Sign up
Please consider joining any of our available committees please see our sign up sheet for all of our events. Your help in planning these events are crucial to their success!
PTO Commitment
Our organization is committed to supporting the education and development of our students by fostering a strong partnership between parents, teachers, and the community. The PTO is run by dedicated volunteers who organize events, fundraisers, and programs that benefit our students and staff. We are proud to be part of a community that values education and invests in the success of our children.
We encourage all parents and guardians to get involved with the PTO, whether by attending meetings, volunteering at events, or sharing ideas for how we can improve our school. Your support and participation are essential to the success of our organization and to the success of our students.
Please join us at our next PTO meetings on March 10th at 7:00 pm in the Roderick School library. All are welcome with no commitment to help!
Wrentham Elementary PTO Board
Heather Townsend & Laurel Smith - Co-Presidents
Charesse Blood - Corresponding Secretary
Andrea Murphy - Secretary
Mandi Kesmetis - Treasurer
WEST Updates & Information