Superintendent's Welcome Back Lette
2024-2025 School Year

June 30, 2024
I want to welcome you back to the 2024-2025 school year! Time goes by so quickly, and we have had another full summer of planning and preparation for the opening of a new school year on Monday, August 26, 2024. Please refer to the important Welcome Back information for the 2024-2025 School Year below.
I hope you enjoy the remaining days of summer!
Dr. Daniel P. McGarry,
Superintendent of Schools
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
I want to welcome you back to the 2024-2025 school year. We have been engaged in another full summer of planning and preparation for the opening of a new school year on Monday, August 26, 2024. I am happy to provide this year’s back-to-school information to our families.
We are eagerly awaiting the start of the school year and the return of students and staff for 2024-2025. We have been busy with our summer offerings and have been preparing for another year of providing students with strong academic, athletic and extracurricular programs and positive emotional development resources. We are appreciative of the continued collaborative effort and support of our parents and guardians. We are so excited to welcome everyone back to a new year as we strive to promote and exemplify Opportunity, Unity and Excellence in all of our schools and to reach our goals for the District:
Superintendent’s Goals 2024-2025
Recruit, develop, and retain the best staff
Continue to improve our communication internally and externally
We are updating our website, and we will continue to host opportunities to engage with our community outside of monthly Board and Committee meetings by way of community pop-up events, morning coffee sessions, District events, and District Home and School Association meetings. We will continue to celebrate our students, teachers and staff through our robust social media platforms. We will also continue to provide resources for parents through our Parent Resources channel on our YouTube.
Emphasize social and emotional learning opportunities for ALL students
Continue to emphasize a strong elementary educational foundation in all subject areas with a focus on student growth
Continue to promote and reinforce an inclusive learning environment for the students and community we serve.
Continue to implement the Act 13 evaluation process for professional employees, temporary professional employees, and administrators in PK-12 education.
Quick Dates
The first day of school is Monday, August 26, 2024 for all students, grades K-12. Families have received an e-postcard on July 16th at the email address on file outlining important dates for the start of the school year. Back-to-School letters from Principals will be sent to families via email on August 6th. Home Access Center (HAC) account names will be emailed to parents on August 22nd. HAC access opens on August 22nd for K-12 class schedules and transportation information. Emails and voice messages providing transportation assignments will be sent to students on August 19th.
UDSD Student and Family Handbook
The purpose of our District handbook is to communicate with families any expectations, policies or procedures. You can view the handbook HERE.
Chromebook Distribution
The Chromebook distribution and collection plan for the 2024-2025 school year has been included in the UDSD Student and Family Handbook.
Home Access Center
It is critical that all families familiarize themselves with Home Access Center (HAC). Parents can update their contact information, including email addresses, through HAC so they receive regular updates from schools and the District. Schedules, homeroom assignments, and cohort information can also be obtained through HAC.
The Home Access Center (HAC) system is closed each summer for maintenance and planning and will reopen on August 22nd. For your convenience, your HAC account name will be emailed to you on that same day. Please review the Home Access Center Handbook for more information about HAC.
For support with HAC log-in credentials, please contact your child’s school building secretary. If further support is needed, please send an email to parentportal@upperdarbysd.org. Include in your email your name, your child(ren)'s name(s), and a phone number where you can best be reached during business hours. Account access/credentials are only provided to the identified Parent/Guardian for a student in our student information system.
Due to a change in the HAC security system, parents will need to reset passwords if forgotten, as the District and schools no longer have access to HAC passwords. If you have forgotten your password, you will need to click on “Reset Password.” A link will be sent to the email address on file in HAC. Email parentportal@upperdarbysd.org for additional support.
Student Emergency Cards
Student emergency cards will be sent home to all families at the beginning of the school year. Parents/guardians should review the information and make any changes to send back to the school. Schools will need the most up-to-date phone numbers, home address and email addresses to ensure clear home-school communication. Please note any new medical information so that the school nurse is aware and can keep your child safe.
Food Service
The school district provides meals through the Community Eligibility Provision of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. This means that ALL students in grades 1-12 are automatically eligible to receive breakfast and lunch at no charge to families every day, beginning the first full day of school. AM Kindergarten students will receive breakfast, and PM Kindergarten students will receive lunch. Families do not have to fill out an application. Free meals will be provided automatically to any student who would like them.
It is our goal to continue to communicate regularly with our students’ families and stakeholders using a variety of tools. To that end, we continue to diversify our delivery of information to ensure that you are able to stay up-to-date with the latest information from our schools and school district. Please note below the ways we keep you informed:
ParentLink - Administration and Principals send out emails through our ParentLink system to parents using the email addresses in our files. It is important that parents keep email addresses up to date in HAC.
Social Media - Please click on the following links and FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE us. Send content to our Communications and Media Department at socialmedia@upperdarbysd.org.
Mobile App - Please download the Official District mobile app to your mobile device today to view the top stories for the school district, find school and contact information, and access the latest District announcements, and receive instant messages from the District and schools.
Voicemail to Email Feature - Our phone systems allow for voicemail to be sent to email addresses. This means that each teacher has a voicemail that is delivered as an audiofile to their email addresses. Email and voice mailbox extensions are posted to the District website as part of the staff directory.
Weekly Electronic School Communications - Principals send out weekly emails to parents regarding school and school district news. Look for the email title, “Wednesday Folder.”
Website - Please visit our website regularly for information about Schools, Departments, School Board meetings, and other important information and updates.
Schoology - Schoology is a web-based learning management system (LMS). Teachers and students are able to communicate through Schoology that allows teachers to administer online curriculum materials, enhance their classroom with digital tools and post assignments, tasks and messages to students. Principals will send out more information about this.
Schoology for Parents - A Schoology Parent Account gives parents access to their child's schedule and upcoming assignments and school and class announcements. Schoology makes it easier for parents to stay involved in their children's education.
Schoology for Students - A Schoology Student Account provides access to students to online curriculum materials, digital tools, assignments, tasks and teacher messages.
Blackboard Reach - Blackboard Reach lets teachers have a two-way conversation with parents in the parents’ home language. Conversations can be used to give feedback, information on upcoming assignments or required paperwork due dates, and class information and events. Blackboard Reach allows families to view messages that teachers post to the entire class and to also privately message teachers. Click HERE for instructions on using the messaging dashboard.
Community Bulletin Board - Please check our electronic Community Bulletin Board every week for community, Township, and County resources and events.
UDSD Parent Resources YouTube Channel - Visit to find academic, safety and socio-emotional support(s) and resources for parents and families.
School Board Meetings & Committee Meetings - These meetings empower parents to stay informed about policy and to observe and become familiar with the policy-making process.
We have also established email addresses specifically for those who wish to ask questions or offer feedback either prior to or following each month’s School Board and School Board Committee meeting.
School Board meeting email: boardmeetingcomments@upperdarbysd.org
School Board Committee meetings email: committeequestions@upperdarbysd.org
While it is not possible to answer each question individually, we will do our best to address the feedback we receive either in the presentation itself, as a part of the summary that board committee chairs share at each board meeting, or as part of an Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Student Achievement
The District Comprehensive Plan has been Board-approved and is pending department of education approval. It was presented at the March school board committee meeting. You can review the draft plan and the Board Committee meeting presentation on BoardDocs.
The District is continuing to implement several robust programs and services to support elementary learning. These programs and resources include:
Savvas’ Envision math program for grades K-8, which is standards-aligned and combines core content with interactive math lessons
The web-based program IXL Learning, which supports individualized math instruction will be expanded from math to also support reading instruction.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s (HMH) Into Reading English Language Arts, Reading, and Writing Program for grades K-5
Wilson Fundations program for 1st grade students in addition to our core Into Reading program. Wilson provides explicit instruction on foundational reading skills
TWIG interactive program for grades K-5, which was adopted to support the Pennsylvania science standards
Introduction to Typing and the Fundamentals of Coding classes for grades K-5 through the Library Curriculum
Naviance for grades 3-5, which is an online resource tool to support students’ individual goals by identifying their strengths and interests.
Get Ready! Sail/Soar for our grades K-5 English Learner students to support language acquisition and literacy development
The curriculum and instruction team will continue to support our secondary students with robust academic offerings. Our middle school students’ core math and literacy learning are supported with Harcourt-Mifflin Harcourt’s (HMH) Into Literature English Language Arts and Writing Program and Savvas’ Envision math program. Our students in grades 9-12 will continue their course of study by reading from our updated novels in their English courses, and our Algebra 1 students will continue utilizing Agile Minds. At the secondary level, our English Learners will continue using a student centered program to support language development published by National Geographic.
We are excited to welcome new administrators and returning administrators in new roles to the Royals family:
Dr. John Council, Assistant Superintendent of Recruitment, Retention, and Culture
Dr. Daniel G. Nerelli, Director of Human Resources
Anthony Vaughn, Director of Public Safety
Dr. Craig Parkinson, Principal, Upper Darby High School
Alexandria Anderson-Johnson, Assistant Principal, Upper Darby High School
Lonnie Diggs, Assistant Principal, Upper Darby High School
Cameron Bush, Assistant Principal, Westbrook Park Elementary School
Dr. Matthew Alloway, Special Education Supervisor - Elementary Schools
William Moore, Special Education Supervisor - High School
School Safety, Security, Climate & Culture
We continue to strengthen our school safety and to improve school climate and culture through teacher and staff training, interior and exterior camera systems throughout the District, building entry protocols, emergency communications tools and protocols, and programs that support students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health.
We are continuing our work on restorative justice, trauma-informed care, Youth Court, and our award-winning Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) program. Students participate in PBIS lessons designed to teach school-wide expectations, to support the overall well-being of students, and to ensure that our students feel connected to their school community.
We provide ongoing training to teachers and staff on our CrisisGo safety mobile app, which is used districtwide to communicate emergency management information. Parents are invited to register to receive CrisisGo alerts through the app. Principals will share CrisisGo registration in their weekly communications. More information about emergency communications can be found in the UDSD Student and Family Handbook.
We will continue in our training of staff and students on the Safe2Say Something, a youth violence prevention program run by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General. The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” before it is too late.
Throughout the summer we met with our School Safety Team which includes the Upper Darby Police Department (UDPD), Upper Darby Fire Department (UDFD), and Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Principals, Assistant Principals and school district administration. We discussed emergency and safety protocols in our buildings. We are very appreciative of the support and relationships we have with local law enforcement and emergency responders. We will continue to look into ways to promote safe and supportive schools throughout the District.
Principals will be sending out more emergency preparedness information in their School Student and Family Handbooks.
Community Engagement
We will continue to engage with our district Home and School Association team throughout the school year. In our continued work of improving communication and engagement with parents, we will be hosting morning and evenings events, which include our Parent Information Nights on academic and social emotional and growth and support for our parents and students, Superintendent’s Morning Coffees at each school, Community Pop-Up Events at various locations throughout the community, virtual Spring and Fall Community Read events for families, Special Education Parent Nights for parents/guardians and staff interested in growing their knowledge base in the area of special education topics, and a host of other district and school events.
Recruitment, Retention, and Culture
I am pleased to announce the launch of our newly established Recruitment, Retention, and Culture Department. Under the leadership of Dr. John Council, this department has been designed with a clear focus on three key areas: attracting exceptional talent, retaining our dedicated staff, and fostering a positive and inclusive culture within our schools. Our goal is to bring in passionate and highly qualified educators and staff who are committed to making a difference in our students' lives. We are implementing programs and initiatives aimed at providing professional development, recognition, and a supportive work environment. The department will also be working on initiatives that promote collaboration and a sense of belonging throughout our district.
Facilities Update
We continue to improve and update our facilities and are painting, replacing tile, and repairing areas in various schools throughout the school district. Our major facilities improvements include renovations of the library and auditoriums at Beverly Hills Middle School, Drexel Hill Middle School and the high school; roof repair and reconfiguration of the nurse’s office at Beverly Hills; renovation of the locker room and adding steps to the tennis court at Drexel Hill; stage replacement at Primos; bathroom stall replacement at Highland Park; roof repairs at Primos and Beverly Hills; library air conditioner replacement at Stonehurst Hills and Bywood; parking lot repaving at the high school; and HVAC and schoolwide lighting replacement at Westbrook Park. There are too many facilities projects that have been completed over the summer. We will be updating you on our facilities work in an upcoming Board Committees meeting.
School Immunization Requirements
The following immunizations are required for all students in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the 2024-2025 school year.
We have been sending out communications over the course of the summer reminding families of immunization requirements and alerting families who are not in compliance with updated immunization documentation. Your child's school must have written confirmation from your physician for each immunization. State law mandates that students not up to date on their immunizations are at risk of being excluded from school.
Grades K through 12:
DPT (Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus): Four (4) required, with one after age 4
Polio: Four (4) required, with one on or after age 4 and at least 6 months after previous dose. If the third dose is given on or after age 4 and at least 6 months after the last dose, the fourth dose is not required.
MMR (Measles/ Mumps/ Rubella): Two (2) required, with the first dose on or after age 1
Hepatitis B: Three (3) required, must be properly spaced
Varicella (chicken pox): Two (2) immunizations required, the first must be after age 1. Or a history of the disease.
In addition to immunizations listed above:
Grade 7 through 12: Tdap (Tetanus/Diphtheria/ Pertussis) - One dose required, if less than 5 years since last DPT MCV (Menactra – meningitis): one dose required.
Grade 12: MCV (Menactra - meningitis) - Second dose required (if the first dose was given at age 16 or older, only one dose is required)
Students are expected to have all immunizations on the first day of school. In some cases, students will be provided a five day window to either secure the required immunizations or documentation from a physician with the expected date of immunization. Students are at risk of exclusion if this requirement is not met within the timeframe. Please contact your health provider if you are unsure of whether or not your child has received the required vaccinations. We encourage you to complete this as soon as possible so you are not at risk from school exclusion. Additional information from PDE is available on the District’s website by clicking HERE.
We will be asking you to let us know if your student has been Covid-19 vaccinated, has received the booster shot, and to provide us with the date of the vaccination and booster.
Policies and Annual Notifications
All policies and administrative regulations can be found in their entirety on BoardDocs (https://www.upperdarbysd.org/boarddocs). You can also access BoardDocs through the District website. Administrative regulations are detailed descriptions of how a policy is to be applied. They are located as attachments at the bottom of each policy. All policies requiring annual notification and other required notifications are also listed in the Upper Darby School District Student and Family Handbook available on our website.
Please read and familiarize yourself with the policies that govern our school district, including the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Protection Act (COPPA) (https://www.upperdarbysd.org/coppa) and the Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers, and Network Resources (https://www.upperdarbysd.org/acceptableuse).
In accordance with the Pennsylvania Public School Code provisions on “School Access to Emergency Epinephrine”, Board Policy 210 and Board Policy 210.1, the Upper Darby School District maintains a stock supply of epinephrine auto-injectors in each school building (stock epinephrine auto-injectors). An auto-injector prefilled with epinephrine is the drug of choice used for the emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) to insect stings or bites, foods, drugs, and other allergens. If your child has been diagnosed with an allergy or health condition that requires use of epinephrine, it is still your responsibility to provide your child’s prescribed medication to the school nurse. The law and Board Policies 210 and 210.1 give trained school employees the authority to administer epinephrine to any student whom they believe in good faith is experiencing anaphylaxis. In the event that a student who does not have epinephrine is experiencing an anaphylactic reaction, a trained school employee may use the stock epinephrine auto-injector in accordance with the standing order issued by the school physician or provide the student with a stock epinephrine auto-injector for self-administration. By law, the Upper Darby School District is required to notify parents/guardians of their ability to exempt their children from emergency administration of stock epinephrine auto-injectors. If you wish to opt your child out of being provided stock epinephrine auto-injectors in the event of an emergency, please contact your child’s school nurse to obtain the appropriate form.
If you are a VOLUNTEER or want to be a volunteer, please visit our website to review a full description of the requirements for a volunteer (https://www.upperdarbysd.org/volunteering). Policy 916 gives a full description of the definition of a volunteer and examples as to who is required to obtain the clearances and who is not. All parents interested in becoming volunteers must contact their building principal to apply by completing a volunteer application that can be found on BoardDocs. Our district’s website also provides instructions on how to obtain the three mandatory clearances under the Human Resources department. ID badges are not mandatory for volunteers, but it is an alternative to having to go through the Raptor secure visitor management system with each school visit. Please contact Aaronda Q. Beauford, Director of Communications, at abeauford@upperdarbysd.org with any questions.
Voluntary Student Insurance
Voluntary Student Accident Insurance can be purchased at any time by parents/guardians for their students. Information regarding Voluntary Student Accident Insurance, including the types of coverage options, description of benefits, policy exclusions and enrollment forms can be found on the District website (https://www.upperdarbysd.org/studentinsurance).
Re-registration and Kindergarten Registration
Please note the following reminders regarding registration:
Please be reminded that any parents who must re-register their child in the Upper Darby School District due to an extended absence, must do so before the start of the 2024-25 school year.
All students who are entering 6th or 9th grade must re-register with the school district before the start of the 2024-25 school year.
All students registered using a multiple occupancy or support affidavit must re-register with the school district before the start of the 2024-25 school year.
All students turning 5 years of age before August 31st wishing to attend kindergarten must register before the start of the school year.
All change of addresses must go through the Central Registration Office. Visit the Central Registration webpage at https://www.upperdarbysd.org/Page/3024 for more information on this process.
FOR RE-ENTRY STUDENTS: Students must be registered or re-register through our Central Registration Office. Please contact Ed Monaghan, Supervisor of Central Registration, at emonaghan@upperdarbsyd.org or at 610 352 2400, ext. 2508.
FOR NEW STUDENTS: Please complete the online registration and upload the required documents. Follow the registration guidelines, which can be found on our website at https://www.upperdarbysd.org/domain/65. A registrar will reach out to you to confirm receipt or request additional information.
Thank you for your patience and support, and please enjoy your final days of summer. We are looking forward to a very successful 2024-2025 school year. The Upper Darby School District is focused on working collaboratively with you as we continue to promote Opportunity, Unity and Excellence for our students and this community.
Daniel P. McGarry, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Upper Darby School District
8201 Lansdowne Avenue
Upper Darby, PA 19082
(610) 789-7200