HHMS Parent Update 1/19/25
Our Weekly Newsletter Designed for Families
Important Dates
E-Learning Day (Follow Synchronous Virtual Schedule)
Monday, Jan 20, 2025, 09:00 AM
Hamilton Heights Middle School, Indiana 19, Arcadia, IN, USA
Group & Club Picture Day for the Yearbook
Thursday, Jan 30, 2025, 08:00 AM
E-Learning Day #4 (Asynchronous)
Monday, Feb 10, 2025, 08:00 AM
Hamilton Heights Middle School, Indiana 19, Arcadia, IN, USA
Flex Day #2 (President's Day)
Monday, Feb 17, 2025, 08:00 AM
Hamilton Heights Middle School, Indiana 19, Arcadia, IN, USA
End of Q3 Grading Period
Friday, Mar 7, 2025, 03:00 PM
Hamilton Heights Middle School, Indiana 19, Arcadia, IN, USA
Spring Break (March 31-April 11)
Monday, Mar 31, 2025, 08:00 AM
Hamilton Heights Middle School, Indiana 19, Arcadia, IN, USA
Synchronous E-Learning Day Monday, January 20
The next Synchronous E-Learning Day is Monday, January 20 due to the Snow Day on January 6. Students should go into Canvas for the classes and click on the Google Meet links for those sessions. Unlike our asynchronous E-Learning Days, students will be expected to log in and participate live online in Google Meet for each class following the schedule below. We are required to provide a half day of virtual instruction for synchronous days to count. 5th Graders will follow a slightly different schedule because they only see 3 teachers during the day, instead of 7. Teachers will take attendance for each class period.
HHMS January 20 E-Learning Day Class Schedule (Grades 6-8)
Period 1 (9-9:25)
Period 2 (9:30-9:55)
Period 3 (10-10:25)
Period 4 (10:30-10:55)
Period 5 (11-11:25)
Period 6 (11:30-11:55)
Period 7 (12:00-12:25)
HHMS December 6 E-Learning Day Class Schedule (Grade 5)
Morning Classes (9-10:25)
Specials Class (10:30-10:55)
Afternoon Classes (11-12:25)
*The 5th grade synchronous lessons will look different with the teacher providing instruction and support as the students work on the lesson. We understand 5th grade students have fewer teachers and transitions with longer periods of time with their teachers online.
Veterans Care Package Drive
The Hamilton County Veterans Corp is leading a care package drive for our area. HHMS is participating as a drop off center to help make donating even easier for our community. Please see the list of needed items (and those to avoid) below. Once you purchase items to donate, you can bring them to our front office. We will collect items through this Thursday. Thank you for your support of our Hoosier soldiers who are currently deployed.
Youth Soccer Clinic Registration
The clinic is starting on February 16. This program is being offered by the high school boysβ and girlsβ soccer teams, coaches, and Brittany Hensley. The clinic will be held at the Middle School Auxiliary Gym. The clinic is FREE to participate. This is a great opportunity to further each child's soccer skills. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the coaches and organizers, by any of the means listed at the bottom of the letter included below.
Child Abuse Prevention Lessons
Grades 5 & 6
In January, we will begin lessons for students of which parents can opt out students. We are required to provide abuse prevention training, called Body Safety Training, for all students. The lessons for 5th grade will take place in the morning on January 21. 6th grade students will occur on January 22. Please see the information letter and opt out form below for more details.
Suicide Prevention Training
Grade 6
Each year, we provide all students with suicide prevention training. The training for 6th grade students was rescheduled to February 4. Please review the form for more information and the opportunity to opt out your child. Please return the signed letter to your child's homeroom teacher if you wish to opt them out.
Healthy Relationships Training
Grade 8
The 8th grade will be participating in the annual Healthy Relationships Training facilitated by Prevail Inc. in their PE/Health classes. The lessons will take place on February 13 and 14. If you would like to opt your child out of participating in this program, please complete the form below and return it to your child's PE/Health teacher.
π Washington, D.C. Trip
8th Grade
We have met the 80 participant threshold, so we will take 2 buses to DC this year! There are still 24 seats available for students who have not signed up yet. Reach out to Mrs. White if you have questions.
Classic Tours has online registration for the Washington, D.C. Trip. Please visit their website at http://www.ClassicToursInc.com and click on "Find My School". You will then have the option to register online. If you do not wish to register online, you can click on the printable PDF and print the registration form and mail it in to Classic Tours with your deposit. Click here for a link to a video for parents to view.
Pickleball Club Begins
For those students who have registered for the group, we will meet after school on Tuesday, Jan. 21 in the cafeteria. We anticipate meeting every Tuesday this semester, barring any conflicts. Dismissal will be at 4:15. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Pat Jones (pjones@hhschuskies.org).
HNPL Upcoming Activities
4-H Registration (Late)
The Enrollment target date was January 15. You must re-enroll every year. For more information, contact the Purdue Extension Hamilton County Office at 317-776-0854 or click here. Registration is easy with the statewide online system. Click here to begin the registration process. Hamilton County 4-H is hosting an evening to explore what 4-H has to offer this Wednesday night.
Yearbook Donations & Yearbooks for Those in Need
Over the last two years, we were able to give about 58 yearbooks to students who would not have been able to order one. This was thanks to a generous and anonymous donor in the community. This year, we have already exceeded 50 free yearbooks. We would like to keep this program going for our students as the funds begin to run out from the initial donation. We need your help to make this happen.
Click here if you'd like to make a donation to provide a free book to a student in need. If you scroll to the bottom, it says "Donate a Yearbook." Families can donate a full or partial yearbook! This would be a great way to make a difference on "Giving Tuesday."
Summer Robotics Camp Sign up Now
Substitute Teachers Needed
Earn $100/Day ($105 w/ a Teaching License)
We are in need of substitute teachers, especially as we enter the cold and flu season during the school year. Good substitute teachers who can help us continue the learning process when a teacher is absent are critical to supporting all students. We also provide $10/day premium pay for the day immediately preceding and following Breaks: Fall, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring. Please click here or contact Monica Leibert (mliebert@hhschuskies.org) if you have any interesting in becoming a substitute teacher. That is how I began my education career.
π Nominate a Husky Hero
π Free Study Tables
Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:25-5:00
Our Study Tables program is available again every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:25-5:00. Study Tables is not one on one tutoring, but there is at least one teacher or instructional assistant who supervises and can provide some support. Many students have found this helpful in the past. If you would like your child to participate, he/she should go to the gym to be supervised from 3:00-3:25, then the study tables supervisor will direct the students on where to go for Study Tables (Media Center or the teacherβs classroom). Students must stay for the duration of the study tables unless you provide the office with notification ahead of time that your child needs to be dismissed early. Students may be picked up outside of Entrance O at 5:00.
π Afternoon Parking Lot Volunteers Needed
It takes at least 4 people to help the car rider pick-up process go smoothly each afternoon. If you would like to volunteer to help us for 10-15 minutes after school each day, please contact me. We've had a few great volunteers in the past who really helped us serve our families well with this process. It would be helpful if we had a few more volunteers for the new school year. Thank you for your consideration.
Mrs. Landers, Assistant Principal, jlanders@hhschuskies.org
Mr. Smith, Dean of Students, asmith@hhschuskies.org
Mr. Smith, Athletics Supervisor, dsmith@hhschuskies.org
Mrs. Duncan, Counselor, sduncan@hhscuskies.org
Miss Pacheco, Counselor, cpacheco@hhschuskies.org
Mrs. Moe, Main Office Secretary, kmoe@hhschuskies.org
Mrs. Garrison, Main Office and Athletics Secretary, sgarrison@hhschuskies.org
Mrs. Thompson, Registrar and Student Services, cthompson@hhschuskies.org
Mrs. Jones, Nurse, ljones@hhschuskies.org
Mrs. Shaffer, Nurse, tshaffer@hhschuskies.org