PLN North Athens
2024 - 2025 Powerful Learning Network
New Name, Same Great Network
PCN is Now PLN
Welcome to Summer 2024,
Congratulations on completing another successful school year. Hopefully, everyone has enjoyed a few days off before Literacy Camps, Summer School, and Summer Professional Learning sessions begin. The Athens RIC, AMSTI, and ATIM staffs are ready for an exciting summer of quality PD. We're also busy planning for the 2024-2025 school year.
Once again, we are partnering with the A+ Best Practices Center (formerly known as Alabama Best Practices Center) to offer Powerful Learning Network (formerly called PCN - Powerful Conversations Network) sessions. PLN is a great opportunity to build greater leadership capacity at the district or local school level. This year's focus is School Culture! Keep scrolling for dates and registration information.
Have a Great Summer and Keep Making It Happen!
Brad Lewis
PLN North Schedule
Virtual Meeting Date:
- Wednesday, September 4 - Kickoff
- 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Face-to-Face Meeting Dates:
- Thursday, October 24
- Thursday, December 12
- Thursday, February 20, 2025
Alabama Veterans Museum
100 Pryor St. W
Athens, AL 35611
For more information, contact Dr. Brad Lewis brad.lewis@athens.edu.
PLN - Overview
For the 2024-2025 school year, our Powerful Learning Network will continue to build on the learning from past years while also addressing the most pressing needs of our members. Based on member input, we will combine new learning from our focus text as well as explore additional research from key areas. A thread about rewiring school culture post-COVID will be woven as we also provide a secondary focus for each meeting building on the past High Reliability Schools work.
Meeting 1 (Virtual) will focus on a More Positive and Productive School for All. Members will engage in protocols to explore school culture and climate, assess the culture they currently have, and define the culture they want. We will then collaborate and use our network support to define and plan specific strategies to build the school culture to increase engagement and positive outcomes for everyone.
Meeting 2 will continue our learning around improving school culture while re-examining High Reliability School Level 1: Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture. Members will evaluate the leading and lagging indicators for HRS Level 1 and cross-walk this information to the School Culture Rewired focus text. Members will engage in a research-based School Culture Survey Data Examination Protocol.
Meeting 3 will allow us to return to our work on the Six-Phase Model of Student Learning and build on the work of establishing Effective Teaching in Every Classroom. What are the practical strategies for ensuring this in terms of recruiting, hiring, supporting, and developing everyone in our buildings?
Meeting 4 will wrap-up and connect the learning, provide an opportunity for member sharing of learning transfer, and dive deeper into creating a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum.
We are excited to offer this new format and flexibility to our members, where we can respond more effectively to immediate needs and address areas of learning from meeting to meeting. We will also be adding two between-meeting virtual sessions to extend the learning and better support our network members during learning transfer and implementation.
We look forward to implementing this new model of professional learning with our valued colleagues and can’t wait to see you again in the coming school year.
Registration Information
*The cost to attend is $550 per person for the whole year.
- Both PLUs and CEUs are offered for PLN participants.
- Athens RIC will provide a book for all paid registrations.
- PSPL information will be released September 5, 2024.
- Athens RIC will register all participants in PowerSchool.
- Our Focus Text is School Culture Rewired by Todd Whitaker and Steve Gruenert
PLN North - Session 2 (Face-to-Face)
- 9:30 am - 2:30 pm
- Light Breakfast will be provided
- Lunch will be provided.
Thursday, Oct 24, 2024, 09:30 AM
Alabama Veteran's Museum, 100 Pryor Street West, Athens, AL, USA
- Dr. Brad Lewis - RIC Director (256) 233-6574 Brad.Lewis@athens.edu
- Deepa Manandhar - Program & Financial Assistant (256) 233-6576 Deepa.Manandhar@athens.edu
- Physical Location: 1115-A Hwy 31 Athens, AL
- Website: https://www.athens.edu/academics/education/in-service-center/