Family Communicator
Issue #3 (September 9-13, 2024)
The Week Ahead
Monday, September 9, 2024
- Early Breakfast Program Begins
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
- Open House - 5:15-7:00 pm
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Friday, September 13, 2024
OPEN HOUSE - Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Back-to-School Night
Come meet the teachers and other school staff.
- Get a free Kona Ice treat
- See the beautiful school building
We expect lots of people at this event. We will have two different times for families to help alleviate congestion.
5:15-6:00 pm
- Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1, and All CSA - Visit Classrooms
- Grades 2-4 - Kona Ice Time
6:00-6:45 pm
- Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1, and All CSA - Kona Ice
- Grades 2-4 - Visit Classrooms
Early Breakfast Program
On Monday, September 11, 2024, we will begin our Early Breakfast Program. Students in grades K-4 can enter school from 8:40-9:00 am to eat breakfast in the cafeteria. After 9:00 am, the students will wait until we open regular breakfast at 9:10 am. The children will be monitored by school staff. This program is a privilege and not a right. If students are struggling with the rules, they will not be able to participate in the program.
The students will enter the building by the main entrance and school staff and cafeteria personnel will be there for supervision.
After-School Program Information
Dear Families:
Our after-school program for grades 1-4 will begin on October 2nd. Here is the information you need to know. School staff will coordinate and teach the program with support from the school administration
The information you need is below
After School program - 3:30-5:15 pm
Grades 3+4 - Monday and Wednesday
Grades 1+2 - Tuesday and Thursday
There is no after-school program on Fridays.
The sessions run between 8-11 weeks. We will have three sessions this school year.
Session one will begin on October 2nd and end on December 17th.
Other Information:
- We will provide a snack
- Students must attend most of the sessions
- There are no buses. Children must be picked up at 5:15 pm. If families are late twice, the student will be removed from the program until the next session.
- There are certain days the program will not run because of school staff meetings, holidays, Trunk or Treat, etc…
- We will cap each session at 60 students.
- Inappropriate behavior will lead to the student's removal for the remainder of the session.
Please use the link below to sign up your child for the program.
Banking Program
Teaching children about banking is a great way to learn about financial Literacy. We are proud to start a partnership with Jeanne d'Arc Bank for our children. Every other week, on Wednesdays, the bank will come to Shaughnessy School, and students can deposit money into a Savings Account. The account requires a $10.00 start-up fee, but after that, kids can deposit any amount. The children get a prize every time they add money to their accounts. Please be on the lookout for a Savings Account application that will be sent home early next week. This is how children start the account. We hope this partnership will help students learn the importance of saving money. You can also register for the program at our Open House this week. The dates for deposits this year will be:
- September 25
- October 9, 23
- November 6, 20
- December 4, 18
- January 15, 29
- February 12, 26
- March 12, 26
- April 9
- May 7, 21
If you were enrolled in the program last year, you do not have to fill out the form again!
Live Bus Updates
The Lowell Public Schools Transportation Department has added a live spreadsheet to its webpage that indicates in the AM or PM if a school bus (grades K-8) is running late and by how long. Click below to access:
Emergency Forms and School Packet
All required paperwork was sent home last week. Please review and complete this information. Please make sure we have an email and current phone number to ensure you receive information.
Water-Filling Stations
Great news! Six water filling stations were installed this summer in addition to our bubblers. We encourage students to bring in reusable water bottles to use, especially in August and September when the building is hot. Please label your water bottles with your child's name.
Class Dojo
We primarily use Class Dojo as a communication application from school. The teachers will be inviting you to join the messaging, so you can be aware of all of the happenings. Please reach out to the teachers with questions.
Arrival / Dismissal
School Supplies
Hi Shaughnessy Families!
As promised, here is the reminder for your school supply lists for the upcoming school year. You can either click on the PDF attachment to view the lists or you can visit our newly designed website for a translatable list!
Pre-K & Kindergarten
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
CSA classrooms will follow grade level lists.
General Information
How can I update my contact information (phone number/email/address)?
Go online to the Family Resource Webpage ( and fill out the “contact us” form. Families who don’t have access to the internet can fill out the form in person at the Family Resource Center. If an address change is related to economic factors or housing instability (family moves in with relatives, eviction, hotel/motel, fire or unsheltered, please contact the McKinney Vento Office located at the Family Resource Center in person (151 Merrimack Street), by phone (978-674-4321) or go to the webpage at
How do I update my emergency contacts?
If you were in the school last year we will send a verification sheet out. if you are new we will send home an emergency form to fill out on the first day of school.
What should I do if my child needs a Chromebook or if my child’s Chromebook needs repairs?
Families should contact their school to coordinate the issuing of a new Chromebook or to schedule repairs. After the school year begins, the district will resume its “tech tent” services and will inform families via email, text, and phone once the services resume.
How do I register my child for the new school year?
All school registrations are completed online using a computer or laptop. You can access the online application by going to If you only have a mobile device and don’t have access to a computer or laptop, you can register in person at the Family Resource Center (151 Merrimack Street). Please call the Family Resource Center if you have any questions (978-674-4321).
What should I do if I need to register my child(ren) and I don’t speak English?
The Lowell Public Schools is committed to providing translation and interpretation services for families who require assistance in a language other than English. The online registration application and website is translated in Spanish and Portuguese and can be accessed by going to For all other languages, please call Vannak Khin at (978) 328-6782 to arrange services. In-person language interpretation support for registration can be accessed by visiting the Lowell Public Schools at 151 Merrimack Street. Families can also call the Family Resource Center at (978) 674-4321 to make an appointment with a Bilingual Family Liaison.
How old does my child need to be to enroll in preschool or kindergarten?
A child must turn 4 years old on or before September 1, 2021, in order to apply for preschool and 5 by September 1 to apply for kindergarten. A family can apply for preschool by going to to fill out an online application or for kindergarten. For registration questions, please call (978) 674-4321.
How do I apply for a transfer for my child to change schools in the new year?
Per the 2021-22 School Assignment Policy, all students have the option to request one school transfer per year. Families can apply online by going to or can come to the Family Resource Center in-person to complete the application. Transfers are assigned on a space availability basis.