School Newsletter Term 3, Week 5
Friday 23rd August 2024
Kia ora West End whānau,
We’re thrilled to report that our senior in-school Gala was a resounding success! The event was organized to raise funds for the upcoming senior camp, and the support from our school student community was brilliant. From delicious food stalls to fun games and activities, the day was filled with joy and laughter. We’re incredibly proud of our senior students for their hard work and dedication in making this event happen, and we’re equally grateful to all the parents, teachers, and volunteers who pitched in to ensure everything ran smoothly. The funds raised will go a long way in making the senior camp an unforgettable experience for our students.
Another highlight of the week was the visit from our "Book Buds." These passionate readers have been making their rounds, visiting different classes, and spreading their love for books. This week, they had the pleasure of presenting achievement awards to some of our great readers in Rooms 10 and 11. It's fantastic to see such enthusiasm for reading within our school, and we encourage all our students to keep up the great work!
There has been a noticeable increase in illness around the school lately. With winter still upon us, it's not uncommon for colds and other bugs to circulate. We urge everyone to take extra care of their health. If your child is feeling unwell, please keep them at home to rest and recover fully before returning to school. Let’s work together to ensure we all stay as healthy as possible during this time.
As always, we appreciate your ongoing support and commitment to our school community. Let’s continue to make West End School a place where our students thrive in all areas of their learning and development.
Nga mihi,
Upcoming Events
- EPro8 Week for TWNOT
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 28th August
- Ricoh Sports Tournament - Thursday 29th August
- TWNOT VIBE Assembly - Friday 30th August (2pm)
- School Photos - Monday 2nd September
- Three Way Conferences - Tuesday 3rd September
- Three Way Conferences - Wednesday 4th September
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 4th September
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 11th September
- PUĀWAITANGA VIBE Assembly - Friday 13th September (2pm)
- Dodgeball Tournament - Friday 13th September
- Tipuranga Lollipops Evening - Friday 13th September (5.30 - 7.30)
- Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori - All week
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 18th September
- West End School Dance Festival Prelim dances - Wednesday 18th September
- EPro8 Interschool Tournament - Wednesday 18th September (from 4pm - 8pm)
- PIHIPIHINGĀ VIBE Assembly - Friday 20th September (2pm)
- Best Me Talent Show Rehearsal - Monday 23rd September
- West End School Dance Festival FINALS - Tuesday 24th September (2pm)
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 25th September
- BEST ME TALENT SHOW - Friday 27th September
- END OF TERM 3 - Friday 27th September
Best Me Talent Show bookings
Extended! Will close bookings on Sunday night!!!!
If your child is keen to perform, or show off a talent - like playing a musical instrument, dance or sing a song etc - please fill out this form by the end of the weekend. On the last day of term we will hold our Best Me Talent Show. These acts can include groups, whānau, or just West End children performing solo. Information to those who have registered will be handed out next week.
3 Way Conference Timings
School will close at 12.15 on Wednesday 4th September for our Three Way Conferences
Three Way Conferences will last for 20 minutes.
On Tuesday 3rd September our conferences will start at 3.20pm and our last conference will be at 7.20pm.
On Wednesday 4th September, conferences will start at 1pm and our last conference will finish at 6pm. School will close at 12.15 on this day so we can hold our conferences.
Bookings for 3 Way Conferences
Three Way Conferences are Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th September
You are now able to book a time for a 3 Way Conference with your child's teacher.
The purpose of the three-way conference is to report to parents about children's overall progress and achievement in Reading, Writing and Maths.
Please click on the booking link or scan the QR Code and follow the instructions (selecting your child's teacher) and finding a time that suits you.
QR Code
Booking Link
Mobile Dental Clinic coming to West End next week
A Mobile Dental Unit will be visiting West End School from Monday, 26 August 2024 (operational Tuesday – Thursday) to examine and provide preventative treatment (cleaning, fissure sealants, x-rays and fluoride treatment) where required for patients due for their annual check.
Students requiring further treatment, (fillings and extractions) will be sent an information pamphlet, medical history update form and consent form. These will need to be signed and returned to either the Mobile or the school office before any treatment is undertaken.
If parents have any concerns or wish to be present at their child’s dental appointment please contact us on either of the numbers below.
Regards from the Dental Team
Telephone 027 4440085/0800 825 583
School Photos in Week 7
PhotoLife forms have been sent home with children this week.
If parents would like a SIBLING photo please fill out the photo request form and return it to the office by Friday 30th August 2024. Without the filled out and returned SIBLING photo request form, SIBLING photos will not be taken.
All students present on the day will have individual and classroom photos taken.
Form to fill out - also available in school office
Senior Camp Information
- Week 6, Term 3, Full gear list handed out to students and whanau, posted on both classroom seesaw accounts and the school app.
Week 10, Term 3, 13th September Health Forms to be completed online.
Week 1, Term 4 , 31st October, Parent help evening. All camp information to be given regarding expectations.
T.W.N.O.T Senior Camp Health Forms for students
Please find attached the student health form for T.W.N.O.T camp, all children are required to have one of these filled out in order to attend. If the health form shows anything that you believe needs further discussion, please contact your classroom teacher. We would like all of these filled out before the end of Week 10.
Please fill out our Google Form
Child followed by a stranger this week
This week, on Tuesday 20th August, a child from a neighbouring school was followed by a stranger in a white van outside the West End School lights and Sheffield Street. He had brown hair and a hi-vis on. The child did the right thing by running to get help from the neighbouring houses.
There were also a few instances last year where children were approached by strangers. If you see anything suspicious, or know anything to help with this latest incident, please contact the police.
We suggest that it is a good idea to have conversations with your child(ren) about keeping safe when traveling to and from school also.
Please note that we lock our school gates during the day after morning drop off and only open them again for pick up in the afternoon to support our children’s safety at school.
Enrolling your child into an Intermediate
Please read if you are a parent/caregiver of a Year 6 child
A reminder that now is the time to start enrolling your child into an Intermediate School for next year. There are a number of visits to and from Intermediate Schools so your child has an idea of what each school will offer. Please have a look into each one, talk to your child about the options and fill out the required forms. We will also have the links here when we receive them for you to download and fill out.
PE at West End
Years 1 - 6, played at Monrad Park on Friday afternoons between 3:30 - 5:30pm
Arena Manawatu Football Year 1 - 6
Beginning mid October on a Wednesday afternoon at the CET Arena.
Netball stars in action: Yesterday we had our super star Year 3 and 4 Netball team take on our Senior Ricoh team on the court. The Yr 3/4s took out the Manawatu competition earlier in the year and recently were runners up in their grade in the Feilding comp. The rising stars pushed our seniors to put on a great performance in prep for competition next week. We thank the continual support of Keran Wenman and Conor Willis in training our junior netball team.
Ricoh sports : All students attending the Ricoh sports tournament have been sent home with a newsletter outlining there competition next week. Ricoh is the biggest primary sports event in the region and we look forward to being part of it again in 2024.
Students need to be at school at 8:35 for bus at 8:40. They will return to school at 2pm. Our draw will be on the app and Facebook for whanau supporters to come along and support. The draw can also be found on the individual newsletters sent out.
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Monday 29 Jan - Friday 12 April
Term 2: Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July
Term 3: Monday 22 July - Friday 27 Sept
Term 4: Monday 14 Oct - Friday 13 Dec
If your child is absent from school.
It is really important under the current circumstances you notify the school if your child is absent.
Please remember to advise the office by 8.30am if your child is not attending school.
You can telephone 358-2465 and leave a message or txt 021 118 0156.
In both cases please give a reason for absence.
Thank you.
Kindo Online Shop
It is very important that families register with Kindo, as this is now the only way to register your child for school sports, and ordering PTA lunches.
Below are the links to register.
If you require help please call the Kindo helpdesk on
0508 454 636
New users need this link
Existing users need this link
Location: West End School, 196 College Street, Palmerston North
Phone: 06 358 2465