Westwood Intermediate/Middle School

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October 2, 2024 - NEWSLETTER
Westwood Families,
Homecoming week was filled with spirit at Westwood. A majority of the students participated in the theme days. It was great to see many of our students at the football game as well.
This week is a short week for students. Please remember there is no school for students tomorrow, Thursday, October 3 or Friday, October 4. Our staff will be engaging in professional learning, learning design and conference preparation. Our professional learning for grades 5 and 6 is focused on the instructional strategies in the area of reading along side the core components of reading. Grades 7 and 8 will be focused on designing engaging work for students and implementing community building circles. School is back in session for students on Monday, October 7.
We appreciated hearing from so many of you last week in our first pulse check. We heard from 296 of you. Of those responding, 93% are happy with Westwood. Here are a few of the things we heard:
- Overall, there was appreciation for the frequency and quality of communication from the Westwood teachers and administration
- There was praise for the quality of academics.
- There were questions about backpack procedures – see information from the September 11 newsletter along with some feedback on the timing of that communication
- We saw a collection of comments on a variety of topics that reinforce the importance of the work we’re doing with our staff to build, create, and respond to a learner-centered environment.
We read every comment and take all of your feedback and ideas into consideration for our future planning and follow-up. We hope to hear from you again through our next pulse check!
Teachers are available to conference in October. Sign up for a time if your student in grades 5 or 6 or stop by for a drop-in conversation if your student is in grades 7 or 8. Here are the times:
- October 15: 4–7:30 p.m. – click here to schedule conferences
- October 16: 8-11:30 a.m. / 12:15 - 3 p.m. - click here to schedule conferences
In the newsletter today is a feature with some fun and real examples of competency-based learning that were captured late last spring from third grade. This may help make competencies more concrete – whatever grade your child is in. Expect to hear more from your child's teachers about the academic and career and life competencies they are working on throughout the year.
We’ll look forward to seeing students back here next Monday!
Tom Larson
5th Grade Band Parent Meeting
If your 5th grader is interested in joining band, please join Ms. Engel during conferences on October 15 from 6-6:30 p.m. in the 5/6 band room (E184). This meeting will be to answer any questions, discuss how to obtain instruments, and open the registration link. The meeting will be recorded and uploaded on the band website after the meeting.
5th Grade Choir Registration is Now Open
5th Grade choir registration is now open online! Scholarships are available and the first rehearsal is on Thursday, October 10 at 3:15 p.m. There are no auditions and everyone is welcome to join! Reach out to Mrs. Geist or Mrs. Coons for more information.
October 3-4 - No school
Monday, October 7 -
- High school winter athletics registration opens (grades 7-12)
- Grupo de Padres Hispanohablantes de SLP reunion, 5 p.m., Woodcrest Spanish Immersion School
- October 16-18 - Fall break, no school
- Tuesday, October 15 - Evening Conferences, 4-7:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, October 16 - Day Conferences, 8-11:30 a.m. and 12:15-3 p.m.
- Monday, October 21 - Grupo de Padres Hispanohablantes de SLP reunion, 5 p.m., Woodcrest Spanish Immersion School
- Wednesday, October 23 -
- Picture Retake Day
- Caregiver Learning Event: Balancing Acts: Navigating the Spectrum of Relationships (Spanish speaking event), 6-7 p.m. in the Den at Westwood.
- Monday, October 28 - PTO meeting at 10 a.m.
- October 25-26 and November 1-2 - SLPHS fall play: Puffs (for Young Wizards), SLPHS Fine Arts Center - purchase tickets
- Friday, November 1 - No school
Panther Sweepstakes Winners
Skylar Veit and Danny Gates are our Westwood Panther Sweepstakes Winners! They will be able to choose from 2-3 projects that $1000 can go towards. Thanks to everyone for your partnership!
Belgium Pen Pals
Mr. Estrada's 6th grade class is writing letters to pen pals in Belgium at Athénée Royal Campin Elementary. The students are excited to connect with peers from another country, sharing their daily experiences, interests, and cultural traditions. This pen pal opportunity not only helps improve their writing skills but also broadens their understanding of the world, fostering international friendships and a sense of global community. The class eagerly looks forward to receiving responses and learning more about life in Belgium.
C.E.R for the Orangutan
On one of our Orange Team flexible days, we had a mascot competition. Students have been practicing CER (claim, evidence, reasoning) paragraphs as a team. For this activity they learned some history about mascots, created a mascot for our team, and wrote a CER paragraph explaining why their mascot should get chosen by our team. The Orangutan was the winner, but it was a close competition!
CER for the Orangutan:
This orangutan represents our team by being orange and makes us show our wild side sometimes. The orangutan has our team color, orange, which means optimism, enthusiasm, happiness and youthful connections. Orangutans are also placid, deliberate, ingenious and persistent. All of these reasons show why the orangutan represents our team color and shows that we are sometimes lazy but ingenious - Fernando, Calvin, Boden and Gael.
Ehalt's Kindness Project
In Ehalt's classrooms, students partnered with Bluebirds and Blooms, a company that provides floral arrangements to people with memory loss. As part of this kindness project, students collaborated to make 16 blankets to pair with their floral arrangements as a class!
Fall Conference Meals
Hi families! It's time for our annual fall conference meal to support our teachers! The meal will be served October 15. PTO will purchase the meat and we are looking for help with side items, set up, and clean up. Please see the link for the Sign Up Genius. Monetary donations (cash, check to SLP Westwood PTO, Venmo, or Paypal) are also accepted if you would prefer. PTO does the shopping. Thank you for considering - we know a lot happens at the beginning of the school year!
PTO Meeting Recap
It was a fun mixer with trail mix and mixed drinks for our September meeting last Monday. We heard from our principal, the Panther Foundation, and learned about committees available throughout the year. If you aren't on the BAND app yet, click here to get all the sign-ups and info throughout the year. If you are especially interested in a certain committee you can join that BAND as well to receive more information. We are currently looking for many co-chairs to help lead events. Also, if you want emails to reach your inbox, make sure to go into BAND setting and turn on emails, otherwise you will only receive phone notifications.
Current committees include:
A day in 3rd grade: Competency-based learning in action
Third graders enthusiastically welcomed a video crew into their classrooms to follow along in their learning for one day last May. As we start a new school year, short video stories from that day provide tangible examples of competency-based learning in action. From collaboration to math to science to digital literacy, a series of brief videos provide a peek into student learning across a day.
As a reminder, Spring Lake Park Schools has defined academic and career and life competencies. Academic competencies are aligned to different subject areas (Math, English Language Arts, etc.) and to Minnesota state standards for those areas. Career and life competencies are skills and mindsets needed for success in school and beyond. Last year was the first year elementary learning was entirely competency based. So, what does it look and sound like during a day in third grade? Take a look (and listen) to a day in third grade.
Catch the "After Hours Big Band" Show Tonight!
Tonight is the night to catch the live performance of "After Hours Big Band" at the Fine Arts Center, 7 p.m. Student tickets are only $5! This is a great way to introduce your children to a live musical performance, right here in our Panther community.
"After Hours Big Band" is led by one of our SLP dads! Our audience loved their holiday show last year and now we welcome them back to kick off season three. You will be sure to recognize favorites from Disney, The Beatles and more. Once again, Reed Grimm of American Idol and Shoeless Revolution will be joining the band. Get your tickets here and avoid the long lines at the box office.
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