Headlines & Virtual Backpack
Week ending June 5, 2020
Board Meeting Monday
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Last Day Clap Out - Tuesday, June 23, 11 AM
Our district invites our students, families, staff members and the entire community to drop everything and help us clap out the end of the 2019-2020 school year. On June 23, at 11 a.m., drop everything, head outside to your porch, patio, driveway, balcony, front yard or even on your doorstep as we collectively clap to mark the dismissal of all students on their last day of school. This is just one more way we can come together to celebrate the hard work, dedication and effort of all of our students, parents, teachers, and employees. Mark your calendar, and come on out to the CLAP OUT! Let us hear you!
Let's Celebrate with a Student Shout Out!
Summer Reading
Reminder: Meals Available on Mondays
Beginning June 1, meals will be available for pick up again every Monday for the remainder of the school year. Meals can be picked up at RFIS, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Pick up is also available from 9-9:30 a.m. at Copper Hill; 9:45-10:15 a.m. at Barley Sheaf; 10:30-11 a.m. at Francis A. Desmares; 11:15-11:45 a.m. at Robert Hunter. At Copper Hill, Barley Sheaf, Francis A. Desmares, & Robert Hunter schools, meals are distributed from a district-marked vehicle. During pick up, all participants, with the exception of those under the age of 2, and those with a medical reason not to wear a facial covering must adhere to the governor’s executive order to wear a mask covering their nose and mouth and maintain social distancing of 6-feet from others.
NJDOE Seeks Parent Input by June 8
Below is a message from the New Jersey Department of Education:
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your heroic efforts to support your children’s schools and the learning process during closings due to the coronavirus pandemic. The NJDOE continues preparations for the next stages of school opening, and hearing from parents is a Department priority. We have created a survey that seeks your feedback about remote learning. Please complete this anonymous, voluntary survey by June 8th to have your voice heard! Click here to take the survey. If you have any questions, please contact the Department’s Office of Civic and Social Engagement at civicandsocial@doe.nj.gov.
A continuación se muestra un mensaje del Departamento de Educación de Nueva Jersey:
Estimados Padres,
Gracias por sus esfuerzos heroicos para apoyar las escuelas de sus hijos y el proceso de aprendizaje durante los cierres debido a la pandemia de coronavirus. El Departamento de Educación de Nueva Jersey (Departamento) continúa los preparativos para las próximas etapas de la apertura de la escuela, y escuchar a los padres es una prioridad del Departamento. Por favor, tómese unos minutos para completar la encuesta en el siguiente enlace. Agradecemos recibir sus respuestas antes del Lunes 8 de Junio. en espanol. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor póngase en contacto con la Oficina de Compromiso Cívico y Social del Departamento en civicandsocial@doe.nj.gov.
Translations Available
This newsletter can be translated by readers into multiple languages using the translation bar at the top of the screen. For reference, the translation bar looks like the image shown here.
Virtual Backpack Flyers
Barley Sheaf
Parent Letter with Resources (6/5/20)
June Newsletter (6/1/20)
Virtual Field Day Winners! (6/1/20)
Copper Hill
Green and White Challenge Day(5/29/20)
Copper Hill May 2020 Newsletter (5/29/20)
4th Grade Lawn Sign (6/05/20)
Virtual Desmares Cafe (6/3/20)
Spirit Week (6/3/20)
Recorded Book Club (5/28/20)
Picture Book Club (5/28/20)
Healthy Kids Activity Flyer (5/21/20)
Flips Demonstrating Field Day Activities! (5/20/20)
Staff Appreciation Workout(5/14/20)
2019 - 2020 Yearbook Order! (4/30/20
Robert Hunter - none
Reading-Fleming - none
JP Case
8th Grade Letter - June 2020 (6/4/20)
Summer Solstice Virtual Parent Workshop Series (6/5/20)
Hunterdon Health Care Safety Procedure Video, Re-Opening Safety Practices Flyer, en espanol (6/4/20)
Emergency Free Farm Market, en espanol(6/4/20)
Is Your Child in Crisis,en espanol; Mobile Response Services, en espanol; Letter from the NJ Dept of Child and Families (5/18/20)