Media Messages
From the LitSTEAMBrarian, September 15th, 2024
Monday Morning Quarterback is HERE!
Hike, Hike! Are you looking for a fun way to enhance your students' research skills? Show them how to navigate the research resources in MyBackpack in order to locate the correct answers to the questions related to the Falcon's Football team, geography, civics and more! Are you ready to be a Monday Morning Quarterback researcher? Click the banner to "coach" yourself to research victory!
Fall Into Reading with Accelerated Reader!
Please don't forget to encourage your children to read and take an AR test to earn points. To do so students need to log into MyBackpack, click on the Renaissance App, click on the AR App and take the AR test. Students need to meet their grade level reading goal each quarter to be invited to some really fun reading celebrations. The goals for each grade level and the quarter dates are listed below! Also, don't forget that many books that you have in your home libraries are probably AR books! To check to see if those books have an AR test go to https://www.arbookfind.com/ and type in the title of the book!
Have you logged your minutes in Beanstack?
Make sure that you and your students are logging in your reading minutes into Beanstack. To access, your username is schooladmin and the password is beanstackread. For teachers and students, they can also still log their reading but going directly to your schools site and using the log in information below.
Teachers- APS email
Password: beanstackreads
Students: Username
Password: race2read