The Bulldog Briefs
March 7th, 2025
March is Here!
If you haven't done so, please complete the 5 essentials survey. Information is below. All families who complete it, will be entered into a raffle for a gift basket.
5th graders will begin the Illinoi Science Assessment on Tuesday. This is a state test that is required for all 5th and 8th graders. Please reach out if you have any questions.
All 3rd-5th graders will complete the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) in April. More information is below.
Have a great weekend.
School and Office Informtion
Principal: Mr. Jeff Moore
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Gloria Gutierrez
School Nurse: Mrs. Bianca Vazquez
School Office Hours: 7:30 AM-3:15 PM
School Phone: (708) 458-7150
March Dates:
3: No School
4: Read Across Bedford Park: Students Visit the Bedford Park Library.
4-7th: Respect Week and Spirit Week (See Below)
4: ISA begins for 5th Grade
7: Report cards sent home
21: Early Dismissal (1:50)
24-28: Spring Break
28: Last day to complete 5 Essentials Survey
Illinois Science Assessment for 5th Grade- March 11th-14th
Students in 5th grade will take the Illinois Science Assessment beginning Tuesday, March 11th.
5 Essentials Survey-PLEASE READ
Beginning February 18, 2025 students and teachers across Illinois will have an opportunity to participate in the twelfth annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child’s school. As a parent/guardian, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in a survey about your child’s school.
A letter will be sent home with the link to complete the survey. A link is also available below. Surveys can be completed on any phone, tablet, or computer. If you would like to complete it, but do not have access to those devices, please come to the school and we will support you.
Students will ern a non-uniform day for survey completed by a family member. A families that complete the survey will be entered into a raffle to receive a family gift basket. Please send a screen shot or picture of the receipt of submission to my email address (jmoore@sd104.us) or message me on Seesaw.
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Survey opens February 18th.
Walker Parking Lot
Walker Car Drop Off
Just a reminder that the student drop off line open at 7:30 and closes at 7:50. Students are not to arrive at school prior to 7:30. Breakfast opens at 7:30.
Student Personal Electronic Devices and Watches
All student electronic should be turned off and kept in their locker during the day. If students have a watch that is used for communication, parents should not be communicating with them during the day.
We are running into situations where students are contacted directly about who afterschool pickup procedures. If you have change in your child's afterschool pickup procedure, please contacted the office and all parties will be notified.
Attendance Policy
Although our attendance rate has increased from last year, we are still averaging a below our goal if a 95% percentage rate. Please read the district attendance policy below.
Also, school begins at 7:50 and any student not in class by 7:55 will be considered tardy. Please do your best to have your child in school and on time.
Attendance Incentives
We are monitoring attendance daily, and rewarding students who are present and on time. Our monthly raffle incentive for February is
3 $25 gift cards for Cinemark Movies.
Congrats to Caitlin, Mateo, and Serafina for winning for the month of February!
Walker Events
Walker Field Trip to the Bedford Park Libarary
Walker students celebrated Read Across America this week with a trip to the Bedford Park Library. Students in all grade levels read stories, went on a scavenger hunt, and completed some amazing crafts. Thank you Bedford Park Library for your continued support for Walker students!
School District 104 Events
Community Events
Walker Celebrations
Black History Month Assembly
On Friday the 21st, we had a Black History Month assembly that focused on the Chicago Blues. Students had a wonderful time!
Glow Party- February 27th
Students who demonstrate respectful and responsible behavior will participate in a glow dance party on February 27th.
BARK Bashes
Every other Monday, we celebrate the successes of our students both academically and behaviorally.
We also celebrate those students that are making academic growth in school. Below are the students who received certificates from Lexia.
Notes from the Social Worker
From Mr. Birden
At Walker this week, Respect Week met Women's History Month with classrooms viewing a reading of "Just Ask," a story about differences penned by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Students engaged in activities to help raise awareness, promote Inclusion, and celebrate empathy.
Notes from the Nurse
From Nurse Bianca
Hello Walker Families,
Health documents for the 25-26 school year are due August 1, 2025! The Loyola Pediatric Mobile Health Unit returns to SD 104 May 6, 2025. See the flyer for the state mandated requirements for each grade level.
Please note all action plans and medication authorization forms are to be updated yearly.
All incoming 6th graders should begin making their appointments for all health forms due by August 1st. Please consider signing up for the Loyola health unit or return all completed health forms to the health office.
As always, thank you for your understanding and support as we work to provide students with a safe and healthy learning environment.
District Policies and Procedures
Policy Review
Please review the policies below regarding visitors, school treats, and attendance. A copy of the student handbook is also available below.