Spartan News
September 2024
Meet the Teacher
We did it!
August is behind us and Fall is quickly approaching!
As we enjoy our first 3-day weekend for Labor Day, I want to remind you that parents are welcome to join us for lunch starting on Tuesday, Sept 3, 2024. Make sure your read the attachment below called "visitation procedures" so you are comfortable with our routines.
Thank you for your patience as we worked out our growing pains with our newly enrolled families. Our enrollment has passed 600 students and we are still growing! We expect one more bump in enrollment as some families will join us after Labor Day. With this growth in enrollment comes additional traffic and challenges for visitor seating at lunch. We thank you as you continue to show patience and understanding as things settle into a new rhythm.
Morning arrival is going well and fewer tardies are being recorded. Remember when your student is tardy, it causes a disruption to the teacher and the class. School starts promptly at 7:30 with morning announcements and a school wide math practice routine. It is vital that all students are on time.
Remember, if you are using the curbside option for morning drop off or afternoon pickup please look for the adults directing traffic. They are trying to help with the flow of traffic, but more importantly with the movement of our children. We do not allow anyone to unload or load on the driver side. That puts adults and children into the traffic. That is not safe. Curbside exit is the only option. Thank you for honoring our efforts to keep everyone safe.
As we return to school this week, be aware that BOY assessments will be in motion. This month, students in grades PK - 5th grade will participate in taking beginning of the year assessments to benchmark their starting levels in reading and math. Once all of the data is collected, teachers will reach out to share the information with parents.
Until next month,
Ms Parker
Look for a symbol at the top to translate into a different language.
Coffee with the Principal
Thank you to the parents who made time to join us for some coffee and muffins this past week. It was nice to meet some new parents and to talk about all of the great things we have started and are planning for this school year. What a great way to launch our Principal Coffee series! If you were unable to attend, you will have a chance to attend this month.
The next Coffee with the Principal: Monday, Sept 23 at 3:15.
We are trying to offer a different time in case this works better for parents. This month we will talk about school safety and the emergency events we routinely practice with our students and staff. We will watch a short video about our emergency procedures here at Lagos and talk about the beginning of the year academic screeners that students take three times a year. Come drink coffee, meet new people, learn about Lagos and ask burning questions. A Spanish speaking translator will be in attendance! See you in a few weeks!
Nacho Average Grandparent
Thursday, Sept 12, 20254
We can't wait to welcome all the grandparents!
Grandparents, please RSVP here: https://forms.gle/bNqeaUxV43zEHc4o7
Quick Reminders
- Please remember to send an extra set of clothes for our PK, Kinder and even some 1st grade friends (if needed). For those who have not completed potty training, please send two sets.
- Please write your name in all of your child's belongings. Our lost and found is already growing.
- If you child is sick, please do not medicate them and send them to school. This only masks the symptoms and causes other children to be exposed to the illness. Send a note when they return to school.
Lagos PTA
We need your help to support the success of our students and staff!
Currently we do not have an acting PTA and are looking for parents to help take on leadership roles so that our campus has an active organization to support students and staff here at Lagos. The officer roles that need to be filled are President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. In addition to this, we will need parents who just want to help on committees and with activities.
One goal for this year is to establish a school store where Spartan “Swag” can be sold one morning a week before school. We hope to sell things like water bottles, key chains, pencils, erasers, bracelets and more. This will take funding from the PTA to get started and could serve as an ongoing fundraiser and spirit generator. It would also be exciting to have a Fall Carnival or a Trunk or Treat or other organized family events.
These things cannot happen unless parents jump in and help kickstart our PTA. Please consider joining our efforts to help us sustain our positive school and community culture! We need you!
For those of you who are interested in participating on campus during the school day, please complete the volunteer application. You can find the application on the district website under the "careers" section. You will be contacted by the district once you are approved. Once approved, reach out to Ms Steele and she will connect you with volunteer opportunities here on campus.
Please visit with us or email Ms. Steele, our Parent Liaison, to find out how you can participate.
Parents are welcome to come join us for lunch after Labor Day.
Join us for lunch starting in September
Thank you for allowing our students to get used to our routines and expectations before visiting at lunch. We will share the lunch schedule and welcome you for lunch in September. Please know that there is minimal seating at lunch for parents, so please be patient and understanding when you come.
Truancy: Absences and Tardies
This is a friendly reminder that school starts at 7:30. Not only does this trigger our front door to close and lock, it triggers breakfast to end, announcements to start and the day to begin. Missing the start of the day will cause your child to miss important information on the announcements and it will cause a disruption to the teacher and the class each time they are late. Please ensure your child is in the building before 7:30. If your child arrives late, you must come into the school to sign them in using the district sign-in procedure.
Truancy impacts children by contributing to learning loss. Once your child misses three days of school with unexcused absences, truancy warning letters begin to be sent home and the student is brought to the attention of the attendance committee. If unexcused absences continue to 10, that state will file truancy on the parent. Please avoid this by sending doctor’s notes for absences and by staying in close contact with Ms G, our school attendance clerk. If there is anything we can do to help you get your child to school on time, please let us know.
Title III Back to School 2024 Parent Newsletter
Txel.org publishes these newsletters to support EB scholars and families with resources, state program updates, and activities as scholars prepare for the 2024-2025 school year. The newsletter is published in English and Spanish to meet families language needs.
Back to School Parent Newsletter
Stay Connected to the great things happening at Lagos!
Call the office & leave a message, 512-278-4360
Email: carolyn.parker@manorisd.net
Use your Talking Points App
Location: 11817 Murchison Street Manor, TX 78653
Phone: (512) 278-4360
Lagos Calendar
MISD Calendar