Shaw Community Update
March 2025
Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, and Community Members,
As we approach spring, we are excited about the upcoming months. Our focus will be on striving for academic excellence and encouraging personal growth for all students. We encourage you to continue supporting your child's education by staying involved and engaged in their learning. Maintaining regular communication with the school will help ensure your child stays on track and receives the support they need.
Your input and support continue to be invaluable to us. Our doors are always open, and we encourage you to reach out to us at any time.
Warm regards,
Andrew Tuccio & Erin Rosenkranz
Raymond E. Shaw Leadership Team
Please Update Your Student's Information & Complete the MPS Annual Sign-Offs
Important Dates
🎗️Reminder 🎗️
The use of personal electronic devices is prohibited in school. Devices that are in school shall be turned off and placed in the student’s locker for the duration of the school day. This applies to all personal electronic devices including but not limited to cell phones and smartwatches. The expectation at Shaw is that students keep their devices turned off and kept in their bag while it is stored in their locker for the duration of the entire school day. Students are also not allowed to use such devices on school buses. We appreciate your support.
The following can be be found on page 98 of the Millbury Public School District Handbook:
- 1st offense
- Item will be confiscated and given to an administrator.
- Parents/Guardians will be notified of action and may be required to retrieve the confiscated item.
- Student may have a consequence deemed appropriate by administration.
- 2nd offense
- Item will be confiscated and given to an administrator.
- Parents/Guardians will be notified that the next infraction may result in an in school suspension.
- A parent/guardian must retrieve the confiscated item.
- Student will have a consequence deemed appropriate by administration.
- 3rd offense
- Item confiscated will be given to an administrator.
- Parents/Guardians will be notified.
- Student will have a consequence deemed appropriate by administration.
- Parent/Guardian must retrieve the confiscated item on the last day of school.
6th Grade Nature's Classroom
Forms & Payments Now Being Accepted!
We have confirmed the dates for this year's Nature's Classroom trip, April 9 - 11. We are offering three options again this year.
- Cost: $350 Overnight / Ext. Day $265 / $120 Days Only
The Millbury Parents' Club fully funds transportation
Overnight: Depart 8:30 Wednesday April 9th & Return 1:30 pm Friday, April 11th
Day: Depart at 8:30 am and return at 1:30 pm. Daily
Ext. Day: Depart at 8:30 am and return at approximately 9:15 pm. Daily
- (Depart Charlton at 8:45pm)
Students will be able to take a bus to and from school and have breakfast at Shaw
- Lodging and all meals (Overnight / Sleep Away)
- Lunch (Day)
- Lunch & Dinner (Ext. Day)
Limited financial assistance is available for students. If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact Mr. Tuccio at (508) 865-3541 or atuccio@millburyschools.org
Save the Date: Shaw Night at the WooSox 2025: June 5th
Shaw Spirit School Store
We need your help!
Millbury Parents Club
The Millbury Parents Club will have its February meeting on Tuesday, the 11th, at 7 p.m. location TBD.
As usual, they will have our Kidz Korner open. It will be staffed by members of the National Honor Society, who will be available to play and do crafts with small children. We hope to see you there!
Unified Arts
3rd Grade
To demonstrate citizenship and give back to the community during the month of February, Third Grade created Valentines for Veterans! All of the Valentines were sent in to Karson and Kennedy at Mix 104.1 and we even got a shoutout on the radio!
4th Grade
Fourth grade students have been hard at work exploring different forms of energy. This hands on unit provides many opportunities to see energy transfer in real life. Here are some pictures of some of our students hard at work!
5th Grade
5th grade students loved participating in Shaw’s Annual Door Decorating Contest! Check out these amazing doors created by our students!
Millbury Public Library
Birthday Book Cart
Do you want to help promote the love of reading for students at Shaw? This year at Shaw we will once again have The Birthday Book Cart. Every day after a student has their birthday recognized during morning announcements they will get to choose a book they WANT to read and keep from The Birthday Book Cart. If you would like to support The Birthday Book Cart you can purchase a book from our Amazon Wish List or please feel free to drop off new books or donations to purchase new books at the main office at any time.
Choose Love💖
We are thrilled to continue offering lessons from the Choose Love curriculum to all students at Shaw. This curriculum teaches foundational concepts and skills of social-emotional learning through lessons on courage, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion in action. Click the following link for an introduction to Choose Love.
Want to know what’s happening in your child’s classroom?
Curriculum information can be found on the District's Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment website.
🥪What's for Lunch?🍽️
School Nutrition Services is looking forward to a great year! We are mainly going digital. Please fill out the following information if you would like to sign your children up for half-day lunches or to sign off on sharing information with other departments in the district.
Raymond E. Shaw Elementary School
Email: shawadmin@millburyschools.org
Website: https://shaw.millburyschools.org/
Location: 58 Elmwood Street, Millbury, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 865-3541
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raymond.shaw.3150
The Millbury Public Schools ensures equal employment and educational opportunities for its employees and students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity (M.G.L. c. 151B and 151C, Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX), or on the basis of disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973/ADA) or homelessness. In addition, the Millbury Public Schools does not discriminate against its employees on the basis of age (M.G.L. 151B/ADEA) on the basis of veteran's status, or genetic information.