The Lion Link

Announcements: NEW!
NEW! Mental Health Webinar Series
We are excited to share with you the attached flyer for the upcoming 2025 Mental Health Webinar Series for Parents/Caregivers in partnership with Rady's Children's Hospital starting in January.
Please note, the flyer is in English and Spanish and will have simultaneous Spanish translation with a Q & A session at the end of each webinar.
NEW! 2nd Semester Schedules (Start: 1/13)
Please review your student's schedule for the 2nd semester through Aeries.
Feel free to reach out with any questions.
NEW! Social Emotional Supports
Please view the following supports and services available to OUSD students.
Sign up for Therapy via Care Solace HERE
Care Solace is a online resource that connects families to local mental health programs and counseling services You can reach them at: 888-515-0595
TrueLife Recovery: North Coastal Teen Recovery Center
Lion Pride: Wins of the Week!
Watch: King's Friday News
Here is the final Friday News of 2024 (12:27). ! I hope everyone has a great winter break!
Lion Pride Winners!
A huge congratulations to this week's Lion Pride winners who selected gift cards from In N' Out, Chick-Fil-A and Cane's during this week's drawing. Thanks for making great decisions on campus!
Don't forget to turn in your Lion Pride tickets to Room E-2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays to be entered into our weekly drawing.
Watch: Oside USD in One Minute
This is the final Oside USD in One Minute of 2024.
Join us in congratulating these students who achieved an incredible milestone this week.
Campus Corner
Announcements: Previously Published
Winter Break (12/23 - 1/10)
Oceanside Unified schools will be on Winter Break from 12/23 - 1/10.
School will resume on Monday, January 13.
Report Card - Digital Access
OUSD is making an important change in our student progress report/report card distribution process.
Beginning this reporting period, progress reports/report cards will no longer be printed and mailed home. Instead, parents and guardians will access their child's progress reports/report cards electronically through the Aeries Parent Portal.
PSTO Feature: PE Department
A huge thank you to all of the families that donated items for the Library club! During the month of December we will highlight our amazing PE department. Please click on the sign up genius below if you are interested in donating an item off their wish list.
An amazon wishlist has been created for your convenience.
Ongoing Supports & Reminders
Tutoring - Weekly Schedule
- King Middle School
Please view the document linked here for details regarding dates and times. - Virtual Tutoring - All OUSD Gr. 6 -12 Students
OUSD has partnered with Tutor.com for FREE, on demand, online tutoring! Connect with a tutor right away, schedule a future session, drop off a writing assignment for a writing review, find test prep and self-study materials. View instructions linked here.
Social Emotional Supports
- Wellness Together
Our on-site mental health specialist is available to all students by referral through Student Services or your student's counselor. If you feel that your child may benefit from this service, we encourage you to reach out. - PASS Americorps
Our two on-site PASS team members provide academic and social emotional support for referred students based on qualifying criteria. - Palomar Family Counseling Services
Our PFC team is available on-site for not only student support, but also for family wrap around services. Students may see one of our favorite PFC team members, Rosie the service dog, on campus on Fridays! Check in with your student's counselor for a referral. - Transformational Consulting
Our TC team members support King on a daily basis for ongoing student check-ins and to support with student mediation opportunities. Life Skills 101 in room B-1 is offered on a regular basis at lunch. This program encourages leadership, responsibility and accountability for all participants. Students can report to Student Services if they'd like to access these supports. - Restorative Practice Small Groups
Restorative Practices circles and small group supports are provided by our OUSD central office team. Creation and implementation of these small group circles are ongoing. Check in with your student's counselor for access to these groups. - School Resource Officer
Our SRO is an OPD officer who is available and accessible for students / families as needed. He is often seen at Nutrition and / or lunch and works to develop strong and trusting connections with our students. - Student Training & Assemblies
During this school year, the central office team will be / has offered trainings / assemblies for all OUSD sites. These topics include E-Bike safety, Drug Prevention, Inclusion & Belonging, Standing Together Against Bullying & Threats. More information to come on the presentations / trainings that have not yet occurred at King.
Reminder: Weekly ASB Updates
For weekly ASB updates, ensure that your student has access to their grade level Google Classroom. Details related to upcoming student events and activities are posted in the Google Classroom and on the ASB Website.
6th Grade la3hy4c
7th Grade gcaqzdt
8th Grade lvr4x3q
Reminder: MLK Instagram Accounts
Follow MLK on Instagram on the following accounts:
- kingmspride
- kingmiddleschool_asb
- kingmiddleschool_njhs
Follow OUSD on Instagram on the following account:
- osideusd
Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School (Website)