"The Pack" Coyote News
Welcome to Tornillo PK-8! Vol. 22
Tornillo PK-8 Mission Statement
Our mission is to empower every student in our school through tailored experiences in blended learning and STEM-H that enable them to make informed decisions about their futures, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to attain their life goals.
We're glad you are here!
QT2: Week 3, Feb. 10-14
Dear Parents,
Thank you for another week of great learning! A big shoutout to all our Junior High UIL participants and their coaches for a strong finish this past Saturday. We’re so proud of their hard work and dedication.
Here’s a look at what’s happening at our school this week.
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!
Mrs. Lopez-Patti, Principal
Tornillo PK-8
No Deliveries- Friday, Feb. 14
Friday, February 14, is a Healthy Snack Exempt Day. Please note that deliveries will not be accepted on this day. Teachers will be sending out details if your child’s classroom will be having a “Valentine’s Day” party. Thank you for your understanding.
Presenting Identification at the Front Office
To ensure the safety of all our students and staff, we kindly remind you that identification will be required for any person conducting business at the front office. This includes, but is not limited to, parent meetings, early student check-out, and participation in school-wide events during school hours.
Join Us for a Parent Informational Meeting!
We invite all Tornillo parents and community members to attend our first informational meeting this week. During this meeting, we will review the Targeted Improvement Plan (TIP) and the High-Quality Instructional Materials used in our Kindergarten through 8th-grade classrooms for Reading and Math.
This is a great opportunity to learn about the exciting things happening in our schools and to ask any questions you may have about how these materials support student learning. Your input and involvement are essential in ensuring the best possible education for our students.
Meeting Details:
- Date: Thursday, February 13
- Time: 5:00pm
- Location: Library- Building B
We look forward to seeing you there and working together to support our students’ success!
After-School Tutoring & Saturday Camps
Our afterschool tutoring and Saturday camps are in full swing for our 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grade students. We need your help reminding your child about the importance of particpating in this extra help when they have been recommended. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you need more information or to confirm if your child is particpating.
Below is a detailed table with tutoring days & subjects for 5th-8th grade students.
Student Attendance - Student Absences, Tardies, and Early Pick-Up
We wanted to reach out to you regarding an ongoing concern at our school – the increase in absences, tardies, and early pickups. As you know, every day of instruction is vital to your child’s academic success, and missing school, even for short periods, can have a significant impact on their learning.
We understand that there may be times when your child needs to be absent, but we ask for your support in ensuring they attend school everyday. The more consistent their attendance, the more your child learns & grows.
Texas law also requires student to be in attendance 90% of the time regardless if the absence is excused or unexcused. Students who are below 90% attendance will be required to make up time. A formal meeting will be set up between the attendance administrator, parent, and student to set up an Attendance Plan.
When a student has 10 unexcused absences, our campus will begin the process for truancy court as required by Texas law.
PK-3rd Grade Attendance Administrator- Mrs. Sotelo, Assistant Principal
4th-8th Grade Attendance Adminsitrator- Mrs. Morales, Assistant Principal
"Every child. Every day. Whatever it takes!"
Myrna Lopez-Patti, Proud Principal
Tornillo PK-8
What's Happening this Week at Our School
Mindful Monday, Feb. 10
-Student Dress: Free Dress if you had Perfect Attendance for the entire week of Feb. 3-7
-Cross Guard Appreciation Day
Thankful Tuesday, Feb. 11
- Student Dress: student uniform
-Progress Reports Go Home
-SPED Dept. Mtg
Wellness Wednesday, Feb. 12
- Student Dress: student uniform
-504/ARD Mtgs for PK-8 Students
Thoughtful Thursday, Feb. 13
-Student Dress: College, Military, & Career Thursday: Wear your favorite college, career, or military branch gear or school uniform
-High School Instructional Rounds, am
-Targeted Improvement Plan & HQIM Curriculum Parent Information & Feedback Mtg, 5:00pm (Library Building B)
Friendly Friday, Feb. 14 - Happy Valentine's Day!
- STAFF & Student Dress: Free Dress for any students attending the Friendship Dance
-SRO & Security Appreciation Day
Saturday, Feb. 15- Winter Wonderland Health Fair @ Tornillo HS (8:00-1:00pm)
Upcoming February Events:
No School- Monday, Feb. 17 (TISD Wellness Day)
TELPAS Testing Window: Feb. 18-28
Parent Teacher Conferences: Thursday, Feb. 20
Scholastic Book Fair: Feb. 18-28
Saturday Camp, 3rd-8th Grade: 8:00-11:00am
Read Across Tornillo Community Event: Tuesday, Feb. 25
Board Mtg, Feb. 26- 5:30pm
6 wks grades due Feb. 28
Last Week's Tornillo PK-8 Attendance
Regular attendance is crucial for their academic progress and overall success, and we greatly appreciate your partnership in this effort.
If there are any challenges or concerns affecting attendance, please don’t hesitate to let me know so we can work together to find solutions.
Way to Go 3rd Grade! Ms. Anaya, Ms. Sanetra, Mrs. Valenzuela's Class!
Great Things Happenning at Tornillo PK-8!
Krispy Kreme Donut Card Top Sellers
Thank you, students & parents for your help. Congratulations to all our students!
5th-8th Grade After School & Saturday Tutoring
Tornillo ISD District Wide Events
2025 Spring Intersession Break
Parents, our Spring Intersession Break will be Monday, March 3 through Friday, March 14. Students in need of academic, language, or attendance intervention will be asked to attend Intersession Instruction from March 3-7. Further information will become available as we get closer tp these dates.
Attached is also the academic calendar for our district.
Junior High 7th & 8th Spring Sports
How to connect to our school through Class Dojo & Power School Parent Portal
Help your child's classroom win a popcorn or donut party this week. Classes with 100% Class Dojo will win one of these tasty treats at the end of the week!
Student Uniforms PK-8
Student Pick-Up & Drop-Off Information
We're Here to Help!
Email: lopezmy@tisd.us
Website: www.tisd.us
Location: 420 Oil Mill Rd, Tornillo, TX 79853
Phone: (915)765-3300
Twitter: @MLopez_TISD