HES Shark Scoop
October 6, 2023
A Message from Principal Cutone
May 24, 2024
Dear HES Community,
What a beautiful week it has been with our beloved spring book fair! Our Sharks always look forward to this event, and it's incredibly special to see parents and other caregivers coming to HES to help their children select books. Many, many thanks to our dedicated PTO volunteers who made this wonderful event possible.
If you came to the book fair, you know that parking can be difficult at HES. The Harwich Police Department has asked me to give you a gentle reminder that parking on the lawn in front of the school is prohibited, as indicated by the signs. Parking is available at the Cultural Center, which comes with the added benefit of extra steps on these beautiful spring days.
This morning, we met as a whole community for our All Shark Meeting. This month’s ambassadors used skits and posters to teach the rest of the school about the importance of good citizenship. Our Sharks learned that belonging to a group makes you a citizen of that group. Furthermore, citizenship comes with certain rights and responsibilities, which make our families, schools, and communities safer and better places to live, learn, and grow. It was a wonderful morning of celebration, song, and learning.
I wish all of you a happy and healthy long weekend. May you enjoy this gorgeous weather that unofficially kicks off the summer season. Please let me know how I can be of service to you and your family.
All my best,
Early Morning Drop Off Fun
Twinning in 2nd Grade
Math Games in the Garden
Cyber Safety Summit
Monomoy collaborated with the Cape & Islands District Attorney's Office and Children's Cove to hold a Cyber Safety Summit for parents, caregivers, and educators on May 21, 2024, featuring information on how we can help our young people learn how to safely navigate technology and social media. If you missed the session, you can watch the recording by clicking here.
Our new trees on the playground are still young and need our love. Will you consider signing up for one week this summer to help keep them thriving? Click on the blue button above. Thank you!
Innovate and Create with Monomoy Computer Science
HES United Arts Teachers are on Instagram
Mark Your Calendar
Monday, May 27 -- Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
Monday, June 3 -- Fourth Grade Step Up Day to MRMS
Wednesday, June 5 -- Early Release 1:20 pm Dismissal
Wednesday, June 12 -- Field Day K-4
Wednesday, June 12 -- Band and Chorus Concert 5:00 pm
Thursday, June 13 -- Field Day K-4 Rain Date
Monday, June 17 -- Fourth Grade Graduation 9:30 am
Tuesday, June 18 -- HES Step Up Day K-3
Tuesday, June 18 -- MRSD Last Day of School 10:50 am Dismissal
PTO Updates
Community Resources and Events
Important Links
Bureau of Special Education Appeals
The Bureau of Special Education Appeals, which derives its authority from both federal and Massachusetts statutes and regulations (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; "IDEA"; MGL ch.71B; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) conducts due process hearings and renders Rulings and Decisions concerning eligibility, evaluation, placement, individualized education programs (IEP), provision of special education and procedural protections for students with disabilities.
To join an Informational Session: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/mediation-and-facilitation-informational-sessions
To learn about BSEA Mediation: https://www.mass.gov/mediation-at-the-bsea
To learn about Hearings at the BSEA: https://www.mass.gov/due-process-hearings
Did you know? Past issues of the HES Shark Scoop can be found on our website at https://hes.monomoy.edu/news/hes-shark-scoop.
Stay in Touch
Ms. Allyson Joy, Assistant Principal
Email: ccutone@monomoy.edu
Website: https://www.monomoy.edu/Domain/9
Location: 263 South Street, Harwich, MA, USA
Phone: 508-430-7216
Twitter: @monomoyschools