Steele Notes
September 10, 2021
A Note from the Principal
This has been a week full of learning. Most of our early assessments have been completed and we are ready to begin our intervention blocks with our wonderful tutors next week. This is a time of focused instruction for all students, in an area that they need support or acceleration of academic work.
Thank you all so much for sending your children to school wearing their masks. We appreciate everyone’s willingness to come together during this time.
Just a reminder, that there is no school for students on Monday, September 20th. This is a professional development D11 staff.
Mr. Capp will be back next week after taking his youngest son to college. Welcome back Mr. Capp!
Rhonda Toombs
A Note from the Office
- Please call the office as well as notify your teacher when your student will be absent. The automated absence calls are processed after 9:30. Teachers cannot excuse student's absences, only the office has that ability.
- Attendance Line: 328-4703
- If you are visiting the building to drop off a student, drop off student belongings, sign student outs, or other reasons to visit, please ring the doorbell by the front door. The office may ask you to state the purpose of your visit and will then buzz the door (the left door is the one that opens). Please have your ID in case we do not recognize you.
- Visitors are required to wear a mask in the building, adult masks are available at the office.
A Note from the Counselor
Hello Families!
The nights are cooling and fall is coming, yay! I love the fall, and I’m happy to see how students are settling back into their school routines. Alas, however, covid is still with us and with it, a seemingly constant stream of small adjustments, disappointments and losses. For instance, I was really disappointed that I did not get to meet our families in person at the Open House a couple of weeks ago, since we were all looking forward to that! I think the grief over so many small losses – and for some, the very large losses of loved ones or jobs or community – has been the real mark of covid on our psyches and spirits. We have much to be grateful for, and yet that does not mean we should overlook the very real losses that covid just keeps bringing, and the grief that comes along with that.
A Steele parent recently shared this website resource with me that I think is wonderful for addressing grief at all levels – from those small disappointments of cancelled plans to the larger grief of divorce, changing jobs, moving away from home to a new place, or so many other ways that grief manifests.
Please check it out if you think it might help you or someone you know…. And share your tips with me! I would love to find a way for us to pool our resources share our collective knowledge.
In community,
Anna Donovan
School Counselor
PS: Please see the attached flyer from The El Paso County Youth Suicide Prevention School Subgroup for a free parent education opportunity on Sept. 16.
A Note from the PTA
LAST CALL (for now) for the Steele PTA Buddy Family Program!
Please sign up by this Friday, September 10, for The Buddy Family Program - connecting new families with a host 'Buddy Family' in an effort to help welcome new families to the Steele community. If you are a family new to Steele, returning to Steele or just feel the Buddy Program would help you, we will match you with a host Steele family to welcome you and help you transition into Steele. Or if you are a family who is established at Steele, you can help welcome a new family to the Steele community with friendly advice on what to expect as parents and students in the school and the wider community.
It’s easy and a great way to meet more of your fellow Steele Star families! We will start with a kick-off event where you can meet and after that, it's up to you! Please sign up here:
September Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will Tuesday September 14 at 8:10AM. The meeting will be held at the gazebo. If you attend, please wear a mask. A Zoom option will be provided as well.
Not a PTA member yet? Here is an on-line link to a membership form You can also pay your dues with Venmo @ Steele PTA or put a check in the PTA box inside the Front Door.
Upcoming Events
Pictures in the Park October 2. Sign up for your slot for Pictures in the Park. See the attached flyer and click on the Sign Up Genius link to reserve your spot.
Walk to School Day October 6. We are still looking for volunteers to assist with the Walk to School event and Fall Enrichment. If you are interested, please contact Megan Harris at
Save the Date for a Chick-fil-A Spirit Day on October 12, 2021, at the Garden of the Gods location. More information to come.
Just for Fun
Fall means it is apple season. Here are some apple recipes you can try with your child. Some of the recipes like Apple Smiles may be even better closer to Halloween.