Whaling News
Message from Principal Hernandez
February 2025
Dear Lido Families,
As we welcome February, we’re reminded of the importance of kindness, love, and community. This month is an exciting time for Lido School, and I’m eager to share some updates and reminders with you.
Highlights for February
Global School Play Day & World Read Aloud Day: On Wednesday, February 5, we’ll participate in two meaningful initiatives. Global School Play Day promotes the value of unstructured play in fostering creativity and collaboration. Additionally, World Read Aloud Day celebrates the power of storytelling and literacy. Students will enjoy activities related to both events throughout the day.
Kindness Week: From February 10th to 14th, we’ll be hosting Kindness Week. Students will engage in activities designed to highlight the importance of empathy, inclusion, and helping others. Let’s work together to reinforce these values at home.
Upcoming Events and Dates to Remember
- PTA Meeting: Our next PTA meeting will be held on Friday, February 7. We hope to see you there!
- Winter Recess: School will be closed from February 17 to 21. Enjoy this time with your family, and we look forward to seeing everyone back on February 24.
- 100th Day of School: We will celebrate the 100th Day of School on Monday, February 24th.
- Attendance Matters: Being present and on time each day is essential for your child’s success. If your child is sick, please contact the office to report their absence.
- Drop-Off and Pick-Up: Safety is our top priority. Please follow all procedures and instructions from staff during these times.
I’d like to take a moment to thank our amazing PTA for hosting our Principal for the Day fundraiser. We are so grateful for their dedication and hard work. Additionally, thank you to all of our families for your unwavering support. Together, we’re creating a nurturing environment where every student can thrive.
Thank you for your continued partnership in making Lido School a wonderful place to learn and grow.
Warm regards,
Dr. Ivelisse Hernandez
Principal, Lido School
We are Lido Strong and Lido Proud!!
Kindness Week
Kindness Spirit Week Schedule
Programa de la Semana del Espíritu Amable
Family Information
Family Handbook
February 2025 Calendar
Lido Safe Zone
In order to ensure the safety of all students and maintain a smooth flow of traffic, please review the following procedures:
Bus & Fire Lanes (areas with cones):
Do not park in the fire or bus lane areas.
Do not remove cones to park in the fire lane areas.
Handicap Spots:
Handicapped parking is only for vehicles with proper stickers.
Do not park in the handicap parking area without a proper sticker.
Use the crosswalks for the safety of all pedestrians.
Walk with the crossing guard when using Lido Blvd.
Walker Zone:
All parents of walkers must meet their child(ren) at the “Walker Zone”. Parents are asked to park their cars in the parking lot when dropping off or picking up their walkers/car riders.
Children will NOT be dismissed from the walker zone to the parking lot by ANY Lido staff member. This is for the safety of all students, staff and parents.
If you have a child(ren) in multiple grades please pick up your youngest child first.
Bike Riders:
Use the designated bike racks to park bikes.
Walk your bike during arrival and dismissal times for safety.
Remember to wear a helmet and follow all bike safety rules.
Drop Off Lane:
When you come to the drop off lane, be sure to let your child/children exit your car on the curb side (right side). You cannot park and leave your car in the drop off lane. Please do not double park or create two drop lanes, near the drop off lane for the safety of students and staff. If you would like to walk your child/children to school please park your car in the parking lot.
As a friendly reminder, please be sure to stand in the walker zone during dismissal. Students will not be allowed to walk to the parking lot area without an adult. We also ask that students are not taken off their line without notifying their teacher first for the safety of all students.
Visiting Lido:
Whether you are visiting our school, heading to the nurses office, or need to do an early pick-up, please be sure to go to our security in our main entrances and bring photo ID.
With the safety and well-being of our school community as our top priority, we have security guards onsite to ensure that all members of our community are kept safe. It is crucial that we all follow their directions and guidance in a respectful manner. Your support and cooperation in following these procedures are greatly appreciated. Together, we can create a safe and secure environment for our students, staff, and families.
Thank you for your dedication to the safety of our school community.
Winter Recess: February 17th - 21st - School Closed
Learning Waves
Dr. Hernandez Favorite Books
One of my favorite things to do is read. Here are a few of my new favorite read aloud books. Enjoy!
It's OK: Being Kind to Yourself When Things Feel Hard
Sometimes I have to do something I don’t want to do.
I feel really angry. . . .
Then I remember that everyone feels angry sometimes.
I put my hand on my heart, and here’s what I say:
“It’s OK—I love you. I’m with you today.”
Click below for the read aloud!
I Am Ruby Bridges
My work will be precious.
I will bridge the "gap" between Black & white...
...and hopefully all people!
I suppose some things in life are just meant to be.
Click here for a peek of the book!
I Am Ruby Bridges
Spirit Day
Wear your Lido Gear on Friday, February 7th
Lido Spirit Days
Free Shipping 2/7 to 2/13/25
Purchase your custom school spirit wear apparel and Spiritwear Direct will ship the products right to your door.
Dias Del Espiritu
100th Day of School: Monday, February 24th
Lido Leaders Caught Being Kind
Fifth Grade Parent Committee
Fifth Grade Parent Committee Letter
Carta del Comité de Padres de Quinto Grado
Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten Dance: February 13th
PTA Sponsored Event
Evento patrocinado por la PTA
NY Islanders Visit Lido
Lido PTA
PTA Meeting @ Lido February 7th at 9:30am
Reunión PTA @ Lido 7 de febrero a las 9:30am
PTA Membership Form
PTA Membership Form (Spanish)
Fourth Grade Dancing Classrooms
Contact Us
Website: www.lbeach.org
Location: Lido Elementary School,
237 Lido Boulevard, Lido Beach, NY, USA
Phone: (516) 897-2141
Twitter: @LbnyLido