Te Whare Akoranga o Maungawhau, June 13, 2024
From The Principal
Kia ora koutou
Dragon Festival
Thanks to all those who were able to come along to join in the fun of the 2024 Dragon Boat Festival. It was an incredibly positive, successful event, and I want to pass on sincere thanks to Echo, Pam, Svantje and the rest of the team who made it possible.
It was great to see such a rich cultural celebration being enjoyed and appreciated by all who attended, and the amazing results of such a major community effort in support of our school, marked by great food, performances and themed activities for the children to enjoy.
Farewell, Mr McKenzie
On Friday, we farewelled Year 2 Team Leader Sean McKenzie and wished him well on his relocation to Queenstown.
I'd like to acknowledge him for his work in class as an outstanding teacher and leader at our school for a number of years - I know all those who worked with him appreciated the opportunity and contribution he made during his time at MENPS.
While Sean will be greatly missed, we are looking forward to soon welcoming Roselle Amoore to the class and the MENPS team when she joins us towards the end of this term.
Parent Conference Bookings Open Monday 17th June
Finally, bookings for Parent Conferences are set to open on Monday next week. Please check the HERO app (after 9am) for the link and booking code to organise your time-slot for the Term 2 Conferences, which will include progress updates from the teacher and examples of the children's learning successes so far this year.
Ka kite anõ i a koutou
Alan Jackson
Events & Reminders
Friday 14th June:
- PTA Second Hand Uniform Shop (8:15am - 9:15am)
Monday 17th June:
- Parent Conference Bookings Open Online - 9am
Tuesday 18th June:
- Zone Cross Country - Auckland Domain (approx start time 10am)
- (Save day Thurs 20th June)
PTA News
Save the Date!
On Saturday 7th September we will be hosting our annual parent social event - this year it will be Beats by Bingo & Auction, at Rocky Nook Bowling Club from 7pm. Mark your diaries for this fun night out! Details to follow.
Can you help with Auction Prizes?? As part of this event, we will be running an online and live auction to raise funds for MENPS. We are on the hunt for prizes to include in our auction - if you are in a position to donate any auction items (this could be goods, vouchers for services, an experience, a weekend escape to a bach, etc!) then we would love to hear from you - menpspta@gmail.com. All donors will be promoted to the community, via the online auction platform (Galabid) and through event promotion. Thank you for your support!
Thank you!!
Thank you to everyone who came along to the Dragon Boat Festival on Saturday!! It was a wonderful afternoon full of fun activities, delicious food and amazing performances.
This would not have been possible without the hard work of our events team - Echo, Pam and Svantje - thank you for your huge effort to make this festival a reality. Thank you to ALL of the volunteers who helped to bring it to life on Saturday - cooking, setting up, packing down, manning the stalls and painting faces - we could not have done it without you.
And a huge thank you to our generous sponsors for your support - Team Ian Yu, Harcourts Mt Eden with ESL Legal Limited & Wise Mortgage.
To see photos (and add your own!) of the festival: https://photos.app.goo.gl/fFTwFL6tJQnZFQew5
Have your say.....
Please provide your feedback to the PTA on the 2024 Dragon Boat Festival - what you think worked well this year, and what we could improve on. Even if you didn't attend this year, we would love your feedback as to why not! Have your say here: https://forms.gle/nG9idzXZ4X2BMQ3d6
Double your YUMMY APPLE points!!
Did you know that some of Yummy apples stickers are worth 2 points? Buy and enjoy these lovely new apple varieties, Lemonade, Ambrosia and Sweet Tango and DOUBLE your points. Stickers from these varieties can be put on the side of the Collection Sheet that has a picture of trees. If you don't have a Collection sheet, head to the office to get one or collect stickers on a blank sheet of paper.
Happy collecting MENPS!
Second hand Uniform Shop open Friday 14 June
- 8.15 - 9.15am
- In the PTA Room: follow signs from Valley Rd gates OR
- Order online by emailing Jane at menpspta@gmail.com.
- Pay via Cash or Bank transfer.
- Donations needed - especially good quality winter uniforms! If you have any uniforms that your child no longer fits/needs then please consider donating to the Uniform Shop. Donations can be dropped off at the office. Thank you!
PTA - Supporting our school through fundraising & fun events
Email menpspta@gmail.com I Follow us on Facebook
Refer to the PTA website for information on the various fundraising and community activities
Co-Chairs Pam Clifford & Svantje Reiber
Secretary Chelsea Chen
Treasurer Linda Waddington-Miller & Paula Tran
PTA Advisor Chantal Brunner
Sponsorships Rayni Chung
School Representative Hilary Edwards
Family Home wanted – 6 months Dec 24 June 25
We are a family of 4 coming to Auckland from the US to take up a 6 month sabbatical at Auckland University. We have 2 school aged children aged 6 & 8. If you can help please contact:
Jane Grigg mobile 0276922988 or email jane@mobile-relocation.com
Also for Years 5 & 6
FREE Girls' Basketball Festival on the 21st of June from 6 to 8 PM for Girls in Years 5, 6, 7, and 8 at Marist College. Limited spaces are available. Scan QR Code to register.