Empowering Lives
the Global Network Podcast for Individuals with Disabilities
Upskilling HED Students to create transformative cultural experiences for audiences with disabilities
Public cultural institutions and private organizations have yet to revise their policies towards an inclusive cultural heritage for all culture to share their riches with the public, as evidenced by the numerous websites, museums, and collections that only offer the audience the company of mute artefacts. By introducing verified skills and opening new fields of application, iNCLUSION supports HED students in the development of digital culture that can serve as a link between digital industries and audiences with special needs.
Main Objective
To converge the needs of disabled audiences for cultural heritage experiences with educational curricula and informal training and more particularly to:
- To serve an emerging market of 87 million Europeans with new skills for new jobs;
- To launch a reference paradigm for an inclusive digital cultural sector;
- To create emerging professional profiles and rewarding employment for HED domains traditionally hit by unemployment, such as humanities, pedagogics and social sciences;
- To raise the awareness of private actors for the potential of inclusive heritage and the difference it shall make in the market, combatting unemployment of young graduates;
- To alert public actors to revise their policies and redesign their cultural offers.
Despite that technological innovations offer an array of solutions for different impairments, technology alone does not solve all problems in the domain of cultural heritage as the benefits are of intangible nature. Το achieve feasible and integrative solutions a multidisciplinary approach is adopted to tackling the potential of digital culture to achieve a diversity of higher skills and competences required for the generation of digital culture for audiences with visual, auditory, mobility, intellectual impairments and ADS. 3 sub-objectives are set:
- SO1: Research the needs of the heritage sector to develop feasible solutions in the generation of inclusive culture. iNCLUSION tackles this challenge with a multidisciplinary approach and comprehensive training schemes and tools, which provide evidence of interdisciplinary achievements, improve standards for cultural production and exploit technologies that facilitate the inclusion of disabled audiences in cultural heritage.
- SO2: The Partnership set standards in the generation of digital culture for disability audiences, thus, gaining a new market to accommodate better paid jobs.
- SO3: iNCLUSION trains 80 HED students towards the creation of new products that bring them to follow the developments in the cultural market and replicates the innovation across the EU and the cooperating countries
- SO4: Improve the transparency/recognition of qualifications/competences for professional profiles working at the intersection of cultural heritage, ICT and special education: With demonstrable evidence of acquired skills, micro- credentials, and certification processes iNCLUSION enhances employability of young graduates and females.