Park Terrace Elementary
December 18, 2024 - NEWSLETTER
Greetings Park Terrace Families,
It was a fun week at Park Terrace! Last Friday, our kindergarten students had their ABC Fashion Show. They used what they know about the letter, sound it makes, and words that begin with that letter to make a costume. Take a look at the pictures below to see what the students created!
We have wrapped up our first round of Spark. As a reminder, Spark is the time of day when community members and our own teachers provide learning and experiential opportunities students may want to explore with the goal of sparking a new interest.
Ms. Conniff organizes Spark. In order to get feedback for the next round, she met with students individually to hear their thoughts. The vast majority of students shared that they enjoy and feel engaged by their Spark class and were able to persist through challenges as they arose. Students will start their next Spark class the second week of January.
For those who drive their child to and from school, we ask that you show caution in the parking lot. Please join the end of the carline when you drive up. We will have a new sign that says “Pick Up Line Starts Here” so that we can help traffic move as smooth and as quick as possible. Please remember that we have children moving about so drive at a slow speed and follow the process.
Our winter break is nearly here. There is no school Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1. We will see students back in school Thursday, January 2. While that will be a very short week, those few days will be important for getting the calendar year started.
I wish you a joyful and restful winter break! May your time be filled with warmth, laughter, and cherished moments with loved ones. We look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready for the new year on January 2.
Lindsay Johnson
District Services Center - Winter Break
- Monday, December 23, 8-4:30
- Tuesday, December 24-Wednesday, December 25 - closed
- Thursday, December 26- Tuesday, December 31 - 8 - noon
- Wednesday, January 1 - closed
- Normal hours will resume Thursday, January 2
Have a question during this time? Please email or and we'll find you the answer.
- December 23-January 1 - No school, holiday
- Wednesday, January 8 - PTA Meeting, 5-6 p.m., Park Terrace Elementary
- Thursday, January 16 - PT Literacy Night, 5:30-7 p.m., Park Terrace Elementary
- Friday, January 17 - No school
- Monday, January 20 - No school, holiday
ABC Fashion Show
Our awesome kindergarteners participated in the annual ABS Fashion Show. Each student got to design their own shirt that featured a special letter and then the whole school got to see them parade around the building. There was a lot of applause and smiles!
Students Bring Big Ideas to Life in ‘Shark Tank’ Style Competition
Spring Lake Park High School students in the year-long Marketing and Entrepreneurship class recently stepped into the spotlight to pitch their creative business ideas in the annual “Shark Tank”-style competition. After months of hard work, 12 student groups showcased their product or service ideas to local judges.
Students dreamed big. There were AI-powered glasses to sharpen your golf game. There was an eco-friendly mobile thrift shop. There was a sturdy case intended to extend the life of baseball gloves, and a closet organizer app designed to simplify busy mornings.
In the first round, students presented three times to different panels of judges. Judges were then tasked with rating the pitches. After the scores were tallied, six teams advanced to the final round.
We caught up with the finalists to hear about their ideas, how this unique class is shaping their future goals and what it’s like to pitch their ideas to real-world business pros.
- From paper plants to community circles
- Enrollment is open for the 2025-2026 school year
- Now Hiring Paraprofessionals - apply online today
- Fall 2024 highlights: Panther athletics and activities
- Meet our 2024-2025 student school board reps
- Exploring careers and improving personal health
- All About AVID
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