The Buzz
Errol Hassell Family News- February 26, 2021
One School, One Book Part 2
Dragons in a Bag, by Zetta Elliott
Chapters 4-7 read by Sarah Mari Librarian from Portland Main public library.
Kindergarten registration for the 2021-22 school year is now open! Watch this helpful video to learn why it's important to register early and how to start the process.
¡Las inscripciones de Kindergarten para el año escolar 2021-2022 están abiertas ahora! Vea este video informativo de como iniciar el proceso y la importancia de matricularse temprano.
Curriculum Resources:
Reading and Writing: Teachers' College Units of Study
(New!) Reading and writing videos
Math: Math Workshop
Science: Twig
BSD Resources:
- Parenting video for helping your children during CDL
- Mental Health Resources (NEW!)
EHSL Spotfiy Playlist by Mrs. Palmer
Third grade projects
Milk Jugs
Office open 8am-4pm Monday-Friday
Call (503) 356-2090 or come by!
School Hours: 8 a.m. - 11 a.m., noon- 2 p.m.
11-11:30 Lunch Bunch for K-2 Meeting ID: 307 483 5324 Password: sel
11:30-12 Lunch Bunch for 3-5 Meeting ID: 307 483 5324 Password: sel
2-3pm After School Hangout Meeting ID: 307 483 5324 Password: sel
2:15-3:15 Homework Help Meeting ID: 987 708 6687 Passcode: sel
3-4pm Social Worker Office Hour Meeting ID: 880 8466 6458 PW: SSW
10:30- noon Outdoor Library in the back of the school
11- noon Curbside food pick up for all children up to age 18
11- noon Curbside food boxes
11-noon Food pick up for all children up to age 18
2:15-3:15 Homework Help Meeting ID: 987 708 6687 Passcode: sel
Fridays Spirit Day
11-11:30 Lunch Bunch for K-2 Meeting ID: 307 483 5324 Password: sel
11:30-12 Lunch Bunch for 3-5 Meeting ID: 307 483 5324 Password: sel
After School Hangout 2-3pm Meeting ID: 307 483 5324 Password: sel
EHSL Library
If you’re done reading your books, please return them so we can replenish our shelves.
If you have questions, please email Mrs. Plew at
It is Black History Month. To celebrate the diversity of our school, we have a display of books that depict some of the diversity we have at EHSL. Ask your teacher for a read aloud of any of these books. When we return, these books are nestled in a cozy reading area for students to read.
Beaverton City Library
Errol Hassell Community Room. If you have connections for donations of (new and gently used) clothes, toiletries, books, and shelf stable food, please email Cynthia Moffett ( or bring in your donation Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 4 p.m..
Amazon Smile
Volunteer info!
BSD Volunteer Info and Background Check: Needed to volunteer on Zoom
Errol Hassell Elementary School
Location: 18100 SW Bany Rd, Beaverton, OR 97007
Phone: (503) 356-2090