Tiger Cub Weekly
Cypress Elementary School

International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme Motto
The IB develops inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through education that builds intercultural understanding and respect.
Weekly Smore Newsletter February 10-13
Upcoming Important Dates:
- 14- No School
- 17- No School
- 19- School Site Council Meeting
- 21- Bingo Night
- 28- Recognition Assembly
- 7- House Assembly
- 14- Dress Day- Mismatch day
- 17- No student Day- Professional Learning for teachers
- 19-School Site Council Meeting
- 21- Recognition assembly
- 21- Trimester 2 report cards go home
**Save the date for 50th Celebration Adult Dinner Event! March 22nd @5PM. More info coming!
** 5th Grade save the date for 5th Grade Culmination: June 12 @ 9:00 AM
No school Friday February 14th and Monday February 17th!
Parent Volunteers Needed Feb. 21st!
As one of our monthly House activities, students will get to participate in a scavenger hunt on February 21, 2025. To help the event run smoothly, we are in need of parent volunteers. Students will be completing their scavenger hunt in grade level groups. You may choose what group you would like to volunteer for.
9:05-9:45 TK/K/1st grade
10:20-11:15 4th/5th
1:25- 2:30 2nd/3rd
Please fill our this Google Form to sign up!
The official Cypress 50th Celebration Information/ Registration is Here!
Click on the flyer to purchase tickets.
Click on the image to learn more!
Cypress Monthly Student Recognitions
Starting in January 2025 and through the remainder of the school year, Cypress will be recognizing all students for the IB (international Baccalaureate) trait that they exhibit the most. Your child's teacher will contact you to let you know when your child will be recognized via email or a letter sent home. These will be done at our normal Friday morning assemblies at 8:20 am in the quad. See the image below to learn more about the IB Learner Profile Traits.
Our awards schedule is as follows:
January 31st
February 28th
March 21st
April 11th
May 30th
We look forward to celebrating your child!
Cypress Attendance!
Did you know?
-Schools do not get paid when your child is not at school (even if they are excused absences). ADA (average daily attendance) is how schools are funded. Please help us out by scheduling vacations during school holidays.
-Chronic absenteeism is when your child misses 10% or more of the school year.
Parents/Guardians are required to contact the front office any time that their student will be absent.
There are a few different ways to reach us:
Front office (805) 498-6683
24-hour Attendance Line (805) 498-6203
Email: : CYP-Attendance@conejousd.org
California Education Code section 48205 and CVUSD board policies state that absences for the following reasons may be excused:
- Personal Illness
- Quarantine
- Medical, dental, optometrically, or chiropractic services
- Funeral services of an immediate family member
Do you receive the PTA Newsletter?
In addition to my weekly newsletter, our amazing PTA puts out a newsletter with all the information about PTA (events, volunteer opportunities, etc.)
If you would like to receive their weekly newsletter, follow these steps.
1. Follow this link: https://cypresselementarypta.membershiptoolkit.com/user_subscriptions
2. Register for an account.
3. Opt in to receive the weekly email.
Once you register for an account, you can click on the messages tab at the top to look through current and past newsletters.
Cypress needs another CSA (Campus Safety Assistant)
Do you enjoy working with children?
Are you interested in working while your children are in school?
Cypress is looking for more campus assistants to help during lunch and recesses. Please let us know if you might be interested. Email Michele McDonald mmcdonald@conejousd.org
Need help studying or help with homework?
Newbury Park High School has a group of 16 volunteers (many of whom are earning service hours through the IB program) who are ready to help at no cost! Please click on this link to learn more information. https://www.smore.com/cdmnr-online-tutoring
In the Case of an Emergency
Each year, Cypress Elementary School updates its Safety Emergency Plan. This plan was reviewed and approved by our School Site Council
Below are some important documents for all parents to review.
Parent/ Guardian information for evacuation
This document is what your child will hear on the intercom for each drill.
School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Each school year, the Cypress School Site Council updates the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). This year's draft SPSA has been approved and is ready for public viewing. A huge thanks goes out to the dedicated members of the school site council that work throughout the year to update the document. Please view the draft SPSA HERE.
Chromebook Damage Protection
We are proud to provide all students with a Chromebook through the District’s 1:1 Program. While Chromebooks are provided at no cost to families, proper use and care of the Chromebook is the responsibility of the student and their parent/guardian. To support this program, CVUSD is offering Chromebook Accidental Damage Protection (ADP) program for families to eliminate the concern and costs of repairing or replacing damaged, or stolen Chromebooks.
📍 Important Note: Coverage must be in place prior to a claim being submitted = the time is now to secure Chromebook Accidental Damage Protection for your student's chromebook!
💻 Click here to learn more about the Chromebook ADP program, and for the steps on how to purchase the ADP for your student's Chromebook.
Parking Lot Safety
For Drop-off/ Pick up
-Pull into the second driveway off Kimber. 10 miles per hour max. in parking lot!
-Pull up to the curb for pick-up or drop-off
-Exit/enter only on the passenger/ curb side
**Do not stop in the school bus or red zone area for drop-off or pick-up**
-If you need to assist your child in or out of the car, proceed to a visitor's parking spot. Parents may NOT exit the car in the drop off lane.
-Always walk with your child in the parking lot. Use sidewalks to walk children from parking lot to school campus. Do NOT walk children through the parking lot.
TK and Kindergarten Families
-All TK and Kindergarten students must be escorted to the TK/K playground in the morning and picked up at the exit gate. Those picking up a TK/K students must park.
Please DO NOT park in staff spots. Specialists, paras, support staff, and campus supervisors arrive at school at various times. If you have a quick question for us in the office, you may park along the yellow curb by the front office.
New Birthday Treat Policy
Updated Birthday Celebration Rules: Cypress staff will not pass out cupcakes or other sweet treats in the classroom for student birthdays. There are several students on our campus with severe and, in some cases, life threatening food allergies. However, we can still celebrate your child! If you would like to recognize your child’s birthday in class, please see the ideas below.
donate a book to class
sidewalk chalk
decorative pencils/ pens
donate a rainy day game
silly straws
seed packets
fun erasers
mini craft packets
temporary tattoos
glow sticks
donate book to school library
light up trinkets
Dress Days
Click on image to print
2024/2025 School Site Council
The School Site Council (SSC) is required to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, including an analysis of verifiable state and local data, provide recommendations related to the school’s Title I program (if applicable), and participate in the development and approval of the school’s SPSA. The SPSA is a strategic plan that outlines specific and measurable goals at the school site with the intention of increasing student achievement. The SPSA should align with the local educational agency’s (LEA’s) Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) process as they both help support continuous cycles of action, reflection, and improvement.
Everyone is always welcome at our meetings. Our next meeting will be on February 19th at 2:50 in Room 6.
We have one vacant spots on the Cypress School Site Council. We need an LGBTQ-AC. If you are interested, please reach out to me at mmcdonald@conejousd.org.
PTA News!
Click on the above image to print!
Please create a new or update your MTK login for Cypress PTA
Cypress PTA Fundraiser
Notice to School Community
Cypress Elementary School Facebook Page!
Cypress Digital Backpack of Flyers!
Digital backpack for community Flyers
Cypress Student/ Parent Handbook
The Cypress Handbook has been updated. Please take a moment to look through the information located in this document. This document covers information about attendance policies, safety protocol, discipline procedures, dress code and more. After this week, this document will remain in this Smore for the remainder of the school year.
Cypress Elementary
Email: mmcdonald@conejousd.org
Website: https://www.conejousd.org/cypress
Location: 4200 West Kimber Drive, Newbury Park, CA, USA
Phone: 805-498-6683
Facebook: facebook.com/CypressElementarycvusd
Instagram: cypresscubs