The Acorn
Message from Academy of the Canyons' Principal, Dr. Fine
Week of 4/22-4/26/24
I hope that you had a restful weekend! Here is the student bulletin for this week. And, this Friday is a M/W schedule.
The proposition 28 funded Photography and Video Arts and Storytelling classes will begin this Friday, 4/26 with Professors Amy Tierney and Sara Caldwell from COC. They will teach classes at AOC's campus starting at 3:10pm and ending promptly at 5:10pm. Registration for classes is now closed. We were unable to find a teacher for the graphic arts class but we plan to offer this in the fall of 2024.
Upcoming Events
Dr. Juliet Fine
Principal of AOC
(661) 362-3056
Carla Tuttle, Office Manager/ Registrar-
Logix Delivers Support to SCV Project Linus
AOC Teacher Sharon Garvar and AOC Class, Non-Profit Ventures Receives the Check and Recognition
Logix Federal Credit Union staff stepped away from their keyboards to deliver support to SCV Project Linus on April 11.This chapter of the nonprofit organization is run by students at the Academy of the Canyons (AOC).In March, with the biennial Make a Blanket Day, students and community members made 576 blankets that will be shared with children who are ill, traumatized or otherwise in need. Chapter Coordinator Sharon Garvar continues to work with teens to help them skill-build with this class. They learn about the nuances of event planning, public relations and philanthropy. “Our group this semester is very committed to the work we’ve been doing. They are an altruistic team that works well together and we are so pleased to have Logix employees meet them,” Garvar said. “It’s so impactful to have them hear from others in our community and understand how important sponsorships are to charities.” Financial Services Officer Robert Delgado and Branch Manager Robert Trick talked to the class about why Logix staff is grateful to connect and give back. “When my daughter was born, she was in the NICU for three months, and we received a blanket from SCV Project Linus,” Delgado said. “We are thankful for that comforting gesture and kindness during that uncertain time; it was truly priceless. These students do valuable work, and being present to tell them was a rewarding experience for me.” For more SCV Project Linus information and to donate, visit
ACSA Senior Scholarship
ACSA Senior Scholarship
The scholarship submission link is:
Similar to last year, applicants will submit all of their information and their essay via the above link.
For electronic entries, all applications must be entered by Monday, May 3, 2024.
Our SCV ACSA board will make selections for each school and a winner will be announced at AOC's Senior Award Night (an event by invitation only).
Lunch Menu
Here is the AOC lunch menu for May.
AOC Student Highlights-Multicultural Day on April 19th
Do you have some good news about your student that you'd like to share with the AOC community?
For the rest of the school year, students and parents are invited to share any good news that they are proud of with the rest of the AOC community. Please share the good news with me, and I will share it with the entire community. Let's celebrate our students' accomplishments together.
Academy of the Canyons
Location: Academy of the Canyons, Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA, USA
Phone: 661-362-3056
Twitter: @Academy_Canyons