The Buzz
Spring Term - 23rd January 2024

Message From the Executive Headteacher
This week has not matched the excitement of last week's visit by Sir Mo Farah but we didn't really expect it to. We were however, very pleased to welcome Singing Hands who worked with our youngest children and I could see how much EYFS enjoyed the sessions and were joining in with the signing.
I would like to remind all year 2 parents about the year 2 assessment meeting being held next Wednesday at 2.30pm in the hall, enter via the school office. The SATs assessments at the end of the year are now non statutory and schools do not have to complete these. Please come along to the meeting to hear about the HISN approach for the coming year.
I am pleased to see that morning and afterschool clubs are up and running again after the Christmas break and can see how much the children enjoy these enrichment activities. In the coming weeks you will see the summer term clubs offer come out to you, please look out for it. We hope to open some of the clubs up to children in Reception. This will be the first time we have tried this and it will be for the summer term only.
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
HISN Nursery 2024
If you are interested in a nursery place for 2024 and would like a tour of our Nursery please complete the form below. Spaces are limited.
RNLI Visit
We were very lucky to have a visit from the RNLI last week. They came to deliver an assembly for the whole school telling us about their role in the community and how we can keep safe near water. They talked about the different lifeboats they use and when they are needed and showed us the safety flags that are used at the beach too.
We learnt about the important job of the RNLI volunteers and they demonstrated how fast they need to be when they get a call out. They brought the uniform the volunteers need to wear to keep them safe when rescuing people and told us that sometimes they have to rescue pets too!
It was very interesting to listen to them and we all came away knowing more about how to keep safe at the beach or near the river.
w/c 15.01.2024
2MC had the best attendance last week with 99%
Class 1Y had 1 late last week
🌟Certificate of Excellence
Last week certificates were given out for Independence
AM Nursery Austin
PM Nursery Daisy
RC Lyra
RF Logan N
RK Franca
RP Vaya
1B Violet
1C Jeevni
1D Alfred
1Y Nysa
2C Abdur Rahman
2P Clara
2J William
2MC Jessica
Achievement in Maths
👋 Makaton Sign of the Week
🟨 Nursery
What a fun and exciting time we have had in Nursery this week! We have continued to enjoy our story of the week 'We're going to find the monster'. We thought about what we might see on our adventure to find the monster and had fun painting and drawing our own ideas. We also thought about words to describe where our monster was when we found it. We used positional language, saying our monster was under, on top of, next to and behind the chair. We enjoyed placing the monster in different positions and used the positional vocabulary to describe where the monster was.
We were also very excited to welcome 'Singing hands' into the school. They came to run a workshop for us where they taught us some Makaton signs, sang some nursery rhymes with us and read a story whilst signing along too. We loved joining in and came away knowing even more Makaton actions.
Time to Talk - Nursery
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
We have been enjoying learning some more Makaton signs and songs this week. Have a go at learning to sing and sign along to this song together at home, link above . It would be great to see a video of you singing together on Tapestry.
🟥 Reception
Reception have had another busy and exciting week this week! We have continued to focus on the story 'We're Going to Find a Monster.' We have been looking at the pages more closely and going on lots of different adventures. First, we went to the jungle where we saw lots of exciting animals. We listened carefully and thought about what we might hear and then we made a jungle soundscape using different instruments and body percussion. We also became deep sea divers. We went deep into the ocean to see what we could see. We searched around and found some buried treasure, it was very exciting.
Phonics - We have continued to recap all of the sounds we have learnt so far. We have used all of these sounds to read and build words and write them down. We have also continued with Handwriting in Reception this week, our sounds for this week are a, d and g and we have been practising writing these letters and sitting them on the line.
Maths - This week, we have been singing the song '5 Speckled Frogs.' We have been using this song to introduce the concept of partitioning and looking at how the number 5 can be partitioned into two numbers e.g. 4 and 1 or 3 and 2. We have also been using number fans to recognise our numbers from 1 - 10.
In Reception, we were very excited because we had a special workshop from the amazing 'Singing Hands.' We learnt lots of different songs using Makaton and were excited to share the songs we know and have been practising with them.
Time to Talk - Reception
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
We have been enjoying learning some more Makaton signs and songs this week. Have a go at learning to sing and sign along to this song together at home, link below.
It would be great to see a video of you singing together on Tapestry.
🟦 Year 1
In English, year 1 have looking at various texts and deciding whether these are fiction or non-fiction. We then found out lots of facts about lions and used these to write our very own fact files on lions.
This week, we have been using number lines to 20 in maths. We have been using these to practise counting forwards and backwards and to find one more and one less, as well as using these to help us decide whether a number in greater or smaller. We used our knowledge of numbers to complete blank and missing number lines and to identify what each mark on the number line represents.
In Science, we have been investigating which objects float and which objects sink, and identifying what materials they are made out of. We made predictions and discussed our methods for carrying out the investigation, ensuring we thought about how to make the test fair. We then tested each material, recording our findings and results in a table, before discussing our conclusions and reasons for why certain objects floated or sank.
In History, we continue to look at transport and how this has changed over time. We have been understanding how motor vehicles have evolved over time, discussing which we would prefer to travel in and why.
We have continued to use the beebots in computing this week, practising our programming skills to move them forwards and backwards. We gave the beebot instructions by pressing the buttons on the top to program a sequence of movements from one point to another, making predictions and debugging as we went through the process.
In dance this week, we have continued using our counts to 8 and the weather as inspiration when creating our own dances. We looked at different actions, levels and pathways we could use to interpret our theme and put these into a sequence with a partner to create our own routines. We have also been practising our throwing technique in PE, focusing on underarm and over arm passes, whilst also looking at ways in which we can improve our accuracy and distance.
For opportunities to practise writing, phonics, reading and maths skills at home, please look at the ‘Home Support‘ tab on the school website for details, as well as activities linked to topics we are learning about in school this term.
🟩 Year 2
Thank you for coming to 2C's and 2J's showcase this week, the children loved being able to share their work with you all. 2MC's and 2P's showcase will be on Tuesday 30th January at 9am.
We have continued to think about flight this week as we looked at a new text in English called 'The Dreamer' by Il Sung Na. This is a story about a pig who admired birds and designed an aeroplane so he could fly. Our resilient pig kept on trying different designs until he finally was able to fly. We stopped half way through the story and made a prediction about where our pig would fly to. We decided he might go to outer space to walk on the dusty, white moon. Or he might fly to Africa with the birds for a warmer winter migration. We loved predicting our story before finding out where pig really went.
In Art we are focusing on the artists Bridget Riley and Charles McGee. We are using the inspiration from these artists to draw London Landmarks. Can you spot which landmarks we have drawn in the pictures below? We will use these drawings to build a sculpture using clay and wire over the next few weeks.
In Science we are looking at plants and how they can grow from seeds in different stages before being fully grown. We will begin to grow beans this week, keeping a bean diary as our seeds begin to change. We can't wait to see what conditions our beans will grow best in.
Achieving for Children mental Health Support
Achieving for Children's Mental Health Support Teams are delivering a series of webinars for parents of primary aged children. The "Helping Children with ..." series of webinars will cover a range of common difficulties experienced by children. Below is a link to the seminars on offer over the coming months.
The well being and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about a child please contact SPA on 547 5008 or out of hours on 0208 744 2442.
Useful Links
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815