Brighton PTO Newsletter
January 2025 ~ Year of the Wood Snake 🐍
All School Bowl & Skate Party
Friday, January 24 5pm-7pm
Lynnwood Bowl & Skate - 6210 200th St SW, Lynnwood
Join us for another all-ages Brighton family bowl & skate party. Brighton PTO covers admission, skate rentals & a couple bowling lanes.
Lunar New Year Celebration (In-School Assembly)
Tuesday, January 28
9-10am (6th-8th) / 10-11am (K-5th)
Brighton PTO is sponsoring a Lunar New Year Celebration for our K-8 students. The Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is one of the most significant celebrations in many Asian cultures, symbolizing new beginnings, prosperity, and good fortune. To commemorate this auspicious occasion, we have organized an assembly featuring the mesmerizing Mak Tai Chinese Lion Dance performance (www.makfailiondance.com). Lion dances are a traditional part of Lunar New Year festivities, believed to bring luck and ward off evil spirits. Mak Fai's talented lion dance team will dazzle and entertain the audience with their colorful costumes, intricate choreography, and energetic movements. Following the assembly, we will invite students to choose festive treats or stickers and bring home a li xi containing a chocolate gold coin and bookmark.
Our Lunar New Year Chair Marcella Tran is looking for a couple parent volunteers for each assembly. Please email her at treasurer@brightonpto.com if you are available to help. Thank You!
Winter Soup Potluck Teacher Appreciation
Thursday, January 30
Brighton PTO is coming in hot with a January teacher appreciation event, this time going savory and steamy with a soup and stew smorgasbord. Sign up to bring your crowd-pleasing soup, bread, or to volunteer with set up/clean up HERE.
Mod Pizza Canyon Park Fundraiser
Thursday, February 6
22833 Bothell Everett Hwy, Ste 161, Bothell
Join us in Raising Some Dough at Mod Pizza Canyon Park. Order pizza for dine-in, takeout, or delivery all day on Feb 6 from the Canyon Park location and use the code MODGIVES20 (orders can be made in-store or thru the MOD app/website). MOD will donate 20% of your bill to Brighton PTO. Look for other Brighton families at the restaurant & say Buon Appetito!
Call for Volunteers!
Community Events Volunteers Needed: Our community events chair had to step back and we are in IMMEDIATE NEED of a couple brave volunteers to step in. We are looking for volunteers to lead or co-lead:
- PARENTS PARTY in March, and
- SPRING FLING school dance at the Nile Shrine Golf Course on March 29.
We also still need leads (or co-leads if you can wrangle a buddy) for the SPRING CULTURAL FAIR and the END-OF-YEAR ALL-SCHOOL PICNIC. These events will not happen if we are not able to find volunteers. If you are interested in helping at these events, but are not able to chair them, please reach out. Someone else may step up and lead if they learn they have a team of volunteers to support them.
Please contact us at info@brightonpto.com.
New this year, the PTO is providing each grade with funds to help pay for a gathering of YOUR choosing. We hope this will help build community among your fellow class families. This can be used towards a student party, family picnic, or parent social. If you have ideas on a fun gathering, contact your Class Coordinator or email the PTO and we will put you in touch.
Check out the 1st grade class party at Arena Sports 👉
Giving Tuesday
Thank you to those who included the Brighton PTO in your year-end giving and on Giving Tuesday! Every dollar counts and we so appreciate your generosity. Thank You!
December Enrichment
Brighton's preschool students enjoyed Al Hirsch, a folk singer, storyteller, and puppeteer. The kids got to sing & dance and had a great time. Thank you ECE Enrichment Coordinator Ketra Marker for organizing!
*Remember, this and other enrichment programs are arranged by fellow PTO parent volunteers & paid for using your PTO donations. None of these activities happen without YOU.
Holiday Scrip Gift Giving
Thank you for participating in our Holiday Scrip Program. Every teacher and staff member went home for holiday break with holiday gift cards thanks to your generous Scrip gifts. In total, you gifted over $15,000 to our teachers & staff. Wow. Special thanks to our Scrip Coordinator Sonja Dwyer for all her work right before break!
Teacher Holiday Cookie Exchange
Parent volunteers put together a wonderful event to thank our teachers and shower them with holiday deliciousness! Sending out tons of gratitude to our parent bakers. We heard one parent even baked in between power outages during that night's storm! You are baking rockstars and the teachers felt so appreciated. One teacher told me it was her favorite day of the year. And every teacher I saw that morning was so excited. It is definitely a favorite Brighton holiday tradition for our hardworking teachers and staff. Thank you for making it happen.
2024-2025 Fundraising Update
Every year Brighton PTO needs to fundraise at least $100,000 to continue its programming for the following school year. With our Brighton gear shop, Fall Carnival, Giving Tuesday, and other donations, we have so far raised $7,885. Please consider participating in our small fundraising events throughout this Winter & Spring as we look toward the Spring Fun Run (the big kahuna). Every little bit adds up.
March ~ Parents Party (Date TBD)
March 29 ~ Spring Fling School Dance @ Nile Shrine Golf
May 9 ~ Skate Party
May 12 ~ Fun Run
May 30 ~ Blood Donation Drive