The Buzz
Spring Term - 23rd March 2023

Message From the Executive Headteacher
Comic relief "wear it red" day at HPP was celebrated by all the children at HISN, the children loved coming to school dressed up in return for a donation, thank you to all those parents who were able to support Comic Relief financially.
This week has been parent consultations for all the children, I know that parents have welcomed these conversations with the teachers and it's always a pleasure to receive such positive feedback from the parents and teachers I have spoken to. Many parents take this as an opportunity to understand what they can do at home to really ensure the children have a great finish to the year.
Finally, as we approach the end of the Spring term, I reflect on how hard the children and staff have worked. The children are excited to come to school and that attitude ensures progress in the classroom and I know that the Summer term will be equally productive and engaging for the children. Please see the link under Messages from the Office with Summer Term dates attached.
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
Richmond Music Festival
On Tuesday morning, year 2 choir went to the Rose Theatre in Kingston, along with the HJS choir, to take part in the Richmond Music Trust Singing Festival. They joined other local schools and sang in front of a packed audience. The HPP children were absolutley outstanding on stage. Their smiles and enthusiasm really shone through and we are extremely proud of all them.
w/c 13.03.2023
The class with the best attendance w/c 13.03.2023 was 1C
The class with the least numbers of lates w/c 13.03.2023 was 1B, 2D, RF
w/c 13.03.2023
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of ASPIRATION
RC Nysha
RDC Khiyan
RF Ethan
RK Tehila
1B Zac D
1C Nyra
1H Alice C
1K William
2A Sebastian
2D Freddie
2J Mihika
2T Thulan
This week we have been reading Eddie's Garden and How to Make Things Grow by Sarah Garland. We learnt about what plants need to grow and had lots of fun planting runner bean seeds. We are excited to take care of them and watch as they change with time. Whilst out in the garden the children were delighted to go in search of other signs of new life and spotted that some of our bulbs had started to bud.
Other activities which the children have been enjoying include creating our own bowling alley, going shopping in our PE lesson and digging for dino bones in the sand.
Spring is on its way so the children have been investigating how the world around us changes and grows and have been discovering how to take care of plants. We have learnt all the different parts of a plant and that they need water and sunlight to grow healthy and strong. The children have been enthusiastically planting in the garden and have potted their own bean seeds. We are all looking forward to observing the beans as they grow in the spring sunshine over the coming months. We wonder how tall they will grow and how long their roots are?
In maths, we have been using our addition skills. The children have set up a farm and have used 2 fields to work out how many animals there are in total. They have even challenged themselves and by adding three numbers together to work out a total. They counted out how many cakes their teddies had and were excited when they realised that when you added numbers together, the total number of cakes was bigger! We look forward to next week, when we start practising our subtraction skills.
This week in English, we have been using all of our work on ‘Handa’s Surprise’ to help us to write our own version of the story. We have been sequencing the story’s events and creating a story plan to help us remember the structure, before putting pencil to paper and becoming authors ourselves. We think our own versions of the story are pretty amazing!
We have been focusing on weight and mass in Maths this week. We have been holding objects to compare them, using the language of ‘heavier’ or ‘lighter’ and then used balance scales to check our comparisons. We noticed that the heavier object is lower on the balance scale, and that the scales are balanced when the mass of two objects is the same. We then measured the mass of various objects around the classroom using cubes, with the number of cubes on one side telling us the mass of the object on the other side.
In Science, we have been studying the different parts of a tree and their importance in maintaining its healthy growth. We then studied various trees within the school grounds before using our knowledge to label our own tree. We learnt that the bark is rough surface which protects the tree, and the crown supports the tree and carries water around it.
We have been comparing two countries from different continents this week in Geography. We have been looking at the similarities and differences between Kenya and the UK, focusing on the countries’ landscapes, foods, clothing and homes, paying particular attention to the weather patterns of both countries, why these occur, and the impact this has on the environment and habitat of those who live there.
In PE, we have been working on our racket control in our ‘net and wall’ unit. We have been working hard to control the ball when rolling with the racket, and we have begun to use the racket to bounce the ball to ourselves and to a partner.
Year 2
Maths: In maths we have moved onto learning about fractions, such as half, thirds and quarters. The children have created their own fraction walls to show the difference between the fractions.
Geography: We have been looking at how maps and keys can help us navigate our way around a space, particularly our classroom and around the school. This week we have created a map of our school and labelled a key to support in finding those important features.
Science: We have come to the end of our bean diary, where we have documented our plants growth over the last ten weeks. Reflecting on our results we have identified what a plant needs to grow healthily.
This week classes 2A and 2D had fun using their running, ducking, diving and aiming skills with Laserlions. What a brilliant session!
Information for Parents below
We have a number of scooters and bikes that have been in the rack for a long time. If they are your child's please remove it before the end of term. Any scooters/bike's left will be donated to charity over the Easter break.
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815