Message from Principal Sanchez
Good Afternoon DRES Family,
We are off to a great start with Quarter 3! Look for Quarter 2 report cards coming home on Friday, February 2.
We need your help! We need our families to complete the Lunch Application Form to boost our funding for next school year up so we don't lose teaching positions. See the Lunch Application section below for more important information.
March 5 will be a Teacher Workday. The WCPSS School Board recently voted to change this day so students are not present at schools since many are polling places for voting.
Please take a few minutes out of your busy day to read over the information below so you can stay up to day and informed on what is going on around Durant Road Elementary School.
Mrs. Sanchez
Lunch Application
Whether you think you may qualify or not, give it a try.
1. Your child may get to have school lunch every day at little or no cost to you.
2. Our school will get extra funding for every student that qualifies, to help us keep all of our teacher hired for next school year. We are currently only 7% of our student population away from receiving hundreds of dollars more per student next school year. (Without Title 1 funding, we receive only $63 per student).
Our numbers lock in March 1st for next school year so you will need to complete it within the next two weeks. We need to get about 40 more students to qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch status to gain this extra funding.
Complete the online form here: https://www.myschoolapps.com/.
If you prefer paper- we'll send one home with you, just let your teacher know.
Not sure how to fill it out? Give us a call at 919-870-4220 and we will help direct you on how to fill it out.
Thank you for this little thing you can do to make a BIG difference for our students.
Book Blast
Mark Your Calendars
1-29-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
2-2-24- Q2 Report Cards Go Home
2-9-24- Family Movie Night 6-8:30pm
2-17-24- Barwell Park Playground Meet Up "Friendship Day!"
2-19-24- Q3 Interims Go Home
2-20-24- United Skates Of America Family Night 6-8:30pm
3-2-24- Campus Clean Up 9am-12pm
3-4-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
3-5-34- Teacher Workday
3-12-24- McTeacher Night 4:30-7:30pm- 9698 Falls of Neuse Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615
3-16-24- Millbrook Exchange Park Meet Up
3-21-24- Family Collaborative/STEAM Night/Student Led Conferences 5:30-7:30pm
3-28-24- Last Day before Track Out, Last Day of Q3
4-1-24 to 4-19-24- Track Out
4-22-24- Quarter 4 Begins
4-26-24- Q3 Report Cards Go Home
4-29-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
5-4-24- Marsh Creek Playground Meet Up
5-18-24- Campus Clean Up 9am-12pm
5-20-24- Q4 Interims Go Home
5-23-24- NC Under The Stars/Spring Carnival 6-8pm
6-3-24- PTA Meeting 6:30pm
6-22-24- Durant Nature Park- Final Fling and Popsicles
6-26-24- Last Day of School, 5th Grade Celebration, Q4 Report Cards Go Home
Parent Resources to Monitor Student Device Use
23-24 Parent Student Handbook
Be sure to read this and refer to it throughout the school year. It is located on our school website in the Parents section.
Family Engagement Playground and Meet Up Dates
In order to continue to build community, we will have Saturday meet ups at different parks throughout the county. We'd love for you and your family to join us to meet one another and provide a time for the kids to play. Reminders and times will be sent out throughout the year. We have set a time for the first one and will communicate the other times going forward.
2/17- Barwell Park Playground "Friendship Day!"
3/16- Millbrook Exchange Park
5/4- Marsh Creek Playground
6/22- Durant Nature Park- Final Fling and Popsicles
PTA Information
Join our next PTA Meeting tomorrow at 6:30pm in the Media Center at school.
Our February School Spirit Night is 2/20/24 at United Skates of America- 2901 Trawick Rd. Raleigh, NC 27604 from 6-8:30pm.
Our March School Spirit Night is 3/12/24 at McDonalds- 9698 Falls Of Neuse Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615 from 4:30-7:30pm. Come see the staff at the McDonald's Drive Thru for McTeacher Night.
Looking to Sponsor a Classroom need? Does your place of employment make donations? Check out our open Donors Choose grants here at this link.
Register as a Volunteer
You can register as a volunteer from the comfort of your own home using the link below.
WCPSS Strategic Plan
Are you connected with your teacher on Class Dojo?
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger