Anoka High School class of 2024

May 14, 2024
Class of 2024 updates
Dear Graduates, Parents and Guardians:
Anoka High School is proud of the tradition of dignity and formality we uphold during our graduation ceremony and we certainly expect this tradition to continue. This letter is intended to acquaint you with Anoka's graduation procedures. Important dates and information are as follows:
Monday, May 20, 2024: Senior Graduation Meeting
Seniors met in the Auditorium during Advisement
Mr. Lakanen will review the agenda for graduation and what is expected for the commencement ceremony. The slides from the meeting will be sent out via email.
Thursday, May 30, 2024: Seniors Last Day of Regular Scheduled Classes
Caps and Gowns will not be available for early pick up.
Friday, May 31, 2023: Cap and Gown Distribution / Senior Breakfast /Seniors’ last day
Cap and Gown distribution starts at 7:30am.
Seniors will be treated to the annual "Senior Class Breakfast"
All outstanding fees\fines must be paid prior to picking up your Graduation Packet. The graduation packet will not be given to any student who has outstanding chrome books\fees\fines\overdue textbooks-library books\negative lunch balance.
Students may pick up their Graduation Packet (cap, gown, tassel) and honor cord (if eligible) on the Fieldhouse mezzanine.
The graduation packet and honor cords are yours to keep. These are needed at graduation.
Parents may pick up their student’s graduation packet if the student is unable to do so. It will be located in the Counseling Office; friends cannot pick up another student’s graduation packet.
Deadline for the graduation packet pick up is 12:00 pm on Monday, June 3rd in the Counseling Office. Due to timelines, graduates who do not pick up their graduation packet may not be placed in alphabetical order in the graduation line at the ceremony.
Seniors’ Last Day
All seniors are asked to leave the school grounds in an orderly manner after they are released.
Unless the senior is picking up their graduation packet, seniors should not return to the building or any other school during the school day after May 31st.
Monday, June 3, 2024: Graduation 7:00pm at Goodrich Field (Anoka Middle School for the Arts)
Ceremony is outdoors at Goodrich field. No tickets are necessary.
If we have inclement weather, a decision will be made during the day and announced via broadcast on local and WCCO radio, AHS E-newsLetter, and the school website that the ceremony will be held on Tuesday, June 4..
Goodrich Field will be open for seating at 5:30 p.m. With safety and security procedures aimed to improve our graduation experience we are limiting seating to the stands only. No guests will be allowed onto the field before and during the ceremony. Only after the ceremony can families and guests come onto the field to take photos. We will have security at entrance gates to remind patrons to stay off the field and remain outside the fences until the ceremony is concluded.
Graduates are to check in at 6:15pm at Anoka Middle School for the Arts.
Graduates should be dressed appropriately and in their pressed gown for the formal graduation ceremony. High heeled shoes cannot be worn on the field by students or guests, wedge heels are allowed.
Due to parking shortages, the graduates should be dropped off.
Processional line will begin at 6:40pm. Any graduate arriving late will be placed at the end of the processional line.
Faculty advisors will assist with the line-up and the search of students for nuisance items.
Guests are encouraged to bring water with them, graduates will be given the option as they make their way to the field.
After the ceremony, students should go immediately to the AMSA Room 35 to pick up their diploma.
Students participating in the Senior Class party should then report to Room 36 for check in.
Pictures should take place before 6:00 pm. Families are not allowed into Anoka Middle School.
Each student will be photographed by a Lifetouch photographer during the ceremony. Information about ordering photos will be included in the graduation programs.
Absolutely any suspicion of drug or alcohol use or other inappropriate behavior will result in immediate removal from the ceremony.
Following these simple rules will make it possible to continue the proud Anoka tradition. We ask for your full compliance to these rules for the value of all members of the Class of 2024, their families and friends.
*Reminder* All seniors must complete the Final Decision Survey and a final transcript request through Scoir by following these steps:
Log into Scoir from the Lock and Key and go to My Colleges.
1. Choose your college (under applied column) and Edit Outcome.
2. In the dropdown menu, select Accepted.
3. Click Mark As Enrolling and Save.
Note: You may only mark ONE college as Enrolling.
Colleges require final transcripts to be sent as a proof of graduation. Without completing this step, enrollment at college could be delayed. If plans change over the summer and an additional final transcript is needed, it must be requested and purchased through Parchment.
Thank you and congratulations on your forthcoming graduation.
Mr. Michael Farley , Principal
Mr. Eric Lakanen, Associate Principal/Graduation Coordinator
It's almost time for our graduation ceremony!
Purchase an optional AdvancePay credit before the ceremony. This gives you free shipping on your order of $35+ after the event. Once your event images are ready, please allow 2-3 business days for processing, you’ll receive a text when they are ready to view and order. Text 34589GY24 to 90738* or visit https://my.photoday.com/g and enter your phone number followed by your access code to get started.
If purchased, your AdvancePay credit will be applied to your order! Just sign in with your phone number at check-out.
Anoka High School Graduation Commencement 2024
Monday, Jun 3, 2024, 07:00 PM
Goodrich Field, South 4th Avenue, Anoka, MN, USA
This e-newsletter is published by Anoka High School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.