Wildcat News
October 31, 2024
Principal Message
Happy Thursday! The weather is a'changin'--please note the temperature chart below to help your child with the appropriate outdoor gear. A few additional items to note:
~ Picture Retakes: Picture retakes will be on the morning of Friday, November 8. If you wish to have your child's picture retaken, please return the package of pictures you received. We would love to have a parent volunteer, or two, to help with his process. If you are interested/willing/able, please reach out to Diane Winegar to let her know you could help (dwineg1@isd77.org OR 507-345-3059).
~ PTO Fundraiser at Noodles: Mark your calendar for a PTO Fundraiser at Noodles (the one up by the mall--1930 Adams Street) from 4:00-8:00pm on Monday, November 4, 2024.
~ PTO Meeting: The November PTO meeting is on Monday, November 4 at 6:00pm. Here is the virtual link. Child care will be provided in the gym.
~ PTO Volunteers Needed: Here is the link to the sign up Genius for Conference Meals, and here is the link to sign up to help with the Scholastic Book Fair.
~ Washington Clothing Order: See the information below regarding ordering Washington clothing apparel. A paper copy of the order form came home already, but if you need another form, please have your child grab one from the Washington office.
~ Fall Conferences will be here before you know it! They are scheduled for November 14, 18 & 19. Here is the link to sign up for your child's conference. As a reminder, MAPS elementary schools will be changing the timing of Progress Reports to increase the frequency of scheduled communication with families about student achievement. Starting in the fall of 2024, Progress Reports will occur at different times than Parent Teacher Conferences. Parent Teacher Conferences will continue to be held in November and March, and Progress Reports will be completed in January and June. This change will provide an opportunity for families to receive communication four times during the school year, and families will have an understanding of their child’s progress at the end of the school year.
~ Special Area teachers available at conferences: In the past, specialists have always been available for informal check-ins at conferences, but this year we have made it easier for families by adding specialists to the PTCfast sign-up process. When you log into PTCfast, you will now see not only your student’s classroom teacher but also time slots to meet with our specialists. These specialists play a vital role in your child's educational experience, and we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to check in with them. This addition is designed to foster meaningful connections and discussions about your student’s progress in these areas. More specific info here.
Thank you for being such a great Washington community!
Ann Haggerty
Washington Principal
Temperature Chart
MAPS Mission Statement
Mankato Area Public Schools (MAPS) is committed to working together equitably, with families and communities, so that each learner has the knowledge and skills to be a successful and contributing citizen in a diverse global society.
Washington Elementary
Email: ahagge1@isd77.org
Website: https://we.isd77.org/
Location: 1100 Anderson Drive
Phone: 507-345-3059