MAY 2024 (1st Ed)
Finally Some Sunshine ... Is Spring Around the Corner??
3rd, 4th and 5th grade students have started Smarter Balance Testing this week. Last day of testing is May 17. Please make sure your student gets plenty of rest and is at school on time the next two weeks.
May is the month of FIELD TRIPS and LOTS of them!!
If your student will be taking part in a Field Trip during these last few weeks of school, please make sure they are prepared with the following items:
- wearing appropriate clothing and shoes
- have a water bottle
- have sunscreen (Sunscreen is NOT provided by the school)
- either pack them a sack lunch or let their teacher know the week prior that they will be needing a sack lunch from the cafeteria
* Please start looking for those library books to return to Mrs. Greil in the school's library.
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION continues to happen. Visit the front office for a registration packet or register online at HERE
May 9 - Early Out - ALL students dismissed at 2:30pm
May 14 - 2nd Grade Music Performance (in the Music Room) - 10:30am - McHugh and Woehler, 2:30pm - Ray and Sullivan
May 15 - 1st Grade Music Performances (in the Music Room) - 12:00pm - Miner and Murphy, 12:45pm - Avgeris and Strothman
May 16 - 4th Grade Musical 'The Adventures of Lewis and Clark' - 1:15pm in the gym
May 16 - Early Out - ALL students dismissed at 2:30pm
May 17 - Kindergarten Music Performances (in the Music Room) - 12:00pm - Earl and Trowbridge, 1:30pm - Krause and Reilly
May 20 - 5th Graders End of Year Band/Orchestra Concert - 1:00pm in the gym
May 21 - Incoming Kindergarten Families Orientation (4:00-5:00pm)
May 22 - 5th Graders visit their prospective middle schools
May 23 - Early Out - ALL students dismissed at 2:30pm
May 24 - 5th Grade Wax Museum - located in the gym
May 27 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
May 30 - Early Out - ALL students dismissed at 2:30pm
May 31 - Annual Field Day - ALL students participate - 12:30-3:00pm (Watch for volunteer needs to come)
May 8 - PTO Meeting, 6:00-7:00pm in the library. FREE daycare provided in the cafeteria. This is the LAST PTO meeting of the school year and we will be taking nominations for the new PTO Board. If you have any interest in participating on the PTO Board or want your vote heard, PLEASE ATTEND. YOUR vote matters!!
STEAM Night was SO Much FUN!!
Bikers Against Bullies Teaches the Student Body 'How to Stand Up to Bullies'
Kindergarteners in Miss Earl's Class Love the Motorcycles
Reading is FUN in Mrs. Avgeris's 1st Grade Class
Ms. Sullivan's 2nd Graders Enjoy Mystery Science Activities
Ms. Drechsler's 3rd Graders Learn Water Safety
Mrs. Stauffer's 4th Graders Enjoy Being Naturalists in Moose Can Gully
Mr. Petersen's 5th Graders Clean Up the Playground on Earth Day
Chief Charlo Staff Helps Put Together 6,400 EmPower Packs for Summer Meals
Community Service Opportunity
Once a year, current and past Chief Charlo staff and their families get together at The Missoula Food Bank and Community Center to build EmPower Packs for children who attend the Missoula and surrounding area schools. During this EmPower Pack Build, the Chief Charlo staff, along with 4 soccer teams from Strikers FC, built 6,400 Packs to provide meals to children over the summer months. To learn more about the EmPower Pack Program, the Summer Meal Program, Food distribution hours, how to take part in a future build, and MUCH more, click HERE.
PTO celebrates our AMAZING staff this week, Disney style, for Staff Appreciation
~ FINAL PTO MEETING of 2023-2024 ~
The final PTO Meeting of the 2023-2024 school year is WEDNESDAY MAY 8, 6:00-7:00pm. This meeting is held in the school library and FREE childcare is provided. We are looking for folks that might be interested in being on the PTO Board. Please come to this VERY IMPORTANT meeting to learn more!! The PTO does A LOT for our school community - students, staff and families!
Summer Garden Opportunities
Be sure to stop by the school garden this summer to check out all the growth to come. Summer garden hours are open on Thursdays from 9 am-12 pm from June 17th to August 15th. Come enjoy some garden activities and free Chief Charlo garden produce! Interested in getting your hands even dirtier? We are looking for volunteers to help weed and harvest during the summer. Scan the QR code to sign up or go to to learn more. Contact your School Gardens Manager Lyris with any questions at
Thank You to Everyone that Helped Clean Up the Garden and Build the ADA Pathway!
Thank You to the PTO for Providing Volunteers to Help and Lunch for Everyone!!
Character Strong Trait of the Month
Hello Chief Charlo Families
As the year starts to close down please check to see if your student has any overdue library books. The last book check out will be May 24th. Then all library books will need to be returned to the library. Thank you for all your help!
Take Me to Your Reader
May is a month to learn about many great things through reading. Pick a book about Mother's Day, gardening/planting, Memorial Day, or the summer.
Chief Charlo's Library Page
Check out the Chief Charlo Library Page for LOTS of fun links, Online book recommendations for your student and Online reading rooms.
We Are Here for You!
The Families in Transition (FIT) Program is here to assist Chief Charlo students and families experiencing housing instability (McKinney-Vento Act) and/or economic hardship. FIT works as a bridge between those families, our school and the district staff to empower students to stay in school and remain successful both in school and as lifelong learners. FIT also provides families access to community resources and services.
FIT is able to provide extra services to our students in need. This may include extra one-on-one educational support, or supplying students with school supplies, weekly EmPower Packs, or basic needs such as clothing, gym shoes, winter gear, toiletries, etc. FIT is here to support your family, because we care about all of our Wolves - BIG and small!!
I look forward to assisting you!
Coryll Rupert (FIT Coordinator)
728-2400, X4983
Monthly FREE and Low Cost Activities around Missoula for families can be found here.
Check out 5-2-1-0 Let's Move! Missoula
For Students Entering 6th-9th Grades
For Students Entering 5th Grade
Missoula County Public School Information
Current Board Members:
Elyse Johnson, President:
Mindy Glenna, Co-Vice President:
Kristen Owens, Co-Vice President:
Annie Harris, Treasurer:
Meeting Schedule: Monthly meetings typically occur the SECOND WEDNESDAY of each month in our school library, 6:00-7:00pm, unless otherwise specified. FREE childcare is always available.
Interested in becoming a member? Everyone is welcome! Membership is free due to our amazing sponsors. The Chief Charlo PTO encourages families to join, stay informed, and help out in any way you can. It's never too late to join and be part of the FUN!!
Check us out at