The Current
April 5, 2019
In this Message:
- School Board Meeting – April 8
- LO Learns Community Events
- Talented and Gifted Advisory Meeting – April 9
- Groundbreaking for Lakeridge Middle School – April 11
- LOSD Career Night and Job Fair – April 17
- Lakeridge "Company" Variety Show
- Encourage Fruits and Vegetables
- Seeking Youth Advisory Members for LO City Boards
- Voluntary Bond Audit Available
- Register for the Bus for 2019-20
- Preparing for Transition to Adulthood
- April 22 is Earth Day
- Kindergarten Registration – Deadline May 1
- Weather Emergency Communications
- SafeOregon
- Subscribe to Lake Oswego Schools App
- What's New at Community School?
School Board Meeting – April 8
Monday, April 8, 2019
Executive Session – 5:00 p.m.
Contract Review Board – approx. 5:50 p.m. (immediately following Executive Session)
School Board – Regular Session – approx. 6:00 p.m. (immediately following Contract Review Board)
District Administration Building – Board Room
2455 Country Club Road; LO
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Records Exempt/Legal Counsel – ORS 192.660(2)(h)
3.0 Adjournment
II. CONTRACT REVIEW BOARD – Immediately following Executive Session (appx. 5:50 p.m.)
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Delegated Authority Resolution (Action) Mr. Ketzler
3.0 Adjournment
III. SCHOOL BOARD – REGULAR SESSION – Immediately following Contract Review Board (appx. 6:00 p.m.)
4.1 Human Resources Report (Action) Dr.Atherton
4.2 Approval of Minutes (Action) Chair Barman
· March 2, 2019 – WorkSession
4.3 Policy IKF & IKF-AR – Graduation Requirements (Action) Dr.Schiele
4.4 Extended Travel Request – LHS (Action) Mr. Bailey
5.1 Financial Model Update (Info) Mr.Ketzler
6.1 Superintendent’s Report (Info) Dr.Musick
6.2 Open Campus Proposal (Info) ChairBarman
6.3 Extraordinary Abilities Week (Info) Mr.Tomblin/SSPAC/Mr. Mills
6.4 Bond Accountability Committee Quarterly Report (Info) Mr. Vandenberg/Mr.Emmett
6.5 Renaming of Lakeridge Junior High School (Action) Mr. Vandenberg/Dr. Schiele
6.6 Athletic Facilities Improvement Projects Update (Action) Mr. Ketzler/Mr.Vandenberg
6.7 Preliminary Financing Plans (Info) Mr. Ketzler
6.8 2017 Bond Premium Update (Info) Mr. Ketzler
6.9 Middle Level Pilot Novel Request (Action) Dr.Schiele
6.10 Transfer Policy Exemption for Oak Creek Families (Action) Dr. Schiele
6.11 2019-20 Proposed Fees (Info) Mr.Ketzler
6.12 Policy GBC – Staff Ethics (2nd Reading) Mr.Ketzler
6.13 Policy JEBA-AR – Early Entrance into Kindergarten** (1st Review) Dr.Schiele
6.14 Other Business (Info) ChairBarman
LO Learns Community Events
LO Learns Community Events are a chance to hear from the experts about what is happening in our schools. Please bring your neighbors and join us for our learning events.
Tuesday, April 9
7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Westridge Elementary School Library
3400 Royce Way; LO
Program: Social-Emotional and Mental Health in School
Guest speakers are school counselors Diana Grindea (K-5), Marcy Watts (6-8), and Lee Brown (9-12).
Saturday, April 20
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Oak Creek Elementary
55 Kingsgate Rd; LO
Program: School Safety and SRO Duties
Guest speakers include School Resource Officer Bryan Sheldon and Dale Jorgensen, Lake Oswego's Chief of Police.
Saturday, April 27
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Forest Hill Elementary
1133 Andrews Rd; LO
Program: STEM/Computer Science in the 21st Century
Guest speakers are TOSAs Larry Zurcher and Chris Hesselbein.
Talented and Gifted Advisory Meeting – April 9
6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m
Lake Oswego School District – Boardroom
2455 Country Club Road; LO
1. Learning Together
2. Summary of Critical Attributes Feedback
3. Middle School TAG Presentation, Cheri Davidson
4. Draft of Project Roadmap
5. Next Steps
Groundbreaking for Lakeridge Middle School – April 11
Thursday, April 11
5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Lakeridge Junior High School
4700 Jean Road; LO
Come celebrate as we create a bright, new future for our Lakeridge students.
LOSD Career Night and Job Fair – April 17
It is going to be an incredible evening with over eighty businesses and schools in attendance. This will be a great opportunity for our students and members of our community. Come explore careers, local jobs, volunteer opportunities, and talk to employers. Many businesses will be hiring – have your resume handy!
This is a small sampling of the businesses and schools that will be attending: Laika, Pamplin Media, Nike, Vitality Bowls, DigiPen, World of Speed, Clackamas Cadets, Boeing, 2020 Census, Qurvo, Microsoft, Oregon Tech, Military Branches and many more!
We look forward to seeing you there.
Lakeridge "Company" Variety Show
April 18, 19, 20 at 7:30 p.m.
Lakeridge High School – auditorium
1235 Overlook Drive; LO
Tickets are available online here as well as at the door before each performance.
Encourage Fruits and Vegetables
To help promote choosing fruits and vegetables try these helpful tips at home:
Eat together. Let your child see you enjoying fruits and vegetables at meals and snacks.
Prepare together. Teach your child how to tear lettuce, add vegetable toppings to pizza, make blueberry pancakes, or banana in a blanket.
Make fruits and vegetables fun. Read about them in books. Plant a seed and watch it grow.
Share the adventure. Shop for fruits and vegetables together. Try a new one each week.
Make a rainbow. Encourage your child to try fruits and vegetables of all different colors. There are fruits and vegetables for every color of the rainbow.
Seeking Youth Advisory Members for LO City Boards
Positions are available to current Sophomores and Juniors who reside within the city limits of Lake Oswego. Terms of service are from July 2019 to June 30, 2020.
Interested students should submit an application and a letter of recommendation from a faculty member from their school.
Interviews will be held on Saturday, June 8, with appointments made on July 2.
Voluntary Bond Audit Available
The District is pleased to report it received an unqualified opinion on an "agreed upon procedures" audit examination of bond fund disbursements for the 6 month period that ended on September 30, 2018. A copy of our independent auditor's report can be accessed using the following link:
While there is no legal or contractual requirement for this agreed upon procedures examination of bond fund spending, and the District's financial report is audited annually at the conclusion of each June 30 fiscal year end, this additional examination is being undertaken every 6 months as part of the District's efforts to ensure accountability and that bond funds are spent on approved projects that are in compliance with District and state purchasing regulations.
Register for the Bus for 2019-20
Registration is now open for bus transportation for the 2019-20 school year.
Please complete the registration form with as much detail as possible. This will help us create our routing schedule for the 2019-20 school year. Call the Transportation Department at 503-387-5078 with questions. Please note that this request does not guarantee transportation. Restrictions apply to students that are open enrolled or who live within the walk zone. Bus Registration Deadline is August 1, 2019.
Preparing for the Transition to Adulthood
Thursday, April 25
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Staff Development Room
*The Staff Development Room is located in Building 2477 on the Lake Oswego High School campus. This building is on the right side of the parking lot as you enter from Country Club Road.
Does your student experience a disability? Are you curious what school, employment, community and formal services might look like as your student reaches adulthood?
Come learn about Transition services within Lake Oswego School District as well as the Seamless Transition model of programming. You will learn about:
- Importance of vision for the future
- Post-secondary education opportunities
- Adult services
- Employment plans
- Guardianship
- Saving options while receiving SSI, and more
Clackamas Developmental Disabilities; Vocational Rehabilitation; Trellis LLC; PCC Disability Services; PSU Career and Community Studies program; Think College; Palladio Planning Group; Guardianship and Able Accounts; RideConnection; and a parent-student panel.
For questions, contacat Nan Deane, LO Transition Specialist:
April 22 is Earth Day
Plants need bees to pollinate, and a honeybee can visit 50 to 100 plants in one trip!
So, one way to make a positive impact is by planting seeds. Any flowering plant, including fruits and vegetables, gives bees a place to be.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are served every day for lunch on our salad bars.
Kindergarten Registration – Deadline May 1
- Lottery Deadline: May 1, 2019
- Lottery Tier 1: Siblings currently attending the same resident school will be given priority and will not go into the lottery but MUST register by the May 1 deadline
- Lottery Tier 2: Age-eligible registrations received by May 1, 2019
- Lottery Tier 3: All registrations (including sibling and early admission) received after May 1, 2019, are subject to availability
- Lottery Date: May 8, 2019
- Lottery Notification Date: May 10, 2019
Weather Emergency Communications
If parents are ever concerned about a student’s well-being, feel free to reach out to your principal. It is important to keep your lines of communication open and maintain strong partnerships between students, families, staff, and other resources.
SafeOregon also is an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools.
(Students should also know that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense.)
Subscribe to Lake Oswego Schools App
What's New at Community School?
The LOSD Community School offers enrichment and athletic programs and activities for students of all ages, including robotics, STEM, arts, language, and theater.
Lake Oswego School District
Location: 2455 Country Club Road, Lake Oswego, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 534-2000
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