Somewhere in the Middle
MS Counseling - EHSS October 2024
Mark Your Calendars
Important Dates: (The BIG Stuff)
- Wrestling Tryouts @ WRMS - MONDAY, October 21st
- Hemingway HUSTLE Fundraiser - FRIDAY, October 25th
- Picture Retake Day - TUESDAY, October 29th
- MS Costume Contest - THURSDAY, October 31st
- Vision Screening (grades 6 & 8 only) - TUESDAY, November 5th
- MS Family Movie Night Fundraiser @ Liberty Theatre - SUNDAY, November 17th
School Pulse
Something New!
Idaho State Department of Ed has given districts and schools across the state the opportunity to benefit from School Pulse, a Positive Psychology service that provides weekly inspirational messages and resources via email and text (that are AGE appropriate).
School Pulse will provide us with opportunities to provide lessons and support to students in whole class, small group or individual environments on topics that they deal with on a daily basis (friendships, conflict resolution, following the crowd, academic success and many more).
I am excited to explore this new platform and see how it can support my work with students and families.
To subscribe to the weekly messages, follow the QR code at the bottom!
Dear Parents,
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to care for, and educate your children. We take that responsibility seriously and look forward to providing them with the highest level of education. We are interested in your child's academic success and also in their personal well-being.
This email is being sent to let you know that we will be launching a new initiative.
'SchoolPulse' is a Positive Psychology Service that provides weekly inspirational messages, and resources via email and text. We hope you and your child will find great value in these resources. Positive Psychology and Growth Mindset strategies are evidence-based, and have been proven to improve academic success, encourage social engagement, and improve overall well being.
In addition to receiving a weekly email, your child has the opportunity to opt-in and receive this inspiring support via text 2 times a week.
No passwords or logins are needed, all you need to do is have your child text 'SchoolPulse' to this phone number 1-888-283-3803 and they will immediately gain access to this inspiring content. You are also cordially invited to participate as well:
1. Compose a new message to 888-298-5368
2. Put the word DEMO in the message
3. Hit Send... Enjoy!
This service is completely anonymous and your child can opt in and opt out of the service any time he/she wishes. Thank you for entrusting us with your children. We look forward to assisting in their academic, and personal growth during their time with us. Thank you.
Amanda Silvis
Last Chance: Small Group Sign Up - Managing Stress
There is still room! Now is the time to get your student signed up - sign ups will close October 21st
I am offering a small group opportunity for middle school students. The focus will be on learning coping skills and strategies to not only manage stress and anxiety, but to live through it confidently. If your student could use some guided support please talk with them and consider signing up for the small group experience!
This group will focus on normal everyday stress responses. It really is for anyone wanting more tools to get through the tough spots!
Email with any questions: asilvis@blaieschools.org
Teenage Disrespect
How Parents Can Learn to Manage it
I found this ebook (it's only 11 pages long) in my inbox a few weeks ago a KNEW it was a keeper!
Even if your student hasn't entered the official teen years yet, the basic idea is still for you (spoiler....they will one day become teenagers).
There are a lot of teenage things that are developmentally just part of the ride. That doesn't mean as parents we are helpless and doomed to just hang on tight and endure it all...while praying it changes sooner than later.
I found the tips in this article to be very applicable (not necessarily easy to employ all the time, but absolutely sound advice).
I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
Download the ebook below, I promise, you'll find something of value!
Middle School: A Time to Let Them Fail
Did you really read that right? Are you supposed to just "let" your kids fail?
Are the failures of our children a direct correlation to us as parents and how good of a job we are doing?
But man, we sure do like to convince ourselves that this is true. Surely everyone else will be judging my parenting if my kid makes a mistake, won't they?
If they don't turn their work in on time will the teacher secretly blame it on poor parenting? If my child says horrible things to a friend or some other peer will the principal assume it's because our parenting isn't good enough and we didn't teach our kids right from wrong?
What if my child forgets their water bottle or the project that was due today or their lunch? Will the school think we're not doing our job as a parent? Will they blame me?
No! No! and No!
Tweens and Teens NEED to experience failures. They NEED to experience forgotten items and the natural consequences of that. We cannot save our kids from every minor discomfort. And, if we do, we are stunting their ability to learn how to adapt and problem solve. One day they will be on their own and we won't be able to save them from themselves all the time. We also want them to recognize that while a forgotten water bottle or project is certainly inconvenient and possibly not pleasant, it is NOT life altering. These are things they can handle. Might they get consequences for minor behavior infractions or forgetfulness? Yes, but that also is not life altering...it's realistic. Our kids need us to let them fail sometimes so they can learn how to save themselves!
Informational Flyers for Upcoming Events
Until Next Month, Be Well!
Contact Amanda Silvis
Email: asilvis@blaineschools.org
Website: https://www.blaineschools.org/domain/1446
Location: 111 8th Street West, Ketchum, ID, USA
Phone: (208)578-5054