2021 4-H Officer Training Week
Welcome to 4-H Officer Training Week, February 21 - 27! Each day of Officer Training Week will focus on one topic or officer position. Check your email or social media daily for new information.
The Role of the Secretary
The position of secretary enables you to connect with friends, fellow members, advisors, parents, and your community. Secretaries are responsible for accurate record-keeping for their club by recording minutes of each meeting and communicating any correspondence received by the club. They interact with each club member when taking roll call attendance at the beginning of each meeting, so be creative and use that time to learn something about each member.
Ohio 4-H Officer Training: Secretary
Duties of the Secretary
- Act as chairman if the president and vice - president are both absent.
- Keep an accurate record of all meetings and special activities.
- Maintain a list of all members and their attendance at meetings and activities.
- Call the roll of members at the president’s request.
- Take notes during the meeting.
- Convert meeting notes into official minutes and sign them prior to the next meeting.
- Stand up to read complete and accurate minutes at every meeting.
- Correct the minutes as directed by the president.
- Have the president sign the minutes after they are approved.
- Recording the treasurer’s report and other officers’ reports in the minutes.
- Record committee reports in the minutes.
- Restate motions and look up items in the minutes at the president’s request.
- Remind the president of unfinished business.
- Share correspondence with the club.
- Write letters as directed by the club.
- Keep a current list of all officers, advisors, and committees.
- Maintain a current copy of the club’s program, constitution, and bylaws.
- Turn in the completed book at the end of the year for the club’s permanent records.
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