Lincoln Family Newsletter
December 2024
Mission, Vision and Values
Our BPS Mission: "Empower every learner to thrive."
Our BPS Vision: "Together, our strong relationships build inclusive, collaborative, and innovative environments that create agency and inspire a passion for learning, excellence, and discovery."
Our BPS Values: Inclusion, Excellence, Innovation and LeadershipMessage From Mrs. Hurt
The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is upon us and we have been working so hard at Lincoln Elementary to live our beliefs of being respectful, responsible, safe and kind. There are so many great learning experiences happening for students. If you weren't aware we have these things called "Bolts." A bolt is an award given to students for going above and beyond the expectations.
When a student receives a bolt, they get the following form completed identifying just what it was they were recognized for doing. The bolt form (shown below) is printed with a duplicate. Mrs. Schaff and I receive the duplicate copy of the bolt. When we do, we go to to the student, take their photo and ask them to share with us how they earned the bolt. We share our congrats and their photo is placed on our Wall of Fame in the foyer of the school. If you haven't seen it, stop by sometime. The recognition does not stop there.
We believe that parents do not hear often enough how great their children are. Therefore, we make phone calls home to share our congrats. More recently, we have been sending text messages for the second, third and beyond bolts. This call may come from the classroom teacher, counselor, specials teacher, other adult, assistant principal, principal, and sometimes even your student gets to make the call. We will call home to give a shout out to the student and give thanks to the family for sharing your most precious gift with us each day. And finally, when the students receive their first bolt, they get recognized at our monthly celebration assembly and receive their bolt pin. Each month the group of students from each grade level has their photo taken and it is displayed in the trophy cases across from the library. Check it out the next time you are at the school.
May the positive acknowledgment continue to shine through in the halls of our school and may your December glow equally as bright.
Message from Mrs. Schaff
We would like to inform you that we made a donation of items in our lost and found over the Thanksgiving break and will continue to make donations on our normal schedule of Christmas break and the end of May. Our Lincoln Leadership team will be discussing the potential need for making more frequent donations due to the significant amount of lost and found items this year.
Please consider labeling all your student's items and making it part of your routine to check out our Lost and Found in the coming months. We will be reminding students during morning announcements, and our teachers are also encouraging them to check regularly. If your child has lost something, please reach out to their teacher or stop by the Lost and Found after school.
Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to making our school a great place for everyone.
Message from Mrs. Richter
The holidays are upon us โ the temperatures are evidence of that!
This message was shared in November, but serves as an additional reminder. There is a great deal of excitement this time of year but it can also be quite stressful emotionally and financially for families. There are a number of community based programs already accepting applications, with deadlines soon approaching, for assistance with holiday meals and gifting. Please note that these programs generally operate on a first come, first served basis so early application is crucial.
The Backpack-for Kids program is designed to help children by assisting them with food over the weekend. Bags are filled with nutritional food items and delivered to the school. If your family qualifies for the free or reduced lunch program and you need additional food for the weekend, please contact our school social worker.
If you would like more information, please reach out to our school social worker, Mrs. Katie Richter at 701-323-4310 ext 2755 or via email at katie_richter@bismarckschools.org.
Message from Ms. Ayers
Tis the season...
...for colds and flus. However, there are some things you and your family can do to prevent the spread of these germs.
1. Washing your hands is your #1 line of defense. Use warm water with soap and have your child sing the alphabet song once or the happy birthday song twice (approximately 20 seconds).
2. Stay home if you are sick. Rest and drink fluids.
3. Remind children to cover their coughs and wash their hands frequently.
4. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
5. Clean surfaces frequently!
When any symptom of a communicable disease appears, please keep your child at home.
BPS Illness Guidelines;
To return to school after illness your child must:
รผ Be without vomiting or diarrhea for 16 hours.
รผ Be without an uncontrolled or persistent cough.
รผ Have an oral temperature less than 100.4 degrees without the use of medication.
รผ Feel well enough to take part in the usual school day.
Morning Meeting
Morning Meeting is a highly effective technique for welcoming students into the classroom each day. They are a wonderful way to start the day, fostering a sense of community and setting a positive tone. They typically begin with a greeting, where everyone feels welcomed and valued, promoting social skills and a friendly atmosphere. This is followed by a sharing session, allowing students to express their thoughts and feelings, building trust and enhancing listening skills. An engaging activity comes next, energizing the group and encouraging teamwork while developing various skills. Finally, a clear and motivating message provides focus for the day, reinforcing important values and inspiring everyone to approach their tasks with a constructive mindset. Overall, morning meetings create a supportive environment that enhances communication, collaboration, and productivity.
Monthly Parent Feedback Survey
We are committed to continuous school improvement and value your feedback in this process. Each month, we will be asking for your input on the same key questions to help us track progress and address any concerns.
Over the next several months, we will be focusing on these two areas:
School Environment: We want to know how you feel about the implementation of our school rules, emergency management systems (such as severe weather and fire drills), and whether you believe Lincoln Elementary is a safe and orderly place.
School Success: Weโd also like your thoughts on how effectively we are celebrating student success, including recognizing students with Sparks, Lightning Bucks, Bolts, and other achievements through positive phone calls home, celebration assemblies, and the BOLT wall in the foyer.
Your input is crucial as we work together to create the best possible environment for our students. Simply click the link below:
PTO Happenings
December PTO Meeting
Please attend this month's PTO meeting December 3rd at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will last one hour (or less) and will take place in the Lincoln Elementary Collaboration Room. Come in door 1 and take a right. The door to the collaboration room is immediately around the corner! See you there!
Lincoln Fall Apparel Order
Orders will be delivered to school and given directly to children to take home. Please reach out to your studentโs teacher if you do not want their items sent home with the student. If this is the case, items can be left at the office for pick-up or discuss pick-up plan with the teacher.
Art From the Heart
This month will be Fridays (December 6, 13 and 20) from right after school until 5:00. $45 per artist for the month of November. Creativity is encouraged! If bringing an after school snack it needs to be a single serve prepackaged snack and nut free. Sanitizer will be available. If suffering any symptoms the artist should refrain from coming to class. Class size limited to 25 . Please pre register at December Art Club.
Important Upoming Dates
3 - 3rd Grade (Bales, Thompson & Weisz) Music Performance 6:00
3 - PTO Meeting (6:30)
9 - BPS School Board Meeting (5:15)
20 - Last Day before Holiday Break
2 - School Resumes after Holiday Break
7 - PTO Meeting (6:30)
11 - PTO Sponsored Family Movie Night (Doors open 5:30. movie at 6:00)
13 - BPS School Board Meeting (5:15)
20 - NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Day
21 - NO SCHOOL - Staff Development Day
27 - BPS School Board Meeting (5:15)
4 - 2nd & 3rd Grade Music Program (Cosman, Eckert and Renz) 6:00
4 - PTO Meeting (6:30)
7 - PTO Sponsored Family Dance (6:30 - 8:00)
10 - BPS School Board Meeting (5:15)
11 - Parent Teacher Conferences (3:30 - 7:30)
13 - Parent Teacher Conferences (3:30 - 7:30)
17 - NO SCHOOL - Presidents Day
24 - BPS School Board Meeting (5:15)
About Us
Email: melissa_hurt@bismarckschools.org
Website: www.bismarckschools.org/lincoln
Location: 3320 McCurry Way, Lincoln, ND, USA
Phone: 701-323-4310
Facebook: facebook.com/LincolnElementaryBismarckPublicSchools
Any third party non-school district events in this newsletter
are not sponsored/endorsed by Bismarck Public Schools.