7th Grade
Heartland Middle School
Dear 7th Grade Families,
We had the special privilege of visiting the Oklahoma City National Memorial last week. It was an impactful experience and I am so proud of the way our 7th grade class represented Heartland. They were kind, respectful and inquisitive. Just another reason why this group of kids is special 🙂
This week is our last week before Spring Break! Remember ALL MISSING WORK AND LATE WORK IS DUE THIS FRIDAY!!!
That means we will have reached the end of the 3rd quarter…What??
This year is flying by! Let’s finish this last home stretch strong!
Dana Williams
Go Thunderhawks!
Ms. Williams
7th Grade Principal
The March Core Value is Accountability. Please talk with your young scholars about what accountability means to them. Thunderhawk Rise for March was wonderful. Mrs. Johnson will be placing pictures of the 7th grade students who received this recognition for March in the newsletter to parents. It is almost the end of the 9 weeks so turn in those missing assignments and give your best effort.
Please remember to always BE KIND.
7th Grade Counselor
(405) 726-6254
Projects are due March 11th
Loryn Coppedge
Kate Rogers
Tammy Regier
Melissa Freeman
Moriah Winfrey
Wes McSpadden
Michelle Harshaw
Judy Morris
Halen Skipworth
Melissa Freeman
Amy Kliewer
Shane Hohn
Brady Reinke
Kori Williams
7th Grade Math
Abeer Abousetta
Evan Morgan
Ashley Swagerty
Melanie Alexander
Direct Math
Wes McSpadden
IA Algebra 1
How to become a parent observer on Canvas
What is Canvas?
Canvas is where your child's teachers post assignments and the plan for each week. If your child is absent, this is where to go to find the work they missed. If your child says they have turned in an assignment that is marked missing in the gradebook, this is often (if it is a digital submission) where they can show you the assignment has actually been submitted or not.
How to access Infinite Campus
Don't remember your login information or don't have access anymore?
Call our front office for more info on getting access. 405-340-2972
What is Infinite Campus?
This is where your child's current official grade in progress is visible. This is where teachers will flag assignments that your child is missing. If a child submit an assignment late, it will not instantly update on Infinite Campus because the teacher has to take time to grade it. Additionally, if your child fails to turn in an assignment, it may take a week or so for it to be flagged as missing. With that being said, if you know your child has consistent issues with not completing work, you may want to check Canvas to see what assignments they are to be completing each week. With Infinite Campus, you will be able to see what assignments haven't been turned in after the fact, but again, there is a bit of a delay.
Infinite Campus grades are used for all extracurricular competition eligibility determinations. If your child is failing a class, the first week they are put on academic probation. The second consecutive week with a failing grade results in ineligibility to compete until all grades are up to passing scores.