Northridge Middle School Update
January 31st, 2024

Here are some very important dates!!!
- 2024-2025 School Calendar
Friday, November 15th- MS Musical
Saturday, November 16th- MS Musical
Sunday, November 17th- MS Musical
Tuesday, November 19th- Board of Education Meeting, 6:30pm
Friday, November 22nd- HS Viking Mission Day
NMS Foertmeyer and Sons Fundraiser
The Northridge Middle School’s Holiday Plant and Gift Fundraiser Sale begun! Our goal is to raise money to help benefit our students when attending their end of the year field trips. This year our field trips include 8th grade going to Washington D.C., 7th grade going to Mohican and 6th grade T.B.D. Any profit money your student raises will go directly to the total cost of that student’s trip.
We have chosen Foertmeyer & Sons Greenhouse to help us raise our funds this year. Please be on the lookout for an email communication from FundraiseIt.org which will include your student’s online store link which you can share with family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and with local Facebook friends. All ordering is done ONLINE.
Our Holiday Plant and Gift Sale dates are as follows:
Friday, November 1 – Online store goes LIVE! Catalogs sent home
Friday, November 15– Online store closes and all orders due!
Tuesday, December 10 – Your flowers arrive at Northridge Middle School, pick up time is from 3 PM to 5 PM
Please note: If you are unable to pick up your plants on this date and time, please make arrangements with friends, family, or a neighbor to have them picked up. We are NOT responsible for any plants not picked up.
Thank you for taking the time to help us reach our goal!
Sean M. Smith, Principal
Triple P (Positive Parenting Program)- Managing Fighting and Aggression
Click HERE for the flyer on this parenting program
Distribution of Non-School Flyers and Information
OVERVIEW: Northridge Local Schools is pleased to work with local organizations to distribute materials with students, providing the purpose of the organization completes the educational mission of Northridge Local Schools. Materials are distributed by print and digitally through digital communications, to students and families.
To ensure the appropriateness of the distributed material:
o The district may request that the material be edited
o The district may ask for the inclusion of the disclaimer ensuring recipients do not expect the district to endorse the information
o The district will distribute forms in multiple forms- but PDF is the best way to sure links work
PROCESS: Please complete the form below and submit along with a sample of the material to be distributed, at least two weeks prior to the distribution date.
APPROVAL: Status of approval will be available within seven days of request
ADDITIONAL DISTRIBUTION: Material can also be made available in hard copy in each school office. In order to have material available in the office, the item must be bundled in groups of 25, labeled and packaged separately by school, delivered to Northridge Local Schools – District Office at lease 10 days prior to the distribution. Large manila envelopes or two-gallon ziplock bags work best for transporting and distribution.
Find the form HERE
NMS Academic Services
To strengthen and foster the lines of communication between home and school, we have created a series of videos and slides that will assist students, parents and guardians in answering questions on topics that are of importance. These videos and slides were created to answer questions of “What is CPM Math?” “What does PBIS mean and how will it be used at Northridge Middle School?” “What are Units of Study?” “What is ProgressBook and how do I use it to check my student’s progress?” “My student was absent, how can I find their assignment using Google Classroom?”
Our hope is that by using this form of communication will allow families to access, engage and be an active participant in their student’s learning. These videos will be available throughout the year and published at regular intervals so parents and guardians can use and review as needed.
Questions and Concerns
*Please contact people in the order they are listed.
If you have a question, problem or concern dealing with the classroom:
- Contact your child’s teacher
Contact the principal or assistant principal
Contact the Curriculum Director, Mrs. Amy Warren
Contact the Superintendent, Dr. Kristine Michael
If you have a question, problem or concern dealing with the bus:
Contact the Director of Transportation, Mr. Travis Walton
Contact the principal of your school
Contact the Treasurer, Mr. Britt Lewis
Contact the Superintendent, Dr. Kristine Michael
If you have a question, problem or concern dealing the cafeteria:
Contact the Food Service Director, Mrs. Carley Lewis
Contact the school principal
Contact the Curriculum Director, Mrs. Rowena Kyle
Contact the Superintendent, Dr. Kristine Michael
If you have a question, problem or concern dealing with athletics:
Contact the coach of the sport
Contact the Athletic Director, Mr. Kevin Jarrett
Contact the Curriculum Director, Mrs. Amy Warren
Contact the Superintendent, Dr. Kristine Michael
*If you are unsure who to contact, start with the child’s principal and ask him or her to direct you to the correct person or click HERE to be taken to the District directory.
Middle School Musical
The middle school musical this year will be The Wizard of Oz! Performance dates are November 15-17.
We are in our final two weeks of rehearsal for the Middle school musical. Students and families please see the rehearsal schedule and information on costumes on Google classroom and ParentSquare.
The Wizard of Oz Youth edition show dates and times are as follows: Friday, November 15 at 7pm, Saturday, November 16 at 7pm, and Sunday, November 17 at 3pm. Tickets will be on sale later this week! Stay tuned.
Parents/Guardians please make sure that you join our parent square group to receive updates. Wizard of Oz Parent Square LINK
Mrs. Fraley
Ms. Rodesh
2024-2025 Middle School Yearbook
Order form for the 2024-2025 Middle School Yearbook can be found HERE.
C-Tec Career Club
C-Tec will be offering a Career Club for students in grades 6 to 8. These monthly meetings will consist of hands on learning from professionals in a variety of selected fields. Find the informational flyer HERE.
Universal Free Breakfast AND Lunch for Northridge Students
WOOO HOOOO....We are ALSO excited to announce that we will be offering FREE breakfast and lunch to all students district-wide regardless of their free or reduced... Read More
School Attendance Through ParentSquare
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are excited to introduce a new and efficient way of keeping you informed about your child’s attendance at school. Northridge has activated the School Attendance feature in ParentSquare. We believe this change will benefit you and your children.
Daily Attendance Notifications
Through ParentSquare, you will receive a prompt notification informing you of your child’s school absences. These notifications will help you stay up-to-date, ensuring you are notified if your student is not present at school. Northridge will send the notifications in both voice and text formats.
Attendance Notes from Parents and Guardians
One of the key benefits of this feature is that it allows you to send attendance notes back to the school through the Parent Square app if your student is absent. This feature significantly reduces the need for phone calls to the school and makes it more convenient for you to communicate important information about your child’s absence. Parents and guardians may still call the main office and send in a written note to notify us of an absence, but most will find using the Parent Square platform more convenient. The reason for the student’s absence must be reported to the school within two days, per district policy.
We are confident that utilizing this tool will significantly enhance communication, making it easier for you to stay informed about your student’s attendance.
Dr. Kristine Michael, Superintendent
Final Forms and Parent Square
Please make sure to sign-up for Parent Square which is replacing Bloomz, Remind, etc as the District's new efficient and effective communication tool.
Parent Square 2024-2025...download the Parent Square App TODAY!!! We will begin communicating and sharing school information through this tool beginning this week.
ParentSquare is the premier fully unified product that engages every family with school communications and communications-based services—all the way from the district office to the classroom teacher, and all in one place.
Please follow the letter sent to you from the Northridge school district or go to the Northridge School website and Parent Forms instructions are there.
Please click HERE for step by step directions of downloading and using Parent Square.
Why Attendance Matters
• Studies have shown that regular attendance correlates to success in school
• Regular attendance means academic learning is not interrupted, less time spent on make-up assignments, student benefits from class participation and interaction with others
Pledge to Attend- #StayInTheGame
Communication to Families about Attendance Changes in Handbooks approved by Board of Education
Mobile HotSpots
Are you in need of a mobile hotspot?
Licking County Library has more than great books! From board games and musical instruments to mobile hotspots and tablets, we can jumpstart your next hobby and pursue your interests. Their array of unique lending materials is listed here!
Student and School Spotlight
NMS students had the honor of presenting the flags of the United States of America, POW and all branches of the military during the Veterans Day Assembly
Students wrote "Thank You" cards to active duty military and Veterans
The Northridge Band performed during the Veterans Day Assembly
A retired Army Ranger spoke during the Veterans Day Assembly
NMS and NHS students have been very interested in the Scholastic Book Fair
Teamwork makes the dream work!
7th Grade Field Trip to Mohican Adventures
Northridge Middle School
Mohican Adventures Trip
Date: May 28, 2025 (Rain date will be May 27th)
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are excited to announce a field trip for our seventh-grade students to Mohican Adventures on May 28, 2025! This trip will provide students with the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities, learn about nature, and build teamwork skills.
Trip Details:
Destination: Mohican Adventures
Date: May 28, 2025
Departure Time: 8:00 AM
Return Time: 6:00 PM
Cost: $85.00 (includes transportation, all activities, and lunch)
1st payment of $20 is due November 15, 2024
2nd payment of $20 is due January 15, 2025
3rd payment of $20 is due March 15, 2025
4th payment of $25 is due May 15, 2025
Activity Options for the Day:
Students will have two options for the day:
Outdoor Adventure Package:
3-mile river trip on a raft (6 students and 1 adult per raft)
1-hour aerial park ticket (ropes course)
3 tickets to use on mini-golf or go-karts
Team-Building Package:
1-hour aerial park ticket (ropes course)
6 tickets to use on mini-golf or go-karts
Other outdoor games will also be available (corn hole, frisbee, etc)
Please complete the permission slip and return it by Nov.15, 2024.
Thank you for your support! We look forward to an enjoyable and educational experience for our students.
Mrs. Hall
Washington D.C., 2025
Are you currently an 8th grade student? Are you interested in attending the April 30th to May 2, 2025 Washington D.C. trip? We are currently planning a trip for next year for these dates. Please review the PARENT LETTER, STUDENT SIGN UP CODE/ACCOUNT CREATION, and ITINERARY.
Click it or Ticket It
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is urging drivers to buckle up ahead of a national Click It or Ticket high-visibility seat belt enforcement effort. The national seat belt campaign, which coincides with the Memorial Day holiday, runs from May 20 to June 2, 2024.
“We want seat belt use to be an automatic habit for drivers and passengers alike,” said Sergeant Landis, Ohio State Highway Patrol. “It’s not just a safe thing to do — it’s the law. During the Click It or Ticket campaign, we’ll be working with our fellow law enforcement officers across local and state lines to ensure the message gets out to drivers and passengers. Buckling up is the simplest thing you can do to limit injury or save your life during a crash. We see the results of not wearing a seat belt all the time. We see the loss of life. So often, it could have been prevented.”
The national seat belt use rate in 2023 was 91.9%, which is good — but it can be better. The other 8.1% still need to be reminded that seatbelts save lives. Participating law enforcement agencies will be taking a no-excuses approach to seat belt law enforcement, writing citations day and night.
One of the focuses of the Click It or Ticket campaign is nighttime enforcement. NHTSA data shows a higher number of unrestrained passenger vehicle occupant fatalities happen at night. Also, seat belt use differs among females and males. Of the males killed in crashes in 2021, more than half (54%) were unrestrained. For females killed in crashes, 42% were not buckled up.
“If the enforcement effort alerts people to the dangers of unrestrained driving, we’ll consider our mission to be a success,” said Sergeant Landis. “If you know a friend or a family member who does not buckle up when they drive, please ask them to consider changing their habits. Help us spread this lifesaving message before one more friend or family member is killed as a result of this senseless inaction. Seat belts save lives, and everyone — front seat and back, child and adult — needs to remember to buckle up.”
For more information on the Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement mobilization, please visit NHTSA.gov/ClickIt.
Back to School Eye Care
For information regarding affordable eyecare or assistance in obtaining eyecare, please visit: EYECARE
It's a Great Day to be A Viking!
The Northridge Local School District is committed to ...
Mission: Empowering All Students To Reach Their Fullest Potential.
Viking Values: Trust, Leadership, Communication, Collaboration, Accountability, Integrity & Respect.