Grant Line Buzz
November 15 - November 29, 2024
**The next newsletter will be sent out on 12-1-24 due to Thanksgiving Break.
A Note From Mrs. Satkoski......
On November 22, our school will have the opportunity to be a part of a special service project that allows our students to "®LOOK OUT FOR THE LEFT OUT" in a very hands on way!
When Calla Woods was a 3rd grader at GLE, she started a slime shop to earn money to help at-risk kids living in Tinca, Romania. Calla's heart to do something that matters with the simple (and slimy) means she had available to her underlines the truth that kids don't have to wait to be a grown-up to change the world; every kid can impact the world in beautiful ways through making kind choices NOW.
As Calla's elementary school, we're so grateful that Grant Line can continue to be a part of Calla's story in a brand new way: our students will be making Calla's slime recipes together! All of the slime that GLE students make will be donated to Calla Lily Slime Shop and sold online all across the country to help provide basic needs for families living in extreme poverty in Tinca, Romania through the Casa Calla project. The GLE family will help make hundreds of pounds of slime and that will raise thousands of dollars for the Casa Calla project!
We recommend students wearing clothes you won't mind getting dirty (although slime comes out of clothing with hot water or vinegar). We also recommend students wear their hair back in a pony tail so it doesn't get in the slime or in your way while making it.
For more information about Calla, her legacy, and her slime shop, visit www.lookoutfortheleftout.com!"
GLE students can multiply their impact by purchasing some of Calla's slime online! Between Nov 22-Dec 13 they can enter promocode "yellowjackets" to receive a 20% discount on all slimes in appreciation for all of their hard work!
2nd Grade CogAT Testing
All second grade students will participate in the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) standardized test on November 25 - 26, 2024 (make-ups will be the week of December 2). It is a three part assessment (number analogies, picture analogies, figure matrics) and students any advance preparation for this test. This test score is just one of several data points used as a first step screener to determine high ability programming for students. Based on the results of the CogAT assessment, students may be referred for further testing next spring.
Upcoming Events
November 22 - Look Out for the Left Out Slime Assembly + Grant Line Spirit Day OR Look out for the left out gear
November 27- December 1 - Thanksgiving Break, no school
December 5 - 20 - 12 Days of Christmas (see below for the days!)
December 20 - All Pro Dads - 6:30 am
January 14 - PreK Open House for 2025 - 2026 School year
January 30 - Kindergarten Open House for 2025 - 2026 School year
Our Thanksgiving Meal is coming to the cafeteria!
PTO News
The 12 Days of Christmas is coming soon!
Thursday, December 5th (12th Day) – Wear Red and Green.
Friday, December 6th (11th Day) – Wear your favorite holiday socks.
Monday, December 9th (10th Day) – Country Christmas Day! Wear your best flannel & boots.
Tuesday, December 10th (9th Day) – Disney day! Wear your Disney best.
Wednesday, December 11th (8th Day) – Dress where you’d like to travel – the beach? Mountains? The ski slope? A city? Then share with your class what you’re dressed for.
Thursday, December 12th (7th Day) – Grinch Day! Wear green or a grinch shirt.
Friday, December 13th (6th Day) – Wear your favorite holiday shirt.
Monday, December 16th (5th Day) – Run, run as fast you can. You can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man! Wear your favorite workout gear.
Tuesday, December 17th (4th Day) – Wear your best ugly sweater or sweatshirt and make a special ornament at school today.
Wednesday, December 18th (3rd Day) – It’s family picture day! Get some friends together for matching fun!
Thursday, December 19th (2nd Day) – Wear your favorite reindeer headgear and be ready for Everybody Prance Now! Each grade level will have a dance break in the gym!
December 20th (1st Day) – Close out the semester & prepare for a perfect break in your comfiest PJ’s!
School Commitment of the Week
Be Kind! Perform an act of kindess today!
Counselor's Corner
We are collecting canned and boxed foods for the Salvation Army until next Friday, November 22, 2024. There are two boxes in the lobby outside of the library.