Greystone News

September 27, 2024
The PTA is gearing up for their biggest fundraiser of the year. Leave a Legacy is an opportunity for your family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, etc. to make a donation to the Greystone PTA. This donation contributes to all of the wonderful things that our PTA does to support our school, our students, and our teachers. We could not do all the amazing things that we do without this support.
I encourage you to involve your student in this by not only participating in the dress up days, but by giving your student a chance to do some chores to earn money that can be donated. We want our students invested in helping the school and are rewarded by the grade level prizes.
Click here for details about prizes, ways to donate, and information about purchasing tickets for a chance to play a game of skill to win a special prize.
Be on the lookout Monday - Thursday night as there will be a special story posted in your student's Google Classroom. Your student's teacher will provide more information about this.
Thank you for helping make Greystone Elementary the "GREATEST SCHOOL ON EARTH"!!!
Dr. Stocks
Parents, please note the following...
1. TRANSPORTATION CHANGES are only accepted with a written note! We do not accept changes via email or Parent Square. In case of an emergency change, please call the school and speak to an administrator or her designee.
2. EXCUSE NOTES must include a parent signature that is NOT electronic as well as the date and reason of the absence. A reply to the Parent Square notice is NOT an acceptable means of turning in an excuse. You may hand write a note, take a picture of the note, and email it to the teacher OR send a hand written note when your child returns. ALL absences are considered unexcused until we receive the proper documentation within 3 days.
Thanks for helping us with these items.
Did you know you can help our school by grocery shopping at Publix?
Want to help our school earn money? Publix Partners makes it easy. Simply join Club Publix and select our school to contribute every time you shop. Learn how at publix.com/partners.
Terms, conditions & restrictions apply.
Recognizing National Hispanic American Heritage Month
September 15 - October 15 is National Hispanic American Heritage Month! You can watch the movie above with your family to celebrate. You will need the following login information to access the movie...
username: GSESStudent
password: GSESJags1
Library News
The Be a Champion & Read contest is back! Forms went home this week. If you would like to participate, students will read 6 books on their level. Parents complete the form and return by October 16. Parents can read the books to their kids - that's okay! If you lost your form, click this link for a new one . When you return the form, your child will receive an Alabama or Auburn bookmark and be entered into the state-wide contest for 2 tickets to the Iron Bowl! If you need the form in a different language, click here AEA Be A Champion and Read Contest! (myaea.org) and then go to the bottom of the page. Email Mrs. Richey at jrichey@hoover.k12.al.us if you have questions.
October 11th is eLearning Day!
Friday, October 11th is eLearning Day! Students will receive their assignments next week from their teachers. Your child may choose activities from each subject OR you may take a family field trip between now and October 14th. This must be turned in on Tuesday, October 15th. Below you will find links to the grade specific eLearning assignments.
Mark Your Calendars
9/15 - 10/15 - Hispanic Heritage Month
Monday, 9/30 - Friday, 10/4 - Leave a Legacy Week!
Monday, 9/30 - Pajama Day
Tuesday, 10/1 - HOUSE Colors Day!
Wednesday, 10/2 - Crazy, Mismatched Clothes Day!
Wednesday, 10/2 - National School Custodian Appreciation Day
Thursday, 10/3 - Dress as your future self!
Friday, 10/4 - Support your favorite team day!
Friday, 10/4 - 1st Grade to Helena Hollow
Friday, 10/4 - 3rd Grade to Barber Motorsports
Friday, 10/4 - 4th Grade Student Led Conferences and Parent Lunch
Tuesday, 10/8 - HCS School Board Meeting - 5:30pm
Wednesday, 10/9 - 2nd Grade Student Led Conferences
Thursday, 10/10 - Rush/Williams Student Led Conferences
Thursday, 10/10 - Boo and Stew Teacher Lunch (Did you volunteer to help?)
Friday, 10/11 - eLearning Day - No school for students
Monday, 10/14 - Columbus Day - No School for students and teachers
Our Greystone Motto
Learn - Lead - Leave a Legacy
Our Greystone Mission
As a school community, we empower learners, inspire leaders, and encourage all children to reach their potential.
Our Greystone Vision
Empowering a generation of learners and leaders to leave a legacy.
Greystone Elementary
Email: sstocks@hoover.k12.al.us
Website: https://www.hoovercityschools.net/greystone
Location: 300 Village Street, Birmingham, AL, USA
Phone: 205-439-3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GreystoneElementarySchool/
Twitter: @greystoneelem
(Board policy, 6.6) No student will be unlawfully excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity offered or sponsored by the Board on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, disability, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, immigrant or migrant status, non-English speaking ability, or homeless status. All career and technical education opportunities are offered to all students regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. The district also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Mrs. Claire Jones-Moore, IDEA Coordinator
Mrs. Terri Coleman, 504 Coordinator
Mrs. Natasha Flowers, Title I Coordinator
Mrs. Natasha Flowers, Title II Coordinator
Mrs. Natasha Flowers, Title III Coordinator
Dr. Terry Lamar, Title IX Coordinator
Hoover City Schools 2810 Metropolitan Way Hoover, AL 35243 (205) 439-1000
(Board policy, 5.14.1) The Board is an equal opportunity employer. Personnel actions and decisions will be made without regard to factors or considerations prohibited by federal or state law (as such laws may from time to time be amended), including but not limited to race, gender, gender identity, age, disability, national origin, citizenship, religious preference, pregnancy, genetic information, political affiliation, military service, sexual orientation, or other non-merit based factors. Subject to the limitations set forth in 4.6.2, the general complaint (grievance) policy (4.6.1) may be used to present any complaint alleging unlawful discrimination or harassment. Inquiries regarding compliance and complaint procedures can be directed to:
Mrs. Kristi Williams, Equal Opportunity Employment Coordinator
Hoover City Schools 2810 Metropolitan Way Hoover, AL 35243 (205) 439-1000