September 23, 2024

September 23, 2024
Millennium Families,
This week our freshman students will have their first guaranteed experience and will be attending a Career Expo at Agua Fria High School. On Thursday, students will be bussed over to Agua Fria and will have the opportunity to meet with over 85 vendors in attendance. We are excited about the opportunities they'll get in meeting with individuals in a variety of career fields.
Additional Student Parking - We are excited to share we have some additional student parking available. Spots are available for all students who are currently eligible to drive. Priority will be given to seniors and juniors. Those students on the waiting list will be contacted first. Please complete the parking application to secure a spot.
Looking ahead: Friday, October 4th - School dismisses at 10:15am. (no lunch will be served)
Fall Break - October 7 - 12 - No School!
Have a great week Tigers!
Nichole Bundy
Millennium High School
Millennium HS is a member of the Agua Fria High School District family of schools
September is National Suicide Prevention Month!
A moment that serves as a powerful reminder that there are steps we all must take in looking out for loved ones, the people in our community, and those who have been impacted by this leading cause of death.
If you're struggling or know someone who is struggling, the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is there for you, 24/7/365. No judgment. Just help.
Join us to raise awareness for this mental health and suicide prevention resource. Learn more about the lifeline: afsp.org/988
Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de la Prevención del Suicidio.
Un momento que sirve como poderoso recordatorio de que hay pasos que todos debemos dar para cuidar a nuestros seres queridos, a las personas de nuestra comunidad y a quienes se han visto afectados por esta causa principal de muerte.
Si estás luchando o conoces a alguien que está luchando, la 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline está ahí para ti, 24/7/365. Sin prejuicios. Solo ayuda.
Únete a nosotros para concienciar sobre este recurso de salud mental y prevención del suicidio. Más información: afsp.org/988
Congratulations to our school for being selected as the American College Application Campaign School of Excellence!
District College and Career Night - Thursday, September 26th
Join us for our District College and Career Night to explore your future opportunities and discover exciting career paths. Meet with representatives from community colleges, universities, trade schools and many more.
Student Athletic Passes/Family Passes
Game days are right around the corner! Avoid the long lines by purchasing a student or family pass! Both passes will be digital this year. Student passes can be purchased in the bookstore or online through our webstore and family passes can only be purchased online through GoFan.
Student Pass: bit.ly/MHSBookstore
Family Pass: bit.ly/MHSFamilyPass
Senior Sunrise - Friday, October 4th
Seniors, Senior Sunrise is on Friday, October 4th at 5:50 AM. Come out and enjoy the sunrise with your fellow seniors for this yearly tradition. Hope to see you there!
Fall Choir Concert
The first choir concert of the year is here! Come out to see and hear our Millennium Choirs perform. Tuesday, October 1st at 6:30PM. Doors open at 6. $5 at the door! See you there!
Fall Play Auditions
Calling all actors! There will be auditions for our fall play, Math written by Don Zolidis on Tuesday September 24th at 2:15PM!
Stop by Ms. Gabbert's room for an audition packet or the Drama Club Google Classroom! All actors who audition MUST have a completed packet. See you Tuesday!
Rocket Club
Are you interested in rocketry? If so, come join rocket club on Tuesdays after school in Mr. Wirth’s room, E302!
Key Club Book Drive
Key Club is hosting a book drive from September 23rd to September 27th in honor of literacy month. All books will go to the Hopes Closet’s New Life Center to help survivors of domestic violence. Book donations will be given to 2nd period classes and the winning advisory will receive a prize!
Key Club Blood Drive
Transform a life at the Millennium Key Club Blood Drive! Every year, high school students save thousands of lives. How/ By the simple act of donating blood. You can be part of something bigger than yourself by signing up to give blood on Thursday, October 3, 2024. Permission forms are in the counseling office or see attached.
TIgers Dance Department Donation Page
Tigers Dance Department Donation Page: Your tax credit or club account donation will help purchase new costumes for our program, help to support the overhead cost of putting on our semester dance concerts, offset the cost of field trips, help towards the bus for our annual California Dance Tour in March or students attending this trip and so much more! This site is available all year round!
We thank you for your support of our Tigers Dance Department dancers and program.
Seniors ~ Order Your Cap and Gown with Jostens
It's never too early to start thinking about graduation. Jostens has opened up ordering for the Class of 2025 Graduation products to be ordered. Please note that the only item required to be ordered through Jostens is the cap and gown unit to ensure it's the right color purple. Please visit the link below in order to purchase your graduation items. Sibling caps and gowns from previous years may also be used. In this case, you would only need to order the tassel. If your previous senior was class of 2024 and they decorated their cap, you would need to call Jostens at their store to place the order at 602-765-7337.
Their first deadline is Monday, September 30th. This is the first of many deadlines that they will send out throughout the year. Caps and gowns are delivered to the school for our on-campus distribution event in March. We do encourage you to get your order in by the December deadline to ensure your cap and gown arrives in time for our spring distribution.
Upcoming Deadlines
September 30th – Deadline
October 15th – Second Deadline
October 31st – Extended Deadline
November 15th – Missed Deadline
November 30th – Last Chance Deadline
December 15th – FINAL Deadline
Millennium High School Jostens Link
Junior Tigers Cheer & Pom
Exciting news—Millennium Cheer and Pom are hosting a **Junior Tigers Clinic** for youth in grades K through 8! It’s happening on **Saturday, September 28th**, from 9:00 AM to noon, with a chance to perform at halftime during the Millennium vs. Desert Edge game on **October 4th**.
No experience needed! For $75, participants get a clinic, t-shirt, bow, snacks, and drinks. Tell your younger siblings or friends to sign up by scanning the QR code on the flyers or visiting the link provided.
Let’s spread that Tiger spirit! For questions, email mhsspiritlinebc@gmail.com
Buy Your Yearbook Today!
Yearbooks on sale now in the bookstore! Buy yours before prices go up! Online sales are not available this year. The bookstore is open daily from 6:45 am - 2:30 pm.
Tiger Tutoring
Students at Millennium can get a free 30-minute tutoring session with members of the Millennium chapter of National Honor Society. This "Tiger Tutoring" is a volunteer service that is offered only to MHS students. If your student might need some assistance in their classes, please have them complete the below-linked Google Form.
Tiger Tutoring Form - bit.ly/mhstigertutoring
Millennium School Counselors
Melissa Mangahas - Counselor A-Co mmangahas@aguafria.org
Jennifer Grumbling - Counselor Cr-G jgrumbling@aguafria.org
Erika Fierros - Counselor H-K/ELL efierros@aguafria.org
Marwin Lee - Counselor L-Ne mlee@aguafria.org
Jill Thomas - Counselor Ng-Se jthomas@aguafria.org
Eric Oliphant - Counselor Sh-Z eoliphant@aguafria.org
Unofficial and Official Transcript Requests
ALL transcript requests whether unofficial or official must be requested through Parchment.com.
Ordering your high school transcript on Parchment.com is fast, easy, and secure. You may track the entire process on your account from the website. Parchment offers a user guide and a tutorial videos that explains how to order high school transcripts at: Support.Parchment.com.
Follow us on social media:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/millenniumhsaz
Millennium Administrators
Nichole Bundy, Principal | nbundy@aguafria.org
Michael Butts, Assistant Principal | mbutts@aguafria.org
Amie Gilbert | Assistant Principal | agilbert@aguafria.org
Remigio Gordillo, Assistant Principal/AD | rgordillo@aguafria.org
Carissa Harvey, Assistant Principal | charvey@aguafria.org