Child Care Chalkboard
March 1-31
Theme of the Month: Spring Brings New Beginnings
Child Development Center Screening
On Thursday, March 14 a team from the Child Development Center will be coming to do a Child Find Screening. For this screening they run through a questionnaire called Ages and Stages. The purpose is to see how each child is doing developmentally and whether they need to receive further services. The CDC typically only screens children ages 0-3. However, they will take older children if there are concerns. It has been the practice of Trinity Lutheran Childcare to have the CDC assess all of our 2-3 year old class to see if we are missing any needs. If you have a child that is not in this class, or is not scheduled for this day, and you would like us to have your child assessed please let us know. Or if you have any questions about this process please call and talk to Amy or Josh in the office. We will need a waiver completed in order for the CDC to assess your child.
Updated Emergency Contact Forms
Thank you to those who returned their updated forms. (We are still missing a few.) Due to the fact that the new form did not have separate spaces for pick up and emergency contact information, I did not remove any of your previous pick-up authorizations. If you feel that there may be someone on your pick up list that you want removed, please talk with your classroom teacher. They can check who is on there and then let me know any changes that need to be made. Thank you for your help in this matter.
Summer Enrollment
Scholastic Book Order
Do you like to give books for Easter? We have another due date approaching. Here are the details:
With a $25 order, you can pick a FREE $5 Book (use code: READS).
Class Order Due Date: 03/11/22
Shop Our Class Page:
Shop Digital Flyers for Our Grade with Your Child:
Please share the Class Page link to extended family and friends. All orders also earn FREE Books for our class.
Thank you for your support!
Ms. Ream
We need your help!
Immunization Update
Don't Forget
Church News
Bad Weather/Storm/Emergency Plan
In the event that the center must be closed due to bad weather, staff illness, infectious disease or other misc. emergencies, we will alert you by text message or email whenever possible. ON DAYS THAT TRINITY LUTHERAN SCHOOL AND SCHOOL DISTRICT #5 CLOSES OR HAS A DELAYED START, THE CENTER WILL ALSO BE CLOSED OR WILL OPEN AT 10AM FOR ANY DELAYED STARTS. During No School days such as Christmas Break and Spring Break if the county declares an emergency travel only warning, the center will close.
Kids Say the Funniest Things
As one of the teachers was leaving she said "Goodbye. I'll see you tomorrow." One of the 5 year olds answered, "Bye. I'll pick on you tomorrow."
Closed for Good Friday
We will be closed March 29 for Good Friday. Have a Happy Easter!
If you're looking for a place to celebrate our Lord's Resurrection, come join us. We will have a variety of services for the whole family.
Maundy Thursday--6:30 PM
Good Friday--12:00 & 6:30 PM
Easter Sunrise Service--7:00 AM
Easter Service--9:00 AM
Easter Service--11:00 AM
Mark Your Calendars
Parent/Teacher Conferences
We will be having Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, April 18 and Monday, April 22.
Our Spring Clean-up Day is Saturday, May 4 8:30-1:30. We hope you will be able to come help us spruce up the center. Lunch and snacks will be provided.
Coming Soon
Monday: Magical World of Disney
Tuesday: Color Wars (RP=Yellow, WF=Blue, BH=Black, YC=Purple)
Wednesday: Wacky Hair and Clothes
Thursday: Super Hero Day
Friday: Flannel Day
Little Daycare and Big Daycare
Bible Stories
February 26--March 1
RP: Jesus Feeds Five Thousand People, John 6:1-15
WF: Zacchaeus, Luke 19:1-10
March 4-8
RP: Mary and Martha, Luke 10:38-42
WF: The Widow’s Offering, Mark 12:41-44
March 11-15
RP: The Loving Father, Luke 15:11-32
WF: Jesus washes the disciple’s feet, John 13:1-17
March 18-22
RP: Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem, Matthew 21:1-11
WF: Children praise Jesus, Matthew 21:7-11, 14 - 16
March 25-29
RP: Jesus in the Garden, Luke 22:39-46
WF:Jesus dies and arises, Matthew 27 – 28; John 15:11-14
Field Trips and Activities
3/5: Chapel with Pastor Brian 10:30
3/5, 7-8: Girl’s Basketball Tournament NO GYM
3/7: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 4:30
3/8: Murdoch's 10:15-11:15
We will go to Murdoch's to look at the baby chicks and rabbits.
3/10: Daylight savings-set your clocks ahead 1 hour
3/11-3/15: Families in Touch prays for the Childcare
3/13: Chapel with School 1st Grade
We will serve breakfast at 9:00 this day
3/14: Child Development Center Screening 9:00-12:00
Please read the information at the top of the newsletter. All Wigglefly children present will be screened. We will need you to sign the waiver.
3/15: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 10:00
3/15: Trinity School Talent Show
3/17: St. Patrick’s Day
3/19: Chapel with Gideon 10:30
3/19: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 10:45 & 4:45
3/25-3/29: Trinity and Dist #5 No School Spring Break
3/25: Woodland Park 9:30-11:30
We will go to play at the park and then walk around the pond.
3/27: Movie & Popcorn 11:00
Wear your pajamas and bring a blanket or stuffy to enjoy a movie on the huge TV.
3/28: Chick-fil-a 10:00-12:30
We will go to eat lunch and play in the play area. Please let the teachers know what to order for your child. We will bill you according to what your child eats.
3/29: Good Friday Childcare Closed
3/31: Easter Sunday
4/2: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 10:45 & 4:45
4/6-4/12: Week of the Young Child (WOYC)
4/11: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 4:30
TBA: Child Care Sunday 10:45
BeeHive: Concept of the Month: Numbers 46-60
Bible Stories
February 26--March 1
A woman anoints Jesus feet, Luke 7:36 – 50
Letter of the Week: Pp
March 4-8
Lazarus, John 11: 38-44
Letter of the Week: Review J,R,N,M,P
March 11-15
Jesus washes the disciple’s feet, John 13:1-17
Letter of the Week: Qq
March 18-22
Children praise Jesus, Matthew 21:1-16
Letter of the Week: Vv
March 25-29
Jesus dies and arises, Luke 23:26 – 24:8
Letter of the Week: None
Field Trips and Activities
3/5: Chapel with Pastor Brian 10:30 & 4:30
3/5, 7-8: Girl’s Basketball Tournament NO GYM
3/7: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 4:30
3/8: Murdoch's 9:15-10:15
We will go to Murdoch's to look at the baby chicks and rabbits.
3/10: Daylight savings-set your clocks ahead 1 hour
3/13: Chapel with School 1st Grade
We will serve breakfast at 9:00 this day
3/14: Child Development Center Screening 9:00-12:00
Please read the information at the top of the newsletter. We will only include this age group upon recommendation. We will need you to sign the waiver.
3/11-3/15: Families in Touch prays for the Childcare
3/15: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 10:00
3/15: Trinity School Talent Show
3/17: St. Patrick’s Day
3/19: Chapel with Mr. Gideon 10:30 & 4:30
3/19: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 10:45 & 4:45
3/22: Trinity Early Out 11:30
3/25-3/29: Trinity and Dist #5 No School Spring Break
3/25: Movie & Popcorn 10:00
Wear your pajamas and bring a blanket or stuffy to enjoy a movie on the huge TV.
3/26: Hockaday Museum 12:45-2:15
We will go to have a tour of the museum and do a small art project. We will bill you $3 for this field trip.
3/27: Chick-fil-a 10:00-12:30
We will go to have a tour, eat lunch and play in the play area. Please let the teachers know what to order for your child. We will bill you according to what your child eats.
3/28: Montana's Great Indoors 12:00-4:30
We will join the Youth Center for this field trip. If your child has the MGI socks, you will not have to pay the sock fee. Please let the teachers know at drop-off if they have socks. We will bill you $9 plus $4 for socks for this field trip. Money may be brought for concessions. No outside food or drink is allowed but we can bring our waterbottles. You MUST sign a waiver for your child to attend this field trip. You can access the online waiver by clicking the button below.
3/29: Good Friday Childcare Closed
3/31: Easter Sunday
4/2: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 10:45 & 4:45
4/6-4/12: Week of the Young Child (WOYC)
4/11: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 4:30
TBA: Child Care Sunday 10:45
Youth Center
Field Trips and Activities
3/5: Chapel with Pastor Brian 4:30
3/5, 7-8: Girl’s Basketball Tournament NO GYM
3/7: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 4:30
3/10: Daylight savings-set your clocks ahead 1 hour
3/11-3/15: Families in Touch prays for the Childcare
3/15: Trinity School Talent Show
3/17: St. Patrick’s Day
3/19: Chapel with Mr. Gideon 4:30
3/19: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 4:45
3/22: Trinity Early Out 11:30
3/25-3/29: Trinity and Dist #5 No School Spring Break
3/25: Rockfish 12:30-3:00
We will go climb at Rockfish in Whitefish. You will need to fill out an online waiver if you have not done so in the last 3 years. You can click on the link below to access the waiver. We will bill you $11 for this field trip.
3/26: Hockaday Museum 9:30-11:30
We will go to have a tour of the museum and do a small art project. We will bill you $3 for this field trip.
3/27: Woodland Park 12:45-3:00
We will go to play at the park and then walk around the pond.
3/28: Montana's Great Indoors 12:00-4:30
We will join the Youth Center for this field trip. If your child has the MGI socks, you will not have to pay the sock fee. Please let the teachers know at drop-off if they have socks. Money may be brought for concessions. No outside food or drink is allowed but we may bring our waterbottles. You MUST sign a waiver for your child to attend this field trip. You can access the online waiver by clicking the button above. We will bill you $9 plus $4 for socks for this field trip.
3/29: Good Friday Childcare Closed
3/31: Easter Sunday
4/2: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 4:45
4/6-4/12: Week of the Young Child (WOYC)
4/11: Song practice with Mr. Gideon for Childcare Sunday 4:30
TBA: Child Care Sunday 10:45
Spring Break
Roly Poly Class: Under 2 years
Wiggleworm Class: 2-3 years
Butterfly Class: 3-4 years
BeeHive Class: 4-6 years
Youth Center: 6-12 years
About Us
Fax: 407-7049
Classroom Phone Numbers:
Office: 756-8754
RP: 407-2273
Wiggleworms: 407-3332
Butterflies: 756-2090
Busy Bees: 270-4463
Youth Center: 260-2004
Hours of Operation:
Location: 486 3rd Ave W N, Kalispell, MT, USA
Phone: (406) 756-8754