Good Times @ EPE
Newsletter - January 10th 2025
Upcoming Book Fairs
We are so excited for our upcoming used Book and Board Game Fair! This is a day full of energy and helps to generate a love of literacy among our students. It is also a great opportunity to pass on the gift of reading to our younger students. If you have a chance over the next few days, feel free to send in any used books or board games to the office or LRC and that will help us to make sure that the Used Book Fair is as well stocked as it can be.
Thanks, in advance, for your support.
The Team @ EPE
Upcoming Dates
Important Dates for the Calendar!
- Tuesday, January 14th - Last Day for Book Donations
- Thursday, January 16th - Used Book and Board Game Sale
- Friday, January 17th - School Closed for Professional Learning
- Wednesday, January 22 – Bell Let’s Talk Day
- Friday, January 24 – International Day of Education
- Monday, January 27 – Family Literacy Day
- Wednesday, January 29 – Lunar New Year
- Friday, February 7th - School Closed for Professional Learning
- February 21st - Monday 24th - Mid Winter Break
Used Book Fair
Roots of Empathy Program
It is a hugely exciting time for our Grade 2 students at Elizabeth Park elementary as we begin our Roots of Empathy program. The Roots of Empathy program is delivered to elementary school children who are coached to recognize and connect with the vulnerability and humanity of a baby who visits their classroom throughout the school year with their parent(s), along with a trained Roots of Empathy Instructor using a specialized curriculum. The experiential learning with the neighbourhood parent and infant is biologically embedded in the student’s brains as they observe this secure attachment relationship.
It is a special year for our Grade 2 students as they have the opportunity to watch 'their' baby grow and develop. We thank all of our volunteer families, the amazing educators who help to deliver this program, and to our amazing baby 'teachers' - Cameron, Jane and Van!
"Empathy is foundational to helping children navigate relationships, form connections and be inclusive of others."
Updated NL Schools Technology Policy
PED Usage
We have had a few questions about the use of Apple Watches and other devices by students. Please be aware that these also fall under the classification of a Personal Electronic Device (PED). The expectation is that students do not wear or bring them to school in K-6. The policy notes that:
2.2. Grades K-6 Students - Students in grades K-6 are encouraged not to bring PEDs to school. Grades K-6 students will not have access to PEDs during school hours, including during recess and lunch.
The full policy can be viewed at the link below:
There is an option for a small range of approved exemptions under the policy at the link below:
Any questions, feel free to reach out to administration.
Weather Closures
Grade 6 Baseball
Dear Families,
Mark Walsh, an EPE parent, is organizing a baseball program this year for our Grade 6 students. This program will be a co-ed club so it will be open to any student in Grade 6 (boys and girls combined). This baseball program will involve weekly sessions to be held on Mondays from 5:45-6:45pm, beginning on Monday, January 20th. If your child wishes to participate please complete the following Google Form by Thursday January 16th.
Only students and approved coaches will be permitted in the building. Families are welcome to drop off their child at 5:45pm at the main office door. A reminder to students to bring a water bottle, a change of indoor shoes and a baseball glove.
We are still looking for volunteers to help with this program. If you are interested in helping in any way please email Ms. Wade at aliciawade@nlschools.ca or Mark Walsh at markwalsh33@yahoo.ca .
Internet and Social Media Safety
As we head towards January we often see challenges as students get used to their often brand new devices. As a school, we are beginning to see a significantly increasing impact from the time that our students are spending on screens, and the ways that our students are relating to each other outside of school.
This is a new world for all of us, and we don't yet know the full extent of these devices upon our student' development and mental health. We encourage all of our families to maintain a constant conversation around screen time. If you are having discussions, and looking to set parameters around screen time usage, there are some amazing resources that can help guide you. We have listed a few below:
Common Sense Media have also completed a wide ranging study on cell phone usage, which is available here:
Respect Campaign Reminder
NLSchools strives to create and promote a safe and caring learning environment for all students and staff. All parents, guardians, families and partners play a pivotal role in achieving that goal.
As outlined in the Safe and Caring Schools Policy, parent responsibilities related to maintaining a safe and caring school environment include:
● Modelling positive social behaviours, both in person and online;
● Practicing positive social interactions both in person and online;
● Engaging in positive, nonviolent, conflict resolution.
Intensive Core French - Grade 5 Families
Information regarding registration for our Grade 6 Intensive Core French program will be shared with Grade 5 families in the coming weeks. An information session will be hosted in late January, with Registration opening in February (dates to be confirmed). In the meantime, feel free to become familiar with the information at the link below:
Daily Calendar
The 7 day Calendar for 2024 - 2024 is available here:
Allergy Information
Please be aware that we have severe allergies to the following products at the school:
Nuts, Tree Nuts, Peanuts (please do not bring Wowbutter or similar products either)
Sesame Seeds (often found in burger buns or hummus)
Fish, Shellfish
Visible Egg (often found in Breakfast Sandwiches)
👋 Need more help? Reach out to elizabethparkelem@nlschools.ca