Cerro Villa Vikings Newsletter
August 18 - August 24: First Week of School
"Win the Day" at Cerro Villa
Here are a few ways to "Win the Day"
- "Flip the Script" on struggles/challenges and make them successes!
- Follow "Kaizen" - strive for continuous improvement each day!
- "Be Kind" - smile, say hello, look out for your fellow vikings! Remember - everyone is going through a battle we may not know.. Be Kind Always!
Cerro Villa Highlights - Building a Positive Culture One Week At a Time!
Cerro Villa THANKS our Parent Volunteers, Student Leaders, and Vendors for a successful registration! We are continuously looking to "change for the better" (KAIZEN) and took steps to improve the registration process this year (new station format, new "pay online" format). If you have not had a chance to complete the Registration Feedback Survey, please do so as we look to improve even more next school year!
Student Leaders assisting Textbook distribution
Parent Volunteers assisting PE uniforms
PFSO table
Thanks Leadership!
Kustom Imprints!
We Love our CV STAFF!! Thank you for a successful registration!
Cerro Villa Announcements
PRINCIPAL - Mr. Jeffrey Jones
Mr. Jones begins his 26th year in education (20th with OUSD) and his 2nd year as Principal at Cerro Villa. Prior to Cerro Villa, Mr. Jones served as Principal at Nohl Canyon Elementary (4 years), Assistant Principal at Villa Park HS (5 years) and as middle school physical education teacher for 15 years (Torrance USD and Cerro Villa MS). Mr. Jones holds a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology and physical education from CSULB and a master’s degree in educational administration from Concordia. He possesses a single subject teaching credential in physical education and an administrative services credential.
Ms. Fernandez begins her 2nd year as administrator with Cerro Villa MS. Prior to Cerro Villa, Ms. Fernandez served as teacher on special assignment in Tustin Unified School District supporting secondary education. Prior to working in Tustin Unified, she served as a high school social science teacher in Los Angeles County. Ms. Fernandez holds a bachelor’s degree in international security and conflict resolution from San Diego State University and a master’s degree in education from Pepperdine University. She possesses a single subject teaching credential – social science and a certificate of eligibility for an administrative services credential.
Together, Mr. Jones and Ms. Fernandez strive to create a welcoming, safe, and positive culture at Cerro Villa with a "Win the Day" mindset each and every day!
7th Grade - Tuesday, August 20th: 8:15am - 12:34pm (minimum day)
- 7th Grade Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) DAY
- 7th grade students will pick up their schedules on Tuesday morning before school (blacktop near PE building).
- There is NO 0 period on Tuesday or Wednesday
- Front gates/campus opens at 7:45, school starts at 8:15
- Students will say their goodbyes to families at the front gate 😊❤️
- 7th grade students will attend 1st period and stay with their 1st period class for the entire school day.
- PBIS Day; Throughout the day, students will participate in Homeroom (1st period) activites, attend the Welcome/Expectation Assembly with Mr. Jones and Ms. Fernandez, take tours of CV, enjoy their first Spirit Assembly with Leadership students get to know the campus,culture, and other vikings.
- Physical Education class will not dress out for the first week of school.
- School is dismissed at 12:34 (lunch is NOT served)
8th Grade - Wednesday, August 21st: 8:15am - 1:31pm (Early Release Wednesday)
- First Day of School for 8th grade students
- There is NO 0 period, 0 period will begin on Thursday
- 8th grade students will pick up their schedules on Wednesday morning before school (blacktop near PE building).
- Physical Education class will not dress out for the first week of school.
- School is dismissed at 1:31 (early release Wednesday, Lunch IS served)
**Breakfast is available from 7:50 - 8:15 everyday!
Top 3 Cerro Villa Expectations
Please review with your student CV's TOP 3 Expectations. Adhering to CV's Expectations will help support a welcoming, safe, and positive culture at CV. (Expectation Assembly will review all school wide expectations on 1st day of school)
1. Cerro Villa Electronics policy: "ELECTRONICS OFF AND AWAY FOR THE DAY"
- Cell Phones and all mobile devices and electronics shall be TURNED OFF when entering school campus
Cell Phones and all mobile devices shall be kept in a student’s backpack – not in clothing pockets
Cell Phones and all mobile devices are not allowed to be used during transition times, snack, lunch or between classes
If a student needs to make an emergency call during the day, they are to come up to the office
Cell Phones and all mobile devices can be turned back on at the end of the school bell
Consequences: 1) device confiscated, returned at end of school day, 2) #1 plus detention, 3) #2 plus parent/guardian pick up required, 4) #3 plus meeting with admin, contract created.
2. Follow Cerro Villa's Uniform Policy (review of Uniform policy will take place at expectation assembly)
Consequences: 1) Alternate CV clothing provided to student, 2) #1 plus parent contact, detention, 3)#2 plus 2 detentions assigned, 4) #3 plus parent meeting with admin
3. Attendance - On time every day all day
- Attendance matters! Please have your student at school prior to 8:15 each day.
- Students have 4 minutes to travel from class to class. Tardy sweeps will randomly occur and students who have continuous tardy's will have discipline consequences
Positive Rewards and Acknowledgements
Cerro Villas mission is to build positive, responsible students. As students meet school expectations, positive rewards and acknowledgement will be provided!
- 5 star program - students can earn positive points for portraying positive behavior throughout campus. Students will have an opportunity redeem their positive points for prizes in CV's Student Store!
- Free Dress Day - Mr. Jones and Ms. Fernandez love challenging our students to achieve school wide goals which can earn the student body FREE DRESS DAYS!
- Pizza / Donut Party's - Students achieving positive academics or social skills can earn a pizza / donut party!
- Student of the Month - students are celebrated by teachers and staff each month!
- plus much more... just keep up the positive behavior!
Drop-Off / Pick-Up Safety
Please use extreme caution when dropping-off/picking-up your children. Cerro Villa is located between Serrano Elementary and Villa Park High School, creating a large amount of traffic. Please be aware of designated cross-walks on Serrano Avenue.
- Pull to the curb to drop-off/pick-up students (Do Not stop in traffic and allow students to cross into the street to exit/enter automobile.
- Students should always use the crosswalk at the Serrano curve.
- Crosswalk on Nichols/Serrano intersection is signal only - use caution
- Have a pick-up spot that works for your family.
- Traffic is most heavy between 8:05-8:15 and 2:58 - 3:10. If convenient, please drop-off/pick-up outside of these times.
Crosswalk on Serrano Curve
Nichols/Serrano Ave Crosswalk - Signal only
Nichols/Serrano Ave Crosswalk - Signal only
OUSD will host a Back-To-School Street Safety Workshop!
August 29th
5:00 - 6:00 pm
OUSD Board Rooms
Birthday Marquee Celebration
Celebrate your students Birthday on the electronic Marquee! Students names will be published for the entire week of their birthday! Complete the following form and return to the office with payment ($20)!
E-Bike Parent Education Workshop
City of Villa Park in collaboration with Orange County Sheriff Department will hold an E-Bike Parent Education Workshop on Wednesday, September 4th at 6:30 pm at Cerro Villas Viking Auditorium!
Flyer and additional information available soon!
Chinese Yo-Yo after school classes
Please see flyer for information on the After School Chinese Yo-Yo classes, held on Wednesday's!
Leadership / Activities Announcements
Restaurant Fundraisers!!
Enjoy a night out with family and support Cerro Villa Middle School! Throughout the school year, CV will have restaurant night fundraisers with a % of sales coming back to CV. Funds will go towards school wide activities OR 8th grade end of year celebration.
First fundraiser is on Wednesday, September 4th @ Chipotle!! (School Wide Fundraiser)
- 09/04/2024
- 4:00pm-8:00pm
- 2202 N Tustin St Ste A, Orange, CA 92865-3716
CV Shelf Life Library Newsletter
Check out the latest CV Shelf Life Library Newsletter published by Mrs. B!
CV Athletic News / Events
- Girls Flag Football
- Boys Volleyball
Get excited and be ready to participate on CV's Athletic Teams!!
About PFSO
https://www.cvpfso.org/ - visit the PFSO website to learn about all the opportunities to get involved.
What is the PFSO?
The Cerro Villa Parent Faculty Student Organization (PFSO) is a non-profit organization that assists the faculty and staff in enhancing the education experiences of our children.
The PFSO assists with many programs around the school, including dances, Student of the Month, Honor Society, and the 8th Grade Promotion Party. Without your support, these events would not be possible. Most importantly, the PFSO also supports the faculty and staff at Cerro Villa in acquiring items they need for their classrooms in order to enhance our children’s educational experiences.
PFSO 2024-2025 Board
President: ...........................Joy Nguyen (8th)
President-Elect:.......... ........open
1st VP Membership:.... ......Megan Artherton (8th)
1st VP Membership: ..........Danielle Ploessel (7th)
2nd VP Ways and Means: ..Kathleen Lim-Valle (8th)
2nd VP Ways and Means: ..Wendy Wolf (7th)
3rd VP Programs: ..............Alicia Gonzalez (8th)
Treasurer: ............................Michelle Tao (8th)
Secretary: ............................Tracy Paul (7th)
Parliamentarian: ..................Lindsay Whiddon (7th)
Auditor: ................................Beth Brunett (8th)
Cerro Villa Student Store
Cerro Villa has a student store where students can redeem their 5 star points for awesome items!! PFSO and ASB are asking for donated items to help supply the student store! Please use the following link or QR code to check out how to donate!
Earn Free Money for Cerro Villa
Did you know that the CV PFSO can receive “free money” from Ralphs every time you shop? This summer we received $31.51 from just 8 participating families' grocery runs. Imagine how much more we could earn if you, your friends, and family sign up too!
This one-time sign-up will take just a few minutes of your time:
Step 1: Go to www.ralphs.com
Step 2: Sign in or create an account with your Ralphs Rewards account number (found on the back of your shopping card)
Step 3: Go to My Account, then to Community Contributions
Step 4: Enroll for free and designate "Cerro Villa PFSO" as your program of choice
Step 5: Forget about it! You just shop as usual from now on in-store or online :)
For more information, visit: https://www.ralphs.com/i/community/community-contribution-program
And if you have any issues, please email cvpfso@gmail.com - we're happy to help get you set up. Thanks! - CV PFSO
Important Dates
August 20: 7th Grade first day, 12:34pm dismissal (minimum day)
August 21: All students first day, 1:31 dismissal (early release Wednesday)
September 2: Labor Day, No School
September 4: Restaurant Fundraiser, Chipotle!
September 4: City of VP E-Bike parent education @ CV, 6:30 pm
September 10: Back to School Night, 5:30pm
Parent / Orange Unified Information
Please view the latest newsletter from OUSD Superintendent Mr. Gonzalez
Cerro Villa 2024-2025 Bell Schedule
*Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day
Please view the Bell Schedule page on our Cerro Villa webpage for all published bell schedules.
Cerro Villa Uniform Policy
Cerro Villa is a uniform school. Please view the following document regarding School Uniform Policy:
- 2024-2025 CV Uniform Policy
- Kustom Imprints - Flyer
- NEW Crew Neck Shirts available!! (see picture below)
- CV webpage with School Policies: https://www.cerrovilla.org/about/additional-info
2024-2025 Student Calendar / Attendance
2024-2025 Student Calendar - OUSD
Cerro Villa Calendar & Events - Cerro Villa
*Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day
Positive Information on Student Attendance:
OUSD Parent Corner
Please visit the OUSD Parent Corner webpage for information on:
- News & Bulletins
- OUSD News
- Student Information & Services
- Public Notices
- Addressing concerns and formal complaints
- Title IX Information
- Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Proclamations by the Board of Education
- Employment & Internships