The Puma Pulse Family Newsletter
September 29, 2024
October is Bullying Prevention Month
Greetings, Puma Community!
Save the date for our annual Harvest Festival on Friday, November 1, 2024. Planning is underway, but we need your help! Join us this Wednesday for our next PTA general meeting to start preparing for this huge family event! You can join us in person or via Zoom.
Would you like to be a Noon Duty or Crossing Guard? Our Noon Duty Supervisors work from 11:00-1:20. Our Crossing Guards work before school and at dismissal. Apply here:
We would like to remind you that you can check your student's library fines online through the Aeries Parent Portal. This allows you to easily stay informed about any overdue books or fees. Please take a moment to review your account and help your student return any missing materials.
For the month of October, we are promoting bullying prevention. National Bullying Prevention Month is a time for everyone to:
UNITE: No one deserves to be bullied and all students deserve to feel safe and supported and to inspire everyone to act with kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
RAISE AWARENESS: Talking about bullying prevention helps build understanding.
LEARN: It’s empowering to know what to do when you see or experience bullying.]
- TAKE ACTION: Actions have impact. Everyone’s actions matter; we all have a role to play in bullying prevention.
We are excited to share with you that our school community will be celebrating Unity Day on Wednesday, October 16th this year. Unity Day is an annual event occurring during National Bullying Prevention Month in October that promotes joining together to create healthier communities through kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. It was started by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center in 2011 and is now celebrated around the world.
We hope you’ll take this opportunity to talk to your children about bullying prevention and all the positive things we can do to make healthier communities. For more information on the history of Unity Day and its impact, please go to
Kelly Schevenin, Principal
General PTA Meeting
Join us in person in room K-2 or via Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 325 730 9790
Wednesday, Oct 2, 2024, 06:00 PM
Prairie Elementary School, Stetson Street, Woodland, CA, USA
Cross Country Meet # 2
Thursday, Oct 3, 2024, 04:15 PM
T L Whitehead Elementary School, West Southwood Drive, Woodland, CA, USA
Parent Workshops 2024-2025
Student Handbook: Cyberbullying
If a student experiences bullying in a virtual environment, please follow these steps:
Don’t respond to and don’t forward cyberbullying messages.
Keep evidence of cyberbullying. Record the dates, times, and descriptions of instances when cyberbullying has occurred. Save and print screenshots, emails, and text messages. Use this to report cyberbullying to web and cell phone service providers.
Block the person who is cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying can create a disruptive environment at school and is often related to in-person bullying. Our school can use the information to help inform prevention and response strategies. Please report all cyberbullying that involves school devices and/or WJUSD students to the teacher, counselor and/or administrator.
When cyberbullying involves these activities it is considered a crime and should be reported to the school and law enforcement:
Threats of violence
Child pornography or sending sexually explicit messages or photos
Taking a photo or video of someone in a place where he or she would expect privacy
Stalking and hate crimes
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the front office to get your application process started.
To apply to be a volunteer you will need:
- A completed volunteer form
- Negative tuberculosis (TB) proof must be attached to the volunteer form
- Fingerprinting (fee waivers will be available for families who qualify for Free & Reduced Meals) (A fingerprint voucher will be sent AFTER a completed volunteer form with appropriate attachments is submitted.)
Expanding Minds After-school Program
If you have questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact our Expanded Learning Site Support Specialist: Pablo Vasquez (
Parent-Teacher Association
Prairie PTA
President: Bethel Ibarra-Avalos
Secretary: Megan Taybourne
Treasurer: Hector Gomez Guzman
Become a PTA Member. The $10 membership will help
support the students at Woodland Prairie Elementary.
Sweatshirt order forms were sent out and are due 9/30/24.
Woodland Prairie Elementary
Preparing and empowering all students for a future of endless possibilities!
Location: 1444 Stetson Street, Woodland, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 662-2898