Glenn Public School Eagle Post
August 2024
Superintendent's Nest
Hello! Summer is flying by so quickly and the start of the new school year is right around the corner. We have been busy at the school painting all the walls and doing deep cleaning throughout the building. We can not wait to show all of you how beautiful it looks inside. We have also been working on the outside of the building by repaving the parking lot and refinishing the benches and picnic tables.
There is an Amazon Wish List posted on Glenn School’s Facebook page. These items are what teachers would like for use in their classrooms. The more donations we receive the less the school needs to purchase and can use this money for other items. The only items we ask you purchase for your child are headphones (for computer) and a water bottle. We do occasionally ask for Kleenex and paper towels as donations. We are very grateful for the donations we receive at Glenn!
I am looking forward to another adventurous and fantastic year!
Ms. Walle
Amazon Wish Lists
Glenn School has a wish list of items to support teachers and students for learning.
Glenn School PTC has a wish list of snacks to keep students full and focused on learning.
PTC Corner
Board of Education Meetings
August 12th
September 9th
October 14th
November 11
December 9th
January 13th
February 10th
March 10th
April 14th
May 12th
June 9th
Career Opportunities
Open positions are posted on our website at glennpublischool.org or you can apply online at https://jobs.redroverk12.com/org/glennschool.
You can contact jamie.walle@glenn.school or cate.rutter@glenn.school for more information.