Carlisle Connection
October 3, 2024
Important Information
Student Attendance- We need your help!
We need your help getting students to school. Our current attendance percentage is below the 96% goal right now. Data will be released soon to campuses, and we will share this with you.
Please try to schedule appointments after school or on holidays, and ensure your child is at school each day they are not ill.
Beginning of Year MAP Reports
A hard copy of your child's MAP testing results from beginning of year will be sent home today, October 3rd. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions about your child's results.
VOLY Drive
Do you want to volunteer at Carlisle for events like field trips, class parties, etc.? Plano ISD and Carlisle greatly appreciate your willingness to invest your time and efforts into supporting our students, families and staff.
All volunteers will need to create an account and complete an application, online orientation and background check through the Plano ISD volunteer management system, VOLY, to be eligible for district/school volunteer opportunities. These items will need to be completed by volunteers each school year.
To assist you with this process, we will host a VOLY Drive at Carlisle during the Fall Fest on Thursday, October 24 5:30-7pm.
You will receive one-on-one assistance with the application process. All you need to bring is a government-issued identification card. This is a crucial step as we need this information to verify their identification if you do not have a social security number or a state-issued ID from the United States.
A Spanish translator will be available as well.
Fire Prevention Week- Fire Prevention Posters
Fire Prevention Week is coming in October and with it the Fire Prevention Poster Contest. The theme is "Smoke Alarms: Make Them WORK for You."
If you choose to participate in the fire prevention poster contest, the due date for posters is October 9th.
Picture Day Information
View Pictures at Online Gallery CLICK HERE.
Ver imágenes en la galerÃa en lÃnea HAGA CLIC AQUI.
Information from the Plano Public Library
Plano Public Library is excited to help you succeed in your lifelong learning goals. Each location has computers, WiFi, study spaces and events for all ages. Online resources are available 24/7. Highlights include:
· Library cards: All Plano residents, as well as people living in Allen, The Colony, Frisco, Garland, McKinney, Richardson and Wylie, can sign up for a free library card. Fill out the application online to get started.
· STEAMtober: Come by the library all October-long to delve into science, technology, engineering, arts and math. There are events for all ages.
· Reserve a study room: Use your Plano Public Library card to reserve a study room for free. See our website for details and download the PPL mobile app to reserve a spot easily.
Allen Americans- PISD Night- Support Carlisle!
Dear Carlisle Families,
Plano ISD is partnering with our local professional hockey team, the Allen Americans, for a special game night planned specifically for Plano ISD students, families and staff! PISD Night with the Allen Americans will take place at the Credit Union of Texas Event Center (200 East Stacy Road; Allen, TX 75002) on October 30, at 7:00 p.m. Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
Please use the QR code on this printable flyer (English | Spanish) to make your ticket purchase. When you type CARLISLE into the required field, our school will receive $5 for every ticket purchased! We look forward to this fun night and hope to see you there! Please contact the front office with any questions.
A note about PACE testing
If you believe your child may need gifted services:
- Notify your child’s teacher or the campus gifted specialist.
- Complete an online referral packet. You may request a hard copy if needed.
- The district site is linked here. Specific directions are linked here.
- Referral forms are due October 11, 2024, at 5:00 pm.
- Testing procedures will be communicated after the referral deadline.
- PACE testing window is in November.
VOLY Reminder
Parents, to participate in any event during school hours (except for Good Morning Carlisle), you must have completed your annual VOLY background check to be approved to volunteer for that school year AND you need to have registered and been approved to volunteer for that specific event. Only then, will you be able to badge in at the front office to participate in the event with your student.
Complete your VOLY application now for the 24-25 school year!
All volunteers will need to create an account and complete an application, online orientation and background check through the Plano ISD volunteer management system, VOLY, to be eligible for district/school volunteer opportunities. Please visit plano.voly.org to create a volunteer account and begin this process. These items will need to be completed by volunteers each school year.
If you want to volunteer at Carlisle in any capacity throughout the year (field trips, parties, field day, WatchDOGS etc.), complete your application now!
A new application must be completed for each new school year.
Attendance Parent Engagement Series
September is designated as Attendance Awareness Month. Regular student attendance and increased family engagement are vital for student academic success and overall development. Each month, the Student, Family and Community Services department will host monthly Attendance Parent Engagement Sessions featuring video recordings and PowerPoint presentations available in both English and Spanish. This month's session will focus on "Attendance-Promoting Tips for Parents," facilitated by Sharon Bradley (English) and Dr. Saul Laredo (Spanish).
Campuses are encouraged to disseminate QR codes and links to these videos through their established communication channels for parents. Additionally, there is an option to request in-person or virtual workshops with our parent educators via this provided link.
Staff Shout Outs
Our Carlisle teachers are amazing! If you want to send in a shout out anytime throughout the year about a Carlisle staff member, use this Parent Shout Out Link.
GMC Start Date
Good Morning Carlisle will start back up after Fall Break. The exact date will be included in a Carlisle Connection soon.
Nurse News
More Important Information
Student Safety- Carlisle Front Door
In order to ensure the safety of all students and staff at Carlisle, please do not allow others to follow you in the front door when you are buzzed into the front office. Our front office team needs to individually let in each visitor. It may seem kind to hold the door open for the person behind you, but the expectation is that each person must discuss their business at Carlisle before being let in. Thank you for helping us keep all students and staff safe!
Carlisle AMPEd/Lunch/Recess Schedule for 24-25
The image above is the Carlisle AMPEd/Lunch/Recess Schedule for 24-25.
Following Safety Rules at Arrival/Dismissal
Please ensure you are following all traffic laws while driving at Carlisle.
If you see something, say something!
Call 972-941-5483 for Traffic Enforcement/Traffic Violations
https://www.plano.gov/1857/Traffic-Enforcement-Request - Online Report/Request
https://www.plano.gov/1096/Fix-It-Plano - Online reporting
School ends at 3pm- Make your plan for on-time pick-up each day!
School ends at 3pm each day for the 24-25 school year. Please make arrangements now to ensure your child will be picked up at 3pm promptly each day. On-time pick-up helps ensure your child's safety and ensures our staff can conduct their necessary after school duties, meetings, and other appointments. If you cannot pick up your child at 3pm each day, consider making other arrangements or enrolling them in PASAR or another after school care program.
Bring your Driver's License
Anytime you will pick up your child in the front office, bring your driver's license. Our front office staff will ask for your identification in the event that you pick your child up in the front office for any reason. We do this to ensure your child's safety.
Also, you may not pick your child up in the front office after 2:30pm.
Upcoming Events
10/3 Girl Scout Recruitment Night from 6:30-7:30pm in cafeteria
10/9 Fire Prevention Posters due (if your child plans to participate)
10/11 End of First Nine Weeks Grading Period
10/14- 10/18 Student Holidays (10/17 and 10/18 are staff work days)
10/21 Start of 2nd Nine Weeks Grading Period
10/21-10/23 5th Grade Camp
10/24 Fall Fest and VOLY Drive 5:30-7:00pm
10/28 Red Ribbon Week Assembly for students
11/5 Student Holiday/Staff Work Day
11/14 3rd Grade Program at 6:30pm
11/18-11-22 Book Fair Week
11/21 PTA General Meeting and Math & Science Night from 5:30-7pm
11/25-11/29 Thanksgiving Break- Student and Staff Holidays
Counselor's Corner
The WINNER of the First 30 Days Attendance Challenge is...
SECOND GRADE! Congratulations 2nd grade!!
October Attendance Tip
Help your child get to school on time by establishing a morning routine. Do things the night before like get your child's backpack ready, lay out clothes, prep lunch or breakfast.
School starts each day at 7:40am. When you arrive right at 7:40am, your child may miss important time to unpack and get ready for the day before instruction begins.
Thank you for participating in the first 30 days attendance challenge! Keep up the great work. Please continue to report any student absences in Skyward.
iAttend Challenge- Perfect Attendance Awards
Look out for certificates coming home if your child had perfect attendance for the first 30 days of school! We had 218 students with perfect attendance for the first 30 days!
Information from the PTA
Wildcat Events
Social Emotional Learning- Family Connection
Emotional Thermometer
Here at Carlisle, your child will learn about the emotional thermometer. Your child will be encouraged express himself or herself using the levels of the emotional thermometer.
Our goal is to help students who are anywhere on a level 2-5 to get back down to a Level 1.
You can use the emotional thermometer at home to understand how your child is feeling, and talk through how you all can solve the problem to get them back down to a Level 1.
Bullying vs. Conflict
Please read the below graphic about the difference between rude, conflict and bullying. It is important to help your child distinguish between these. Our counselor, Ms. Barrera, teaches students about this here at school, and you can help by also talking with your child about this at home.
Helpful Links
Give us your feedback HERE anytime!
Some Tips for Parents from the City of Plano
Helpful safety tips:
1. Always park in same direction of traffic flow
2. Coach our children to exit from the curbside of vehicles
3. Use crosswalks
Carpool Reminder
Student safety is our top priority.
Please ensure that:
1. Your child gets out of or into the car on the passenger's side.
2. Watch for other children exiting vehicles as you are in the carpool line.
Past Newsletters:
Carlisle Elementary
Website: pisd.edu/carlisle
Location: 6525 Old Orchard Drive, Plano, TX, USA
Phone: 469-752-0601
Facebook: facebook.com/carlislecoyotes
Twitter: @CarlisleCoyotes