Weekly Eagle News
Spring 2025, 4th edition, 02/03/2025 - 02/07/2025
~New Announcements~
Valentine's Day Floral Special
February Formal
“Come join us for ‘A Night in Paris,’ this year’s February Formal, hosted by AGHS band and choir as a fundraiser for the Music Department. This dance will be held at Cypress Ridge Pavilion
in Arroyo Grande on Saturday, February 22nd, from 7pm to 10pm. Tickets are on sale for $25. Tickets will increase to $30 on Tuesday, February 11th, until the end of lunch on February 19th. We will have outdoor live performances from band and choir members, as well as indoor music and dancing. Dress code is “nice, but not too formal.” No jeans or T-Shirts, but also not ball gowns. Save that for prom. So, grab your friends and your tickets, hope to see you there!
2025 Pilot Scholarship Announcement
To receive an application package, contact Bill Siegel at bugsluke@yahoo.com or text a request to 305-962-4027 by February 10th. The preferred application delivery method is via email attachment, but mailing is also an option.
An Evening of One-Acts
Join AGHS Theatre Company for an evening of student directed one-act plays. This years selections include The Zoo Story by Edward Albee, Lockdown by Douglas Craven, The New Margo by Stephen Gregg, and newly written play by local playwright Rosemary Kesselring, adapted from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, entitled Riddles in the Dark. Don't miss this excellent evening of drama.
Basketball Score Keeper
2024-2025 Yearbook
Get your yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year while you can. Less than 345 remain, so order early.
Basketball Facility Attendant
~CTE Online Auction~
~Student Spotlight~
Speech and Debate Results, January 25th
The Arroyo Grande Speech and Debate team competed in the Tri-County Forensics League Congressional Debate tournament on January 25th at Valley International Preparatory . Our two students competed in the Junior Varsity category. Also serving as a Presiding Officer during the competition was Senior Emmanuel Reynoso-Sandoval. In a support role for the tournament as part of the student leadership council was Senior Brynn Termeer. Receiving individual recognition were the following students:
- James Simon - 4th place (on the winning side of a tie-breaker)
- Charlene Cobbs - 4th place (on the losing side of a tie-breaker)
Please congratulate these students on an excellent showing! Speech and Debate will next compete this coming weekend, traveling to West Ranch High School on February 1st for Open Speech and an online Debate tournament from our campus on February 2nd.
AGHS Poetry Out Loud Competition Results, January 31st
Congrats to Joss Robertson on winning the AGHS Poetry Out Loud competition on Friday. She will represent AGHS next week at the SLO County competition going up against the other high schools in the area. Marisa Fugitt took 2nd and Arianna Brito took 3rd. Honorable mentions include: Molly Adams, Emery Cannon, Olivia McDonald, Kali Diaz, James Steven Simon and Elizabeth Sorrondo. Great job to all.
~AGHS Film and Video Production is Proud to Present "The Nest" Podcast~
~AGHS Club Announcements~
Welcome Eagle Families,
Students can purchase an ASB discount card for free entry to all non CIF playoff events online at the AGHS Webstore or at the student business office on campus.
Purchase your digital ticket here: GoFan
How to Purchase Ticket Help Video: click here
Make Sure to Clear your Absences
Clear Absences by 4pm Tuesday, 02/25/25. Please make sure that the Attendance Office is informed of the reason for any still unverified absences for 01/27/25 - 02/21/25. After that date, we will not be able to make any changes.
College & Military Visits
Seniors and Juniors planning a college/military visit should stop by the Attendance Office to pick up an Excused Absence Request form ahead of their visit. If approved, up to two days may be excused. Visits that will last longer than two days would require a Short Term Independent Study Contract to excuse the absence.
Attendance FAQs
For any other questions about attendance:
Please contact the Attendance Oce:
Last names A-L: contact Mrs. Lewis 📞(805) 474-3200 ext. 2244
Last names M-Z: contact Mrs. Black 📞(805) 474-3200 ext. 2243
Spanish: contact Mrs. Robles 📞(805) 474-3200 ext. 2199
Fax: (805) 474-4222
~Counselor's Corner~
9th and 10th Grade Parents and Students: We will be giving the PSAT 9 and PSAT 10 on Wednesday, March 5th. Please see the flyer in this newsletter for more information about signing up for the exam.
Seniors: Reminder that you need to complete 20 hours of community service in order to graduate! Don’t let the year get away from you and then panic at the end. Please see your counselor if you need help with community service and also check out our website for more information about where and how to complete community service. Please also remember that this newsletter has community service opportunities EVERY WEEK!
Cuesta College Si Se Puede Conference Field Trip! If you or your student is interested in attending the Si Se Puede Conference at Cuesta on March 13th, please come to the counseling office to pick up a permission slip. The permission slip must be turned in to the counseling office no later than February 9th. Please see Mr. Alvarez for more information!
Work Permits
Attention all students that plan on working this year. Please submit a completed work permit request form to Mr. Coville ASAP, or email him at trevor.coville@lmusd.org. Anybody that needs their current permit extended can stop by Room 510, or email Mr. Coville as well.
AGHS Tutoring Labs
Need help with your classes, check out the tutoring labs on campus. Need a private tutor, see the counseling office for a paid tutor list.
~Public Service Announcements~
Connect with us!
Email: AGHS@lmusd.org
Website: https://www.aghseagles.org/
Location: 495 Valley Road, Arroyo Grande, CA, USA
Phone: 805-474-3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AGEagles
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aghseagles
Twitter: @twitter_AGHSEagles