November events, resources, opportunities, & more.
More than 3 Million Youth Reported Using a Tobacco Product in 2022
A study released today from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 3.08 million (11.3%) U.S. middle and high school students reported current (past 30-day) use of any tobacco product in 2022, which includes 2.51 million (16.5%) high school students and 530,000 (4.5%) middle school students. This study’s findings, published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly (MMWR) Report, were based on data from the 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS).
Read more at the following article links:
- Full MMWR report
- 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) data released by FDA
- 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) data released by CDC
- National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) results/data for past years
- To download the infographic with this article click on the image
Students Weigh In: Vaping. What Can We Do?
A topic that has permeated many discussions with school leaders, students, and community members over the past several years has been vaping. With a rise in students vaping, specifically in schools, the stress of figuring out how to 'solve' this epidemic has fallen on our teachers, counselors, community members, school leaders, and students. The Association of Washington School Principals (AWSL) Student Voice Network weighed in on what we can start doing, stop doing, and keep doing to find solutions for this ongoing issue.
To read the full article visit awsp.org/informed-principal/blog or click the image with this story.
Drug-Take-Back Event in SW Washington Collects 2805 Pounds of Unused Medications & Syringes
VANCOUVER, WA (November 1, 2022) – More than 600 residents in Clark, Skamania and Klickitat counties safely dropped off a total of 2,805 pounds of unused medications and syringes during a multi-site drug take-back event on Saturday, October 29th.
The medication disposal event was held at seven locations in three Southwest Washington counties and was organized by a committee of local youth substance use disorder prevention coalitions, law enforcement agencies, clinics, community partners, and volunteers. The event sites were hosted by PeaceHealth Southwest Urgent Care, Kaiser Permanente Orchards, Battle Ground Police Department, Washougal Police Department, Cowlitz Indian Tribal Public Safety Department, Skamania County Sheriff’s Office and Klickitat County Court House.
“Despite the weather on Saturday, we had a great turnout for the events across our region,” said Kelley Groen-Sieckmann, community prevention project coordinator with Central Vancouver Coalition and ESD 112. “It is always inspiring to see members of the community committed to disposing of medicine properly which in turn keeps these potentially dangerous substances out of the environment and our waterways. It also protects their children and families from the potential risks of accidental poisonings, overdose, or misuse which can lead to prescription drug addiction,” explained Groen-Sieckmann.
All discarded medications were secured in boxes and transported for incineration by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
Drug take-back events have been organized by prevention coalitions and law enforcement agencies in Clark County since 2010. The events are now held twice a year (April and October) in multiple counties, and in partnership with the Washington State Health Care Authority and DEA National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Since 2010, Drug Take Back Events in Southwest Washington have collected 53,831 pounds of prescription and over-the-counter medications, and syringes which is equivalent to the weight of seven elephants.
New Prevent Coalition Podcast Available - Episode 6, "New Coordinator Orientation"
"Welcome to the Prevent Coalition Podcast. We're sharing stories and strategies to help coalitions and organizations reach their full potential."
In the latest episode, Guest host Sarah Meyers from Pomeroy Partners shared insights and tricks for new Coalition Coordinators. Hear submissions from other Coordinators on early lessons learned. If you or a colleague is new to the prevention field, this one is for you!
Listen at preventcoalition.podbean.com. The podcast is also available on Google Podcasts, the Apple Podcast app and other familiar streaming services.
- Episode 0 - Welcome
- Episode 1 - Rural Network
- Episode 2 - Policy Change
- Episode 3: Secure Your Cannabis
- Episode 4: "Better You Bingo" with special guests from Clark County STASHA!
- Episode 5: Sweet & Sour
- New --> Episode 6: New Coordinator Orientation
Episodes archived at preventcoalition.org/events/news/.
CDC Foundation Posts Recent National Data on E-cigarette Sales
CDC Foundation has posted their most recent national data brief highlighting trends in national e-cigarette sales from January 2018 through July 2022. It concludes the restrictions that exempt certain flavors and product types likely shift sales to the products and flavors that remain on the market. Policies that prohibit all non-tobacco flavored e-cigarettes, including flavored disposable e-cigarettes and menthol-flavored prefilled cartridges, may reduce e-cigarette sales, reduce youth access to flavored e-cigarettes, and ultimately reduce youth e-cigarette use.
To read key findings in the full report visit www.cdcfoundation.org/programs or click the image with this story.
Parents Influence Perceptions of Alcohol
While consumption of alcohol does not generally begin until early adolescence, children appear to internalize adult drinking behaviors from a very young age.
A recent study from the Centre of Alcohol Policy Research at La Trobe’s School of Psychology and Public Health found a gender-specific effect of exposure to parents' (particularly mothers') drinking on young children's perceptions of person-specific drinking norms. Most children, before 8 years of age, have already internalized normative information about adults' drinking practices through observational learning.
To read the full article click the image with this story.
FDA, DOJ Seek Permanent Injunctions Against Six E-cigarette Manufacturers
To read the full article visit www.fda.gov/news-events/fda-newsroom or click the image with this story.
The 2022 National Transgender Survey is Happening Now!
The U.S. Transgender Survey (USTS) is the largest survey of trans people, by trans people, in the United States. The USTS documents the lives and experiences of trans and nonbinary people ages 16+ in the U.S. and U.S. territories.
In 2015, nearly 28,000 people took the USTS. A lot has happened since then – and it’s time to conduct the USTS again in 2022. The 2022 USTS will provide an updated and expanded view of the experiences of transgender people across a wide range of areas, such as education, employment, family life, health, housing, and interactions with police and prisons.
Help contribute to the largest, most diverse sample across all identities. Please spread the word to ensure that people of color, older people, those who live in rural areas, immigrants, Spanish speakers, those who are HIV+, and others hear about the survey. More than ever, it's important to ensure that trans voices will shape the future.
The survey is open until November 21, 2022. To take the survey visit www.ustranssurvey.org or click the image with this story.
CATCH My Breath's Fall Vaping Prevention Trainings
CATCH My Breath In-Service Training
Participants who complete the in-service training will be trained to implement the CATCH My Breath program within their community.
- December 6th, Virtual
CATCH My Breath Train-the-Trainer
Participants who complete this training and pass the open-book exam will be certified to facilitate the teacher/youth provider in-service training within the community they serve.
- November 15 - 16th, Virtual
- November 29 - 30th, Virtual
To learn more about the CATCH My Breath trainings visit catch.org/program/vaping-prevention or click on the image with this story.
Great American Smokeout - November 17th
For more than 40 years the American Cancer Society (ACS) has hosted the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday in November. Resources are available to assist people, groups, or coalitions who want to promote the event or get smoking cessation resources. Visit the ACS website at www.cancer.org or click on the image.
Youth Advocacy Training
When: December 7, 2022 @5:30pm - 8:00pm
Where: Educational Service District 112, 2500 NE 65th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98661
(Virtual option available, contact event organizer)
Cost: Free!
Registration and More Information: www.eventbrite.com/e/use-your-voice-youth-advocacy-training-tickets-461842622717
Interested in Volunteering? Two New Committees Forming.
Making the Connection Committee:
The "Making the Connection" toolkit was developed in 2018 with the goal of changing the conversation about substance abuse by talking WITH youth and not AT youth. A new commercial tobacco and vaping prevention module is needed to expand the toolkit content and add training materials that the community has requested.
Committee volunteers are needed to help guide the development of this module. If you would like to lend your voice and talents to this project, please contact matt.cox@esd112.org.
Parent-Directed Campaign Committee:
Help build a local campaign to enable parents to understand and utilize their influence over youth, or share relevant prevention information tailored to their needs. This campaign will be informed by the latest needs assessment data and community input.
If you’re interested in design, developing key messages, sorting out data, and more, contact logan.morrow@esd112.org to get involved.
Seeking Feedback About Youth Mental Health and Substance Use
Community Prevention & Wellness Initiative (CPWI) youth substance use prevention coalitions serve unique communities within the Southwest Washington Region. CPWI community coalitions are comprised of community members and organizations working together towards a common goal of building a safe, healthy and drug free community. Annually, CPWI community coalitions conduct a Community Survey to gather opinions and insight about youth mental health and substance use from adults living and working within corresponding school and zip code boundaries. Each coalition is required to collect a specific number of surveys based on the total population for their community. The feedback gathered from the Community Survey is included as part of CPWI community coalitions' needs assessments to help inform and support prevention programming for youth within CPWI communities.
If you live or work within the zip code boundaries listed below we encourage you to complete a Community Survey. The online survey takes about 5 minutes to complete, is completely anonymous, and available in English and Spanish. Survey takers may skip any questions or stop the survey at any time. Feel free to share the survey links with friends and family to help diversify and expand the reach for the Community Surveys. CPWI Community Coalitions thank those who completed surveys and support the health and safety of youth and communities.
The online surveys will be available through November 15, 2022. To complete a survey, click on the Community Survey link below that corresponds to the zip code and school boundary for where you live or work:
Fort Vancouver High School - zip codes 98661, 98662, 98664
CPWI Coalition: Central Vancouver Coalition
Hudson’s Bay High School - zip codes 98660, 98661, 98663, 98665
CPWI Coalition: West Van for Youth
Washougal High School - zip codes 98671, 98682
CPWI Coalition: Unite! Washougal
Kelso School District – zip code98626
CPWI Coalition: Highlander HOPE Coalition
Longview School District – zip code 98632
CPWI Coalition: EPIC
Castle Rock School District - zip code 98611
CPWI Coalition: Castle Rock CARE Coalition
What is Naloxone?
Narcan Vending Machines - Available in SW Washington!
Find locations and learn more at southwestach.org/vending or scan the QR code in the informational image above.
New Resource: What's Up with Fentanyl?
Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute (ADAI) has released a new flyer with important information on fentanyl. The flyer includes what it looks like, risks, responding to an overdose, safety tips, and more. The flyer is geared towards the general public, but in particular those who might be at risk of using fentanyl. The flyer was developed by the Center for Community-Engaged Drug Education, Epidemiology and Research (CEDEER) team.
To view the new flyer click on the image with this story.
New Secure Your Cannabis Resources
Several new campaign images are available in addition to the existing resources, process, tools and more available on the Secure Your Cannabis resource website. These resources are free and available to communities who wish to implement this project and spread the word.
To learn more visit www.preventcoalition.org/securecannabis or click the image with this story.
Study Shows Most WA Cannabis Consumers Purchase Products at Retail Stores
A recent independent study shows Washington leads the nation in cannabis consumers buying from regulated retail outlets rather than the illicit market. The report, the International Cannabis Policy Study (ICPS) -- Washington State Report, was produced by the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. The study is a multi-year, cross-sectional survey conducted annually in the United States and Canada to examine trends in cannabis use.
According to the ICPS, in 2021, 77%* of survey participants from Washington State indicated they purchased from a legal (retail) source, compared to 44% for the United States overall and 57% for “U.S. legal” states. They further indicated that, on average, 90% of the products they purchased were from a retail store. Data for the report was obtained from a wide sample of age groups, gender, ethnicity, education level, and other demographics.
To find out more about the report visit lcb.wa.gov and search "cannabis report" or download the report by clicking the image with this story.
Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit
To view SAMHSA's opioid overdose prevention toolkit visit store.samhsa.gov and search for product SMA18-4742, or click the image with this story.
SAMHSA Public Message Resources
To view SAMHSA's public message resources visit www.samhsa.gov/public-messages or click on the image.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Stickers
To view SAMHSA's 988 resources visit store.samhsa.gov and search for "988" or click the image with this story.
New SAMHSA Guide: Implementing Community-Level Policies to Prevent Alcohol Misuse
To view SAMHSA's alcohol prevention guide visit store.samhsa.gov and search for "PEP22-06-01-006" or click the image with this story.
Rural Conference Photos Available
Now available for use are pictures taken at the Rural Conference held on September 22-23, 2022. The photos can be found on the Rural Toolkit website in a folder labeled “conference”. These are stock photos that can be used for promotion of rural prevention work!
Access the images from within the Rural Toolkit at www.preventcoalition.org/rural/toolkit and enter the password: ruralrocks!
Rural Grant Progress
- Assess Data: We created a contract with Clark County Public Health to offer Epidemiology support and implement parts of the action plan. They will offer several data trainings to the network, build an online visual data portal, and more.
- Build Toolkit: In October we hosted a workgroup meeting to update the Find Your Good campaign with rural elements, captions, and images. We'll create a plan to survey rural youth for input.
- Change Policy: Our goal this year is to connect rural youth groups and coalitions to legislators during Rural Network meetings. November - February we'll focus on gathering youth volunteers, training on policy, and preparing for legislative meet and greets.
- Offer Training: Thank you for attending the Rural Conference! Access materials and slideshow PDF's at the website hub. You may also access the evaluation from this page.
- Offer Training: We will host a virtual Youth Advocacy Training statewide again on December 7 and December 8. This event is coordinated in partnership with Teens for Tomorrow and Prevention Voices. Stay tuned for more information. Click here to register online for Day 1 and here to register for Day 2.
- Promote Equity: The Steering Committee has been reviewing assessment information and analyzing the network through an equity lens, creating goals for improvement and reducing barriers for participation. They submit an Equity Plan to funders in September.
Southwest Region Events
CCPH Healthy Youth Survey Training
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Virtual 1 hour training (by invitation).
How to talk about HYS data, information about reliability, trustworthiness, and how to be effective advocates of the tool.
Coalition Coordinators Meeting
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
9:30 -11:00 a.m.
Online conference call by invitation.
For southwest region coalition coordinators.
December 7 & 8, 2022
5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: ESD 112 Conference Center, 2500 NE 65th Ave, Vancouver, WA
Learn skills related to using your voice, policy change, and being effective youth advocates.
Thursday, December 15, 2022
2:00 -3:00 p.m.
Online conference call by invitation.
For southwest regional network members.
CCPH Qualitative Data Training
March 14, 2023
9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Location: ESD 112 Conference Center, 2500 NE 65th Ave, Vancouver, WA
Six hour training, receive tools and procedures for qualitative data gathering strategies.
April 11, 2023
Time TBD
Location: ESD 112 Conference Center, 2500 NE 65th Ave, Vancouver, WA
After several years of cancelation this event aims to return as an all-day training hosted by CADCA! This day-long event focuses on youth empowerment, advocacy, policy, and prevention basics. Likely to be a one-of-a-kind event!
Rural Network Events
Rural Toolkit Workgroup Meeting
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
1-2 p.m.
Continue work for the Find Your Good campaign rural strategy and plan.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
2-3:30 p.m.
Online conference call
For Rural Network members and stakeholders.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
1-2 p.m.
Online conference call
For Rural Network members to receive technical assistance
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
3-4:30 p.m.
Online conference call
Develop the plan, guide the implementation, evaluate the results.
All times are Pacific Standard Time (PST)
Click for full calendar of coalition and community events.
Other Training & Events
Relevant events not sponsored by Prevent Coalition:
Ethics in Prevention Foundations
(Virtually moderated 6-hour course)
Repeats monthly, visit website for next session!
No Fee, Limited Space Available
This two-week, asynchronous moderated course, adapted from the original SAMHSA Center for Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) course, explores the six principles of the Prevention Code of Ethics. The course also introduces a decision-making process to help practitioners apply this code to a variety of ethical dilemmas, and an online discussion area to facilitate discussion with other course participants. Course meets requirements for prevention specialist credentialing.
View ongoing training and events at https://pttcnetwork.org.
Cannabis Pharmacology for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners
(Self-paced course)
NEW 3-part (4.5 hour) cannabis pharmacology series from the Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Cannabis Prevention Working Group. Review updated, science-based information on cannabis to better-equip prevention professionals & coalitions to serve their communities.
Registration and training via the HealtheKnowledge.org website.
Pharmacology for Prevention Professionals
(Self-paced course)
Explore the basics of how substances impact major brain regions and the acute and chronic symptoms associated with different substances. Certificates of 1.5 hours for each of the following four courses: Basics of Pharmacology and Alcohol, Basics of Pharmacology and Opioids, Basics of Pharmacology and Psychostimulants (Cocaine & Methamphetamine), and Basics of Pharmacology and Cannabis.
CADCA National Leadership Forum: January 30 - February 2, 2023
When is CADCA's National Leadership Forum?
Forum occurs Monday, Januray 30 - Thursday, February 2, 2023
Where is Forum being held?
Forum will take place at Gaylord National in National Harbor, MD.
Who attends Forum?
Educators | Faith Leaders | Individuals in Recovery | Justice Personnel | Law Enforcement | Mental Health Consumers | Military and Military Families | Parents | Prevention Specialists | Public Health Professionals | Researchers | State and Local Coalition Leaders | Substance Use & Mental Health Professionals | Treatment Providers | Youth
Forum Offers:
- Training from top experts in the field
- Information, tools and strategies to take your prevention work to the next level
- The latest science, news and trends on substance misuse issues
- The opportunity to network with thousands of advocates passionate about prevention
- Specialized youth leadership training
Connection is the Best Prevention
Supported by the fiscal agent ESD 112, Prevent is a regional coalition formed in 2003 to increase collaboration, awareness, and reduce youth substance use in Southwest Washington. Prevent also implements initiatives for rural communities across Washington state. As a community mobilizer, the coalition creates a culture promoting healthy choices; advocates for policies and regulations that protect, empowers and nurtures youth; and facilitates positive opportunities for youth to be involved and thrive.
Email: preventcoalition@esd112.org
Website: www.PreventCoalition.org
Location: 2500 NE 65th Ave., Vancouver, WA, USA
Phone: 360-952-3457
Facebook: Facebook.com/PreventCoalition
Twitter: @supportyouthnow
Rural Toolkit Access
The Rural Toolkit can be found at www.preventcoalition.org/rural/toolkit. Access to the Rural Toolkit is password protected. The password is: ruralrocks!