Welcome Back Class of 2027
Parent and Student Edition
Mrs. Brown's Message
Please use the next few weeks to prepare yourself for the new year by reviewing the important information listed below.
Important Reminders for Returning to School
- No more than 10 absences
- More than 20 absences = NO CREDIT
- 4 Lates to school = 1 absence
- Parent meeting scheduled at 6 absences
- Credit Completion will begin immediately on Saturdays when 11 days are reached
- Chronically absent students will be invited to help create an Attendance Improvement Plan
Dress Code and More
School IDs
All Students MUST wear a lanyard with ID at all times. IDs MUST BE VISIBLE!!!
Any students not wearing their ID are subject to discipline.
- ID is your pass out of class.
- IDs will be used to check in and out of the lav.
- IDs will be used to purchase your lunch.
- Replacement IDs are $5.
Cell Phone Policy
First Week of School Schedule
- September 4: Half Day Schedule
- September 5: "A-Day" Schedule
- September 6: B-Day Schedule. Policy Assembly second bell.
Bell Schedule & Charger Time Expectations
10:18-10:21… Principal/Activity Announcements in 3rd bell
10:21-10:40… Students purchase lunch and get to a space
10:40… Hallways checked & cleared by Mrs. McKenzie and Officer Torres
10:40-11:03… Students remain in a space or move with SMART Pass
Free and Reduced Lunch
If you need assistance with Parent Access, please contact your student's counselor.
If you have questions about the meal application, please contact Jennifer Brown at jbrown@bhprsd.org or Jenna Broadbent at jbroadbent@bhprsd.org.
Fall Sports
Boys Soccer - Sean Ortzman- Sortzman@bhprsd.org
Girls Soccer - Michaella Paradiso-mparadiso@bhprsd.org
Football - Brian Wright- Bwright@bhprsd.org
Cheerleading - Gianna Moyer- gmoyer@bhprsd.org
Field Hockey - Mollyanne Light Stevenson- mstevenson@bhprsd.org
Girls Tennis - Suzanne Nordone- snordone@bhprsd.org
Girls Volleyball -Chuck Newsom- cnewsom@bhprsd.org
Boys Cross Country - Kevin Cuneo-Kcuneo@bhprsd.org
Girls Cross Country - Jessica Monroe-Jemonroe@bhprsd.org
Necessities to participate:
Sign up on Parent Access, Updated Physical, Updated Impact Test (9,11 grade)
All information can be found on School Website under Athletics Tab.
Any questions or concerns, please call the Athletic Office. ext 6048
Take part or show your support
PE Uniforms -NEW Update
All students are required to wear the school issued Physical Education T-Shirt and black or navy shorts. Student must change into shorts and not wear a pair they wore to school.
Physical Education uniform shirts and shorts are now on sale via My School Bucks. (All uniforms purchased online will be distributed the first week of school.) Click here to purchase from My School Bucks
Students may also purchase uniform shirts the first two days of school through PE teachers. The cost of the uniform shirts and short unit is $10. (Cash or checks only)
Important Dates
- September 9 & 10: Underclassmen photos will be taken in the Aux Gym.
- September 11: 9/11 Memorial Service.
- September 17: First Day of Late Buses (W- 3:30 & T/R- 4:00)
- October 1: Half Day for Students for PSAT Testing & Back to School Night @ 6-8 PM.
- October 4: School Closed for Rosh Hashanah
- October 14: School closed for Indigenous Peoples Day
- October 15 & 16: Underclassmen Re-Takes in the Auditorium.
- October 25: Homecoming Game
- October 26: Homecoming Dance
Meet Our Officers
Stay Connect and Update to Date
Students: Stay Connected to the Class of 2027
- Text the message @tcreek2027 to 81010 to join our class REMIND.
- Join the Class of 2027 Google Classroom. Classroom Code: 5szfdnw
- Follow us on Instgram: timbercreek2027
Parents: Stay Connected to the Class of TC, the Class of 2027 and the Home and School Council.
- Timber Creek High School Remind: Text the message @h8eaag8 to 81010 to join.
- Class of 2027 Remind: Text the message @tcreek2027 to 81010 to join.
- Follow us on Instgram: timbercreek2027
Timber Creek Regional High School
Email: jbrown@bhprsd.org
Website: https://www.bhprsd.org/Domain/10
Location: 501 Jarvis Road, Erial, Sicklerville, NJ, USA
Phone: 865-232-9703